What to Do and Not Do in Eliv Thade's Castle by tigerfanatic33
HAUNTED WOODS - A long time ago, the Castle of Eliv Thade was a beautiful and
happy place.
Everyone got along and worked in peace and harmony to serve their king, Eliv
Eliv Thade had a special talent; he was exceptionally good at riddles.
Every riddle that he was given he could solve almost instantly, Anagrams were
his favourite type of riddles.
Eliv Thade’s servants delighted in giving a riddle to solve, whether it is
an anagram or something more difficult, each time he was able to solve it.
Then one day, one of his servants gave him a riddle that he could not solve.
The servant pestered him everyday, “Got the answer yet?” he would ask.
Eventually the tormented Kacheek descended into madness, the Castle fell into
disrepair. His servants left, fearing for their own safety, and a few years
later Eliv Thade dropped off his mortal coil.
However, his spirit still walks the corridors of his Castle, tormenting the
poor pets that are foolish enough to enter the Castle of Eliv Thade.
But there are still some questions that are left answered, such as what exactly
the riddle was and what you should do should you find yourself in Eliv Thade’s
The riddle is obvious so I’m sure you will work that out for yourself, but
as to what you should do if you accidentally stumble into the mad Kacheek’s
castle is not as obvious, so read on, brave reader, and you will find the Top
Five Things You Should Do and Not Do if You Find Yourself Trapped in Eliv Thade’s
Here are the top 10 things you should not do:
5. Panic
Don’t panic, there’s no reason to; after all, you’re only stuck in a Castle
with a mad Kacheek that will take great delight in throwing you in the basement.
Why panic?
4. Yell and Scream
Eliv Thade doesn’t like yelling or loud noises, so keep your voice down. However,
he is very hard of hearing, so if he decided to ask you a riddle and you know
the answer, chances are you will have to yell so he hears you, then because
you made too much noise he will most probably throw you in the Basement. The
perfect example of a ‘lose, lose’ situation.
3. Run
If there is one think this mad Kacheek hates it’s people running in his house.
Running causes accidents and you may knock over his bookcases, or break one
of his priced vases. If you do knock over one his book cases or break one of
his vases then I suggest you run because he will throw you in the basement anyway.
2. Try to Enter the Crypt
He doesn’t like people entering the Crypt so avoid that room altogether, instead
walk (and I mean WALK, DO NOT RUN) in the other direction as far away from the
crypt as possible.
1. Try to Escape
He’s been lonely for millions of years, do you really think he will want you
to escape?
Of course not, once you’re in his castle, you stay there. It’ll be fun, a mad
Kacheek for company and Vernax webs for food, what’s not to like about living
in Thade’s Castle?
Well, now that you know what you shouldn’t do, this is what you should do:
5. Panic
You are locked in a Castle with a mad Kacheek, panic as much as you can. It’ll
help you think, well it won’t, but that’s not the point.
4. Yell and Scream
Eliv Thade doesn’t like loud noises, so make as much noise as possible to try
and scare him off. If you have a ‘Trumpet of Deafening’ handy, give it a blow
and see how much you can torment that tormenting Kacheek.
3. Run
If you are being chased by a mad Kacheek, you don’t walk, you run as fast as
you can. Try to get away; he’s quite slow in his old age so it shouldn’t be
that hard to get away from him.
2. Try to Enter the Crypt
Collect the magical artefacts used to get rid of Thade, such as the Amulet
of Thilg, Sword of Skardsen, Shield of Pion Troect and the Grimoire of Thade,
then go to the Crpyt, go directly to the Crypt, do not pass Eliv Thade and do
not get thrown in the basement.
1. Try to Escape
It may be hard, but it’s worth it, unless you want a mad Kacheek for company
and webs of Vernax for food. There are many ways to escape, such as entering
the Crypt, breaking down the door, getting thrown in the basement and leaving
through the secret exit, asking Eliv Thade nicely to let you go and even by
tapping your heels together three times while saying “There’s no place like
the Snowager’s cave.”
Although that last way has resulted in many being… erm… eaten… and as much
I would like to right a guide on how to escape from the Snowager's cave, I’m
still trying to find how to escape from there myself.
Basically if you want to get out of Thade’s castle, it's up to you; if you
want to stay there and keep the poor Kacheek company, then go for it. I’m sure
no one will stop you. The basement isn’t that bad, it’s full of cool looking
shiny things and rare items. And when you think about the alternative to being
in the castle, being out of the castle… with all those creepy baby and faerie
pets, it’s not that bad.
You never know, if you stay in the Castle long enough you may get a nice looking
trophy out of it.
So now, brave reader, you know how to get out of Thade’s castle. And you also
know how to stay in Thade’s castle.
So are you brave enough to enter the Castle of Eliv Thade? Or should that question
be 'Are you crazy enough to enter the Castle of Eliv Thade?'
Doog Kcul!