Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 183,842,220 Issue: 475 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y12
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A Very Merry Day of Giving

by mecha_fang


The morning sun of Meridell shone brightly on this cold, snowy day in the Month of Celebrating. As it rose, it illuminated a rather modest cottage, its roof blanketed with snow. On the second floor of this cottage, a White Lupe knight named Hunter woke up to the sight of the rising sun. As he got out of bed, he thought to himself how lucky he is to live here, and his mind rifted to other thoughts of the Day of Giving. It wasn't long before he realized something important, and a look of shock crossed his face!

     "I almost forgot it's the Eve of Giving!" he shouted, and he slipped on his armor, grabbed his sword, and went to see if his friends were awake.


     In a room with the windows boarded shut and the door shut tight, a Shadow Hissi slumbered.

     "Why yes, King Kelpbeard, I would quite like a cup of Borovan, thank you very much... No, I'm not planning to conqueAAAARGH!" A single beam of sunlight slipped through a crack in his sarcophagus and hit his eyelids, awakening this lover of darkness.

     "Stupid sun, always shining so bright in this blasted land... I wish I had never left Qasala..." Fang slipped on his dark cloak and wandered to the main hall in a VERY foul mood.


     In the basement, a young Camouflage Scorchio wasn't having the best night's sleep in his steam-powered hammock by the furnace. He was tossing and turning in his sleep, apparently having a terrifying nightmare!

     "The Feepits... They've taken over Neopia! I knew this day would come! AND NOW THEY'RE AFTER ME! YAAAAAH!" Vulcan woke with a start, glancing around the basement. He let out a shrill scream when he saw what appeared to be a Feepit in his room... But it was merely a small machine he had invented.

     "Phew. Man, if the Feepits ever do try to take over, I'll be ready for ‘em. Heh." The young Moltaran slipped on his jacket, pants, and boots, adjusted his goggles. He then grabbed his wrench and brandished it, as if he was fighting off countless evil Feepits! Then he walked up the basement stairs, humming a triumphant tune.


     In a room that was rather similar to a mine, an extremely tall and powerful-looking Brown Grarrl could be seen sleeping. His snoring was so loud, the entire room was rattling. However, when the rock he had placed above his bed shook too much... BONK!

     "HUH, WHA, RARGH?!" The Grarrl looked around, rubbing his head, but was comforted to see that his makeshift "alarm clock" had worked. However, he had a much more pressing concern at the moment...

     "Hmmm... I'm HUNGRY!" Tyranno stomped into his boots, donning his usual armor and clothing, and put on his favorite hat. He strapped his gigantic tomahawk to his back and stomped out of the "door" to his room and went straight to the main hall, ready for some food.


     In the next room, the floor was a little deeper so as to accommodate the water contained within it. A strong Electric Jetsam was in a deep sleep. As the sunlight glinted in from the sun-ceiling overhead, he started to stir, looking up at the sky. Still donning the same ragged cloth shorts and Maractite chestplate he had worn ever since his native kingdom of Maraqua was destroyed by Pirates so many years ago, Zarkos stepped out of the water and looked towards the skylight.

     "It seems unusually bright for the Month of Celebrating..." He pondered, walking swiftly to the main hall, clutching his weapon of choice, an anchor-spear.


     In the last room, a Striped Xweetok with long pink hair was dreaming of her homeland of Shenkuu. She remembered the spectral mist that draped the mountains, the winds that marked the changing seasons, and the raging rapids that she surfed on. She slowly awoke, and looked out the moon-shaped window of the attic she had made her sanctum at the white snow covering Meridell.

     "It's lovely, but I really do miss my friends in Shenkuu... But I have friends here who I have fought alongside in many battles..." She sighed, and after she had changed from her pajamas to her coat, pants, and sash, and, after braiding her hair into an elegant ponytail, gently walked down the stairs, her war fan at her side.


     "Where is everyone, where is everyone?!" Hunter was rapidly pacing back and forth, and by the time his friends saw him, he had almost worn a hole in the floor!

     "Hunter, are you alright?" Miraja asked, as she walked up to her closest friend.

     Hunter shook his head. "Alright? No, I'm not alright! It's the Day of Giving and we haven't bought presents, or food! Not even a single cup of Borovan!"

     At this, Fang's eyes twitched as he slithered towards Hunter, an angry look apparent under his hood. "NO BOROVAN?! THE DAY OF GIVING IS RUINED! Even though I never even liked the holiday, anyway..."

     Vulcan, however, wasn't so willing to give up. "Guys! Why don't we just go to the Marketplace in Neopia Central? They have EVERYTHING there!" Tyranno nodded dimly, Zarkos took notice despite his usual aloofness, Miraja grinned, Hunter stopped panicking, and Fang... Well...

     "You mean I can still get Borovan?!" Vulcan nodded, as Fang grinned menacingly and laughed evilly, much to the confusion of the others.

     "I... still haven't got over my days in the ruins of Qasala."


     A few hours later, our five heroes (and one Hissi who could loosely fit the term "hero") had arrived in Neopia Central. Hunter looked at the position of the sun, and his eyes widened.

     "We only have seven hours to collect presents and food. Now, we can all either split up, or stay-" Before Hunter could finish his statement, he was interrupted by Fang.

     "No thanks, I'll be getting my Borovan now!" Fang slithered off towards the scent of his favorite beverage like a Zoomik, leaving the others to collect the decorations.

     Hunter was looking for something Mirage had been hoping to get for a while: an Enchanted Hairbrush. It took her a very long time to braid her hair because it kept getting tangled whenever they were fighting the Meerca Brothers or the Pant Devil, and he could never find one. However, it appeared that lady luck was on his side when he saw one proudly displayed in the front window of a rather large store filled with grooming items. As he fought hard to endure the not-so-sweet scent of a hundred perfume samples lingering in the air, he made his way up to the shopkeeper, a rather surly looking Yellow Chia with a cheap mustache.

     "Oh, great..." Like all Lupes, Hunter did not get along very well with Chias. However, his thoughts were interrupted by a particularly loud cough, provided by the Chia at the register.

     "What is it you want, silly Lupe?" he stated, with a ridiculous accent Hunter could tell was faked.

     "I want to know how much that Enchanted Hairbrush you have in the window is." Hunter pointed to the hairbrush, an annoyed look on his face.

     "It is not for sale, you brainless fool! I sneeze in your general direction!"

     The Chia puffed his chest out in indignation, glowering at Hunter!

     "What do you mean it's not for sale?! This is a shop!" Hunter gave him an incredulous look, both for the insult and the seeming nonsense of not selling an item in a shop.

     "No, this is a gallery, and in a gallery, one does not sell items, we merely display them, you cave-dwelling Spardel!" The Chia gave Hunter a particularly evil glance, but then returned to his calm composure. Hunter slapped his paw to his forehead, having never heard of a gallery due to his upbringing in Brightvale. "But that's just... mad!" Hunter turned away, about to walk out of this crazy Chia's gallery. At this, the Chia's yellow skin turned red, as he yelled at Hunter!

     "GET OUT OF MY STORE, YOU IMBECILIC RUFFIAN!" The Chia then whipped out a Rod of Ultranova and began hurtling Novas at the poor Lupe, chasing him out of the stor... erm, gallery.


     Fang had gone straight for the local coffee shop, unable to wait for his Borovan. However, he too was encountering problems...

     "Excuse me, but I'd like to order a cup or two of Borovan. No, make that five. Ten. Give me all the Borovan you've got! I'll pay for it!" Fang slammed his wings on the counter, an evil grin on his face. The clerk, a somewhat timid Disco Kacheek, hesitantly answered back.

     "I-I-I'm sorry, s-s-sir. We don't have that here."

     "What?! Did you run out or something?!" Fang suddenly regained the twitch in his eye.

     "N-n-no, s-s-s-sir!" The Kacheek crouched behind the counter even more, trembling with fear.

     "Well, then," Fang grinned a wicked grin. "Where IS IT?!" he shouted at the poor Kacheek, who was sweating like a Snorkle now.

     "We d-d-d-don't serve B-B-B-Borovan here, and we n-never h-have..." The Kacheek covered his eyes, afraid to see what happened next. Fang cracked a smile. Not his usual smug smirk, not his malicious grin, but an insane smile. The twitch in his eye made him look even crazier, as he started laughing maniacally!

     "Heh... Hehehe... Heeheehee... Hahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!" Fang summoned his scythe from the shadows, and began slithering around, cackling insanely, terrifying the patrons and destroying the furniture. The Kacheek stood shivering behind the counter, and fearfully pressed the security button.

     "AHAHAHAHAHA- Uh-oh..." Fang was grabbed by the local security guards, and kicked out of the store!

     "And d-d-d-don't come back! I mean, p-p-please don't c-c-c-c-come back!" The Kacheek shyly closed the door, which then opened again to reveal the still trembling Kacheek. "Have a nice Eve of Giving!" he said through a smile which only showed fear as he shut the door again, while Fang slithered off, grumbling to himself.

     "Stupid, lousy... This never happened back in Qasala!"


     Zarkos was worried as he walked into a Petpet shop. He knew that children would fear him due to his teeth and his size, and that the older pets would glare at him angrily. However, he was doing this for a friend. He calmly walked up to the register, where a cheerful Spotted Gelert was busy feeding the Spardels.

     "Excuse me, miss...?" The Gelert jumped due to Zarkos' deep voice, and as she turned, she visibly recoiled!

     "What is... someone like you doing in a Petpet shop?"

     Zarkos stood his ground, unabashed by her reaction. "I'm searching for a gift for my friend. He's young, but he loves Petpets, especially the kinds that are most feared. What would you suggest?"

     The Gelert's expression was a nervous one, and all the younger Neopets in the store held on to their parents, staying away from the imposing Jetsam. "I... suggest... this Piraket?" Her face grew even more nervous, as Zarkos' face turned sour at the mere mention of the species of Petpet that was Scarblade's most trusted confidant. However, he restrained his anger well.

     "No, something more... like a Meepit."

     The Gelert looked around nervously, before answering in a terrified tone.

     "We don't have any Meepits, sir..." She winced, preparing for an angry onslaught of words from Zarkos. However, what she got was much less aggressive.

     "... Fine. What do you have, then?" Zarkos queried, stoic as ever.

     The Gelert was getting even more nervous. "We have... a Feepit?" She closed her eyes, fearing the Jetsam's wrath.

     "... No, that won't do... He's actually quite terrified of Feepits. " Zarkos attempted a warm smile, but with the razor-sharp teeth all Jetsams have, it still looked more menacing than kind. The Gelert didn't dare say anything until Zarkos broke the silence.

     "What is that creature?" He was pointing at a pink, big-eared creature with large eyes.

     "That's... A Gangee, sir. It's 7,500 Neopoints..."

     Zarkos handed over the precise amount of NP, and gently lifted the Gangee and positioned it on his shoulder.

     "I am... Sorry if I intimidated you. Perhaps next time, you will not judge others based on how fierce they look. After all, the sweetest Angelpuss can hide a cruel mind, while the fiercest Cobrall can be truly kind. Thank you." Zarkos left the store, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. However, the Gelert remembered the last words this Jetsam had said to her...


     Tyranno, being the tough guy that he is, strode into a shop filled with Battledome weaponry with confidence. He proudly walked up to the counter, where a small, frail Striped Poogle stood.

     "'Scuse me, but could ya direct me to the owner of this here shop?"

     The Poogle looked up at him with aged eyes.

     "I am the owner of this shop, young one."

     Tyranno raised an eyebrow, and then started laughing! "Ha ha ha! That's rich... How could a weak little Neopet like you get all of this here weaponry?"

     The Poogle's grin turned into a frown. "It is a foolish warrior indeed who believes that size is the only thing that matters in battle."

     Tyranno couldn't hold in his laughter! "AHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, that's rich!" Tyranno wiped a tear from his eye. "A li'l ol' Neopet like you couldn't do anything to defeat me!"

     The Poogle's eyes narrowed. "Do not taunt the Cobrall, young warrior, for he shall strike back with a vengeance."

     Tyranno laughed again. "WAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, what could ya possibly do to – OW!" Tyranno had just been hit on the head with a karate chop! "How did ya-?!"

     The Poogle interrupted Tyranno's question. "It is skill and experience that determine a warrior's power, not merely his strength."

     Tyranno got up, rubbing a sore spot on his head. "Yer... Yer incredible! Teach me yer techniques!"

     The Poogle master shook his head. "No, young one. You must discover your own technique. You are far too large and slow to use speed and grace as I do. I cannot train you, young Grarrl."

     Tyranno's grin faded into a frown. "Well, I guess I'll just buy somethin' from yer shop... Do ya sell anythin' made o' Maractite?"

     The Poogle Master gave Tyranno another swift karate chop on the noggin! "Of course I do, you fool!" The Poogle Master's grin returned. "Follow me."

     Tyranno followed, gazing at all the weaponry in this shop.

     "Now, who are you buying this for?" The wise Poogle retrieved a Maractite Boomerang from the wall. "A friend o' mine. He collects Maractite weapons to remind him of his home."

     The Poogle's grin widened. "Normally, I would sell this for 3,500 Neopoints. But for you... 1,250 Neopoints. Only because you learned your lesson about a warrior's true strength!" Tyranno eagerly handed over the money, and walked off. The Poogle Master bowed, and walked back in to his shop.


     Vulcan was at a crossroads. Right in front of him was a large and impressive superstore filled with seasonal food of all shapes and sizes, and to its left, a small, run-down store with a small selection. Vulcan immediately tried the larger shop. He wandered through the vast aisles, storing food that he was going to buy in his magic backpack.

     "Well, that takes care of that!" Vulcan went up to the register, where a very smug Skunk Kyrii sat.

     "Helloooooo, valued customer! How much Neopoints are you going to hand ov- I mean, pay us for our overpric- I mean, quality goods?" The Kyrii smirked.

     Vulcan checked his pockets, and noticed immediately that he only had 500 Neopoints! "Uh... 500 Neopoints?"

     The Kyrii's grin immediately turned into a frown, as he grabbed Vulcan's backpack and began pulling various items out of it!

     "HEY, THAT'S MINE!"

     The Kyrii shook his head and looked back at the indignant young Scorchio. "Sure, the backpack is yours, but I'm just taking anything that would go over what you have... Which leaves you with this gumdrop!"

     Vulcan looked at the gumdrop, and his Neopoints, and threw the gumdrop at the Kyrii! "You can keep this food, for all I care!"

     The Kyrii was stunned as Vulcan stormed out the doors. "Wow, tough customer!" the Kyrii said, as he prepared for the next person in line.

     "Lousy, lying overpricing JERKS!" Vulcan then looked towards the shabby store again. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt too much to give it a try..." He walked through the door, ringing a bell... and saw a poor Gray Kougra, who walked up to Vulcan.

     "Welcome to my shop. I know it's not much, but I'm trying to do the best I can." The Kougra had an air of kindness around her, and Vulcan couldn't help but feel sorry for her. "I have to get my goods from the Money Tree and the General Store, but I always try to get the best food I can." Vulcan saw a Grackle-Stuffed Turkey, a couple of cups of Borovan and some Candy Canes arranged around the table. "It's not much, but I'm hoping I can sell these. I need money to be able to make this shop big enough to compete with that other shop next door. They're going to run me out of business, and this shop has been owned by my family for generations." The Kougra looked down at her shoeless paws, and cried a single tear. Vulcan took her hand to help her.

     "Aw, it's okay. Here, take these Neopoints." Vulcan gave her a bag containing the 500 Neopoints.

     "But I need you to purchase something first!"

     Vulcan looked back as he walked out the door. "No.... You can keep that money. It's yours." Vulcan walked away, happy that he had done a good deed.


     In the meantime, Miraja had stumbled across a rather strange wagon in the middle of the marketplace. There were books stacked up to the ceiling, but when she looked inside, the interior appeared bigger than the wagon!

     "Ah, welcome to the travelling library, m'lady." A wise, elderly Green Nimmo gazed back at her with eyes filled with knowledge. "What are you searching for this late in the season? A gift for a friend? A tale of adventure? Ancient myths that most of Neopia has forgotten? I have them all here, in this cart."

     Miraja nodded, and calmly spoke to the Nimmo. "Well, I'm looking for a book. It's one that belonged to my friend's father, but when his father... Passed on, the book disappeared, too. He really wants it back to remember his father."

     The Nimmo nodded, and slowly but surely walked to the back of the oddly spacious cart, climbing up a ladder to the top shelf. "Perhaps it is the Journal of Sir Arthur of Brightvale you are looking for?"

     Miraja gasped with excitement, but quickly put on a façade of calmness and nodded! "Yes, that is exactly what he wanted!"

     The Nimmo put on a pair of old spectacles. "Now, about the price... 167,000 Neopoints."

     Miraja gasped again, but this time with sadness; she knew she couldn't afford it at that price. The Nimmo's expression became a sympathetic frown, which quickly changed back into a grin when he handed the book over to Miraja. The Striped Xweetok looked back with an astonished expression and started to speak. "But you said it was 167,000-"

     The Nimmo shook his head and smiled. "No, for one as kind-hearted as you, it is free. Have a joyous Day of Giving, young lady." Miraja started to walk away, but she suddenly realized she had forgotten to thank her mysterious benefactor! She turned and bowed towards where the cart was, but... "Thank... You?" Neither the wagon nor its occupant were anywhere to be found, but she thought that she heard the wind whispering in a wise old voice;

     "No, young lady. Thank you."


     At midnight that night, Vulcan woke up first, and woke up his friends.

     "THERE ARE SO MANY PRESENTS HERE!" The others all jumped out of their beds and came to see that there really WERE a lot of presents (most of which were Vulcan's), and when they all looked in the kitchen, there was a feast waiting for them at suppertime, much to Tyranno's happiness!

      "No. Way." Hunter was in awe, as Miraja handed him the present she had gotten him. "It's my father's journal! Maybe we can find him and... Thank you, Miraja. I couldn't get you a present, so... Wait a minute..." Hunter saw a present under the tree that said "To Miraja; from, Hunter." The two looked at each other in amazement, as Hunter handed over the present.

     "It's... An Enchanted Hairbrush... How did you?"

     Hunter shrugged. "I didn't get it... I don't know who did."

     Meanwhile, Zarkos was busy examining the Maractite Boomerang he'd been given, and Vulcan handed a rather small gift box to Fang.

     "Open it up, open it up!"

     Fang undid the ribbon and open the box only to find... "Coal. Yes, yes, it's funny and all, but who's responsible for this?!"

     Vulcan's new Gangee was chattering and pointing out the window at someone flying up there... A jolly Skeith in a sled, pulled by eight oversized Dofrey!

     "Merry Day of Giving! Ho ho ho!"

     Fang looked at his lump of coal once more and tossed it into the fireplace. "Bah, humbug."

The End

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