The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Runaway Raindorf - Part Five by playmobil_is_my_life
The next morning came much sooner than I thought it would.
The weather wasn't so bad… of course it was cold, but we'd been through colder
here. Thankfully, it was warm enough that Charlie could ride on my head instead
of staying in Damien's pocket. We would need all of us to keep our eyes peeled
to search for Comet among the other Raindorf.
Before we left, the four of us paid a visit
to Sabra. The striped Cybunny was worried. Comet had been on his own for four
days now.
"Oh, I hope he's all right…" Sabra moaned; her
eyes filled with concern. Her sister appeared in the doorway as well.
"Please find him soon," Kara called, waving
a yellow paw and the Wocky added, "and be careful."
Luna and Damien waved as they climbed onto my
back. With a few steps to gain speed, we flew into the sky and above all of
the little houses on Blizzard Lane. I headed north: straight for Terror Mountain
and the wave of pine trees that covered it. I had a feeling that Comet was smart
enough to take shelter in the mountain from the blizzard two nights ago.
We soared over the tops of tall, dark green
pine trees before landing on a small hill to check the brochure. It had a map
of Terror Mountain, all labeled and what not. Just as my paws hit the snow,
Luna slid off and unfolded the brochure from her Faerie Back Pack.
"Oh, good. There's a clearing here that the
wild Raindorf must like to play in."
"How far is it?" Damien asked, zipping up his
green jacket a little further.
"Close," Luna replied, following the path to
it with her shadow-colored paw. "Just up this hill, we should be able to see
"Great!" I remarked, "let's go."
Luna was right. At the top of the small hill
was a long flat clearing, covered with snow. There were no trees at all and
everything was still. The Raindorf, standing in a cluster, were sniffing at
the snow and digging with their front paws. Clumps of snow were flying into
the air as other Raindorf scampered about, trying to avoid being hit or chased.
"Shh," said Luna, "don't frighten them."
We inched closer, but they were too involved
in their jovial game to notice us. Four pairs of eyes skimmed over each one
of them, but there was no trace of a Raindorf wearing a blue collar.
"Let's keep searching," suggested Damien and
he and Luna hoisted themselves onto my back again.
It seemed as though we spent the whole morning
and part of the afternoon doing this. Find a few Raindorf, land to get a better
look, then fly off again. My wings and legs were getting tired, and numb from
the cold.
Terror Mountain perked me up a bit. It was a
very cool thing to see-and for once in my life, it made me feel tiny standing
next to it. Getting to the mountain only led to searching up and down it, but
that wasn't so bad. It was a steely gray color, with snow and ice at the edges
and on the peak.
We ended up resting on a cliff after searching
half of its twisty paths.
Luna nudged me, (what seemed like only ten minutes
later) and said, "Come on, let's keep searching."
"Right," I mumbled, forcing myself to get up.
As much as I wanted to stay there and take a nap, I knew we had to find Comet:
and before nightfall would be good. Damien stood up and brushed the flakes of
snow off his coat. Charlie curled up in the collar of Damien's jacket and stayed
there all the way down the mountain.
Just a little ways from the base of Terror Mountain
was a very long and flat clearing that stretched for what seemed like a mile.
It was all around us too, so there was no way we could walk around.
"Wow, check this out," I said as Luna, Damien
and Charlie caught up, "it's a long patch of ice."
"I'll race you across," Damien said to Luna,
and she grinned.
"Sure! Let's go!"
The two of them began sprinting down the ice,
slipping and sliding all over the place. Both ended up laughing and I couldn't
help but smile. It was nice to see them having fun, since we had been serious
all day. They were acting like a couple of kids, throwing snowballs and sliding
all over the place. It was easier to fly now too, since I had no one to carry.
Luna took a running start and rocketed across
the ice on her stomach. She slid several more yards and laughed. Damien's boots
kept him on his feet pretty well, so he was able to run faster.
"Damien, wait up!" Luna called and the royal
Aisha turned back and said,
"Come on, you're slower than a Slorg!"
"All right, enough fun for the day," I called,
from high above Luna and Damien. "Let's go."
"We're coming, we're coming." Luna stood up
and took a few steps, but found herself looking down on the ground. She was
staring at a shadow Yurble-her reflection. "Hey!" she exclaimed, bending over
to wipe the fresh snow off the ice, "look, we're standing on a lake."
"I didn't know Terror Mountain had a lake,"
Damien remarked, peering through the hazy ice. "This must have been frozen over
for some time. I don't think it ever defrosted…"
"Probably not," said Charlie, climbing down
from Damien's collar and pressed his face up against the ice, "Even in the summer
Terror Mountain doesn't get warm enough for the ice to thaw."
"I guess not. I just can't see how Neopets would
want to live in a world that's cold all of the time."
"Me either," I said, soaring in circles above
them. "Come on, it's freezing and we still need to find Comet. I see some Raindorf
up ahead."
Damien took Charlie and he and Luna crossed
the lake.
Back at the Snowy Inn, a green Kacheek wandered
in, clutching a small, crumpled piece of paper in his hand. His eyes nervously
scanned the area, looking for the two Neopets who visited him two days ago.
A red Lupe was sitting at the front desk.
The Kacheek cleared his throat and started over
towards the desk. He had to stand on his tiptoes to just barely see over the
top. He cleared his throat again, hoping that the Lupe would hear. Unfortunately,
the red Lupe didn't look up.
"Uhh," Teagen began. "Excuse me?"
The Lupe, Terrak, looked down, fixing his eyes
on the Kacheek. "Can I help you?"
He said slowly, "My name's Teagen. I need to
speak with M-Marlo or Luna."
Terrak's eyebrows knitted together in confusion,
"and how am I supposed to know who they are?"
"Well, uhh, they're detectives. I have something
for them… something they'd like to see."
"The ones searching for the Raindorf?" Teagen's
head moved up and down slowly, "I believe they left a little over an hour ago,"
Terrak informed him. He leaned a little closer to the Kacheek and asked, "Would
you like me to see that it gets to them?"
Teagen stood, transfixed by that mean-looking
smile. "No, th-thank you. I'll just make sure it gets to them later."
Taking the paper with him, and trembling from
head to toe, Teagen exited the Snowy Inn.
The four of us stood absolutely still, watching
a group of Raindorf in a nearby clearing. It must have been the eighth group
of Raindorf we had spotted. Again, we were hidden behind a small hill, four
pairs of eyes searching for a blue collar.
The Raindorf were completely oblivious to the
fact that we were hiding just a few yards away. They pranced around, kicking
up snow with their hooves and sniffing the air. These petpets were very playful
and loved to move together. My eyes were pretty good, but with more than fifty
Raindorf, one in particular was hard to spot. But, then:
"Look!" Charlie whispered, "in the center!"
Sure enough, in the center of the circle, licking
his back leg was: Comet! Around his neck was a slightly frayed blue collar,
and the gold tag glimmered under the sun.
"Let's get him," I said. "Spread out."
Damien and Charlie went to the left and Luna
to the right. On three, we were to spring forward and race towards the center
of the Raindorf.
Comet's docile… I thought to myself,
He should come running right up to us. Luna held up three fingers. When
the last one was down she pointed at the group and we charged through the Raindorf,
sending them skittering this way and that. Comet yelped and ran with the others,
but Damien and I herded him to the right. He took off at a grueling pace, dashing
across the snow and almost out of sight.
"There he goes!" I pointed with a white paw,
"come on!"
Luna, Damien and Charlie climbed onto my back
and I soared low to the ground so we could find Comet. He was seen trotting
alongside a cluster of pine trees and then all of a sudden he disappeared.
"Where'd he go?" I asked loud, to be heard over
the wind.
"In that cave!" Damien pointed to my right.
I swooped downwards in front of a wide entrance and the three on my back jumped
"Comet's trying to hide," said Charlie. "Let's
follow him."
I removed the pea Chia from atop my head and
asked, "Excuse me?"
"But we don't know where it leads," protested
Luna, ignoring my unwillingness. "It could be dangerous!"
"Well, we're about to find out," Damien said,
beckoning us forward. Without turning back the four of us started into the cave,
wondering where on Neopia it could lead…
To be continued...