The Tower Journey: Part Nine by neonick19881988
Day Care, Now With Added Evil
Spluttering, Toggerneo pulled himself from the Rainbow
Pool and glared at the Money Tree.
"You sneezed on purpose, didn't you?"
The Tree grinned.
"I thought you'd prefer a new colour to that
awful Rainbow. Too bright, blech. Although your new look isn't much better."
Toggerneo looked down at his glistening fur,
which was now gold.
"Oooh, sparkly."
"Too bright."
Toggerneo glared up at the Tree.
"Well, it IS!" the talking tree exclaimed.
"Thanks. Listen, did you see where Little Timmy
"Of course I did. I'm not an idiot Faerie."
There was a whooshing noise, and then a small
Faerie Cake splattered over the Money Tree's trunk. He yelled in shock while
the Gelert rolled his eyes.
"Stupid Faeries," he said before staring at the
tiny Gelert beneath him. "I saw him go in the direction of the Day Care Centre.
I believe that is where his mother works. I'm no Brain Tree, but I do know a
heck of a lot about Neopia Central."
"Thanks. Can you tell me which way to go?"
"Ah well."
After a lot of trailing around the vast city
Toggerneo finally found the small Day Care tucked in behind the Neolodge. A
large window out front let him see dozens of Baby pets crawling around a playpen
while an adult Tuskaninny stood in the centre, drinking a cup of coffee. This
Tuskaninny looked very similar to Little Timmy, and out of one of her pockets
poked the Hannah Action Figure.
Toggerneo opened the door and walked inside,
making all the babies look up. It was creepy, the way they watched him cross
the room in complete silence, but the Tuskaninny seemed to find it a good thing.
"Wow!" she said. "They're so quiet! How did you
do it?"
"I, uhh… it's just a skill I have. Practice from
when my baby brother."
"Well, you're hired."
"Hired?" Toggerneo was confused.
"You were here for the care job, right?"
"Uhh… yeah, right."
"Good! The first thing I want you to do is make
me some coffee." She smiled. "OK?"
Toggerneo nodded, and she pointed to a small
wooden door. He stepped towards it, but as he started to walk through the babies
burst into tears simultaneously. The Tuskaninny grabbed Toggerneo and dragged
him back into the centre of the room.
"I guess you can't go. Stay here, uhh, just stand
still." She grinned her thanks and hurried into the kitchen, leaving him to
be stared at by the hundreds of baby eyes.
"Hello." He smiled and waved at the nearest baby,
who just continued to stare at him. "I'm Toggerneo, I guess I'm working here
now." More stares, no noise. "Wow, tough crowd. So, did you hear the one about
the Skeith and the Dragonack?"
"They're babies," whispered the Tuskaninny, who
had somehow snuck back into the room without him noticing. "Hey, can you take
this toy off my hands? My son had it, but I don't want him playing with such
dangerous toys. I heard through a friend who heard from a half-sister that a
police-Gelert said this has a defect. As soon as I saw my son playing with it
I had to remove it." And with a smile she handed over the Action Figure, which
Toggerneo hastily stuffed it into his bag.
"OK, thanks! Wow, that was really convenient."
"Thanks? It's junk, throw it away."
"Whatever you say."
"Now, I've got to go and buy some stuff from
the Market. Paint supplies, coffee beans, ear plugs… although I have to say
they've been silent since you came in. I think you've got a full time job here.
See you soon!" She smiled as she walked out the door, leaving Toggerneo in charge
of dozens of babies. Not the best idea in the world, in his opinion.
"Well, uhh, this has been lovely, but I got what
I came for…" He grinned at the babies and took one step towards the door. When
they all burst into tears he leapt back into the middle and sighed.
"I have to go sometime, you know. Hey…"
He had noticed one toy lying discarded at the
edge of the playpen in front of him, a squeeze toy. A Kiko Squeeze Toy. And
it glittered.
"An Enchanted Kiko Squeeze Toy. That's on my
list!" He smiled at the babies and walked across to the pen, making sure they
could all see he was still there. He reached over and grabbed the toy-
But another hand had a hold on the toy. The baby
this hand belonged to was glaring at the Golden Gelert angrily. Something was
familiar about the baby, but Toggerneo couldn't remember from where.
"Now, now, I need this," he said, tugging the
toy towards him. The baby tugged back, and Toggerneo felt himself be pulled
into the pen. The baby giggled, making the golden pet scowl before pulling with
all his might.
The baby came up with the toy, and Toggerneo
saw the ray gun in his other hand.
"Ah. Boochi."
The pet giggled and brought the machine around
so that it was pointing a Toggerneo. To keep it steady Boochi had to let go
of the toy, and the Gelert quickly stuffed it into his bag while Boochi fell
to the floor.
"Now, Boochi, that wouldn't be nice, would it?"
the gold Pet asked, seeing the gun aimed at him again. The baby smiled and pulled
the trigger.
Toggerneo only just managed to leap out of the
way, sailing backwards into a weak wooden door. He crashed through and hit his
head on the kitchen sink, tumbling to the floor while the babies started to
The Gelert climbed to his feet and looked around
desperately for an escape route as Boochi crawled through the door. The window
was too small, and the only door was blocked by the mad baby, who leapt with
a strange agility onto the counter. From there he could aim better, and Toggerneo
"You aren't a nice evil baby, are you?"
Boochi shook his head as he advanced slowly,
and Toggerneo spun on his heel and started routing through the cupboard behind.
Nappies, coffee mugs, art supplies- he grabbed the first thing that came to
hand and spun to face the baby.
The small paintbrush he had pulled from the Arts
and Crafts box took the blast, morphing into a Baby Paint Brush quickly. Toggerneo
gulped and let it fall to the ground. He had no more protection, and Boochi
was pulling the trigger-
As a last-ditch attempt the Gelert swung his
paw out and whacked Boochi, and was surprised to see the evil creature tumble
into the sink, down the drain-hole. There was a gurgling noise and then three
loud pops, before the sink exploded, the U-bend spiralling out of the door while
Boochi shot out of the tiny window. Water started to pour into the kitchen,
so Toggerneo snatched the Baby Paint Brush off the floor, stuffed it into his
bag and sprinted from the room.
As soon as he entered the Day Care the babies
stopped crying and stared at the Golden pet with interest, while he stared at
the U-bend that had embedded itself in the door. Seeing as it had dealt great
justice on Boochi, Toggerneo thought quickly, it must be a U-Bend of Great Justice.
It made sense. Very convenient sense.
He pulled it from the door and stuffed it into
his bag as water started to flow out of the kitchen, and then leapt through
the shattered frame onto the street.
"What the-"
When the Tuskaninny arrived back at her Day Care
she was confronted by a flooded building, the many babies splashing about, laughing
and playing. The kitchen was devastated, the door gone…
"That's not happened before."
Toggerneo smiled as he walked up to the small
cloud, lying on the ground. He was just outside the city, and this was his transport
to Faerieland.
One paw stepped on, and then the other, and it
shot into the air. Toggerneo lurched slightly and then went back to his thoughts.
He had travelled the entire planet, met many interesting people, been painted
several times, and overall it had worked out. He had found all the items, and
expected at least a party when he got back. Maybe two. Presents, cake, music,
cake… maybe cake… cake…
He was still licking his lips when he pushed
the door open and strolled into the Hidden Tower.
"I'm back!"
Toggerneo smiled as he walked through the heavy
Hidden Tower door, and was greeted by a round of cheers.
"Is the best I get after all my adventures a
bunch of three-letter words?" he asked, still grinning.
Fyora suddenly appeared from the Stock Room,
grinning broadly but with anger in her eyes.
"You did it! And all you did was destroy a lot
of property, steal, lie…"
"I'll pay for all the repairs, but it's gonna
come out of your wages!"
"So I'll be paying, then-"
"And why are you gold? You know I hate that colour!"
"I quite like it-"
The Faerie flicked her hand and Toggerneo suddenly
felt his fur shiver. He was red again.
"Great, just great."
"Get back to work!" She tutted, and walked past
him to the door. Once she had switched the sign over to say "Open" again, she
turned and looked at the depressed Gelert.
"And Toggerneo?"
"Thanks." She smiled, and walked past the frowning
"I get eaten by jelly, attacked by maniacs, fall
from the sky, get covered in snot, work on Dung Fields… and all I get is thanks?"
He was smiling too, though, as he walked towards the first customers that had
come through the door.
"Oh, wait," called Fyora. Toggerneo turned and
"We recently changed our stock, retired a few
things, created a few more. Can you go out and pick up a few things for me?"
"No way!" Toggerneo exclaimed.
"Can't blame me for trying."
The End
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I would like to thank you for reading this series, and to
tell you that I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it. Although
Toggerneo kept pestering me to change each 'scream' to 'roared heroically,'
which was kinda annoying, I had a lot of fun.