Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 183,842,220 Issue: 475 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y12
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Lukaeris Tales on Christmas - Sneak Attack

by endester

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Caution: May Bite - Christmas Special
Dude, it's that time of year again.

by beastybas


Under the Tree... Far, Far, Far Under the Tree
The Korbat inside the tree (the one that nobody ever saw, the one that made the tree come to life at all) slipped down from his little perch right inside the tree's alleged mouth and into the narrow tunnel that led into the land underneath.

by micrody


Christmas Present From TNT?
What do you think?

Idea by carrbot

by bananerr


Remembering The Advent Calendar
I was determined this time; I wasn't going to forget this year.

by ilovemycatembers

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