Chronicles of the Council: The Hunter - Part Two by pillsi
The sun rose with fiery hues the next morning as Altador leaned up from his cot, stretching his arms high so that they brushed the rafters above, sprinkling grey specks of dust upon Altador's white fur. With his leg significantly healed, Altador jumped out of bed, throwing a rough-spin tunic over his head. "Perhaps today I will go north," Altador said, leaning out the window as a Vaeolus wanders beneath the window frame. Altador stroked the Petpet with a delicate finger, stretching his tall body out the window. The vaeolus nipped at his fingers playfully. The town bustled that morning. Belan walked alongside a bright pink Lupe, Tassay. Both appeared to be in solemn conversation as they strolled towards the center of the town towards the council's chamber; the tall building looming in the town center, cobble with wood roof shingles falling over the intricate eight-pointed sun. Altador turned from the window, snatching his bow and a shaft full of arrows that leaned against the far wall, and walked out of his hut.
"Good morning, Altador," a silver Lupe hollered across the town center as Altador approached. She wore a peasant dress stained in mud and filth. Her eyes were a beautiful icy blue, sparkling against her silver fur.
"Good morning, m'lady," Altador replied providing a dazzling smile and a curt bow. The silver Lupe sat on a small fountain with her daughter, a pale pink Lupe. The daughter ran up to Altador, tripping momentarily on the cobble walkway. Altador caught her, picking her up and throwing her in the air. She squealed in delight.
"Altador, can you tell me a story today?" the child Lupe asked, her eyes glistening with excitement. "I wanna hear about far away kingdoms and princesses studying magic in tall towers!"
Altador gave a soft laugh, then replied, "Not today young one. I'm off on an adventure."
"Where are you going to today?" "Perhaps I shall travel north. If I find some pretty flowers I'll be sure to pick them for you." The young Lupe giggled in Altador's arms. Placing her on the ground, she returned to her mother's side. Her mother stroked her blonde hair with maternal affection. Altador continued through the town center towards the bakers. Past wood houses with cloth doorways. The blacksmith hammers away at some red steal, fresh from the fire pit. His eyes are swollen and red with exhaustion. As Altador approached the bakers, fresh breads filled Altador's nose. He inhaled and then exhaled, saddened to let such a tasteful aroma leave his nose. Altador walked into the Bakery's kitchen, a simple clay roofed overhang with a massive fire pit in the center. "Altador," Therend said surprised by his friend's visit. "I did not expect to see you today?" Therend is dressed in an apron, no doubt helping his father in the bakery today. Flour dusts his yellow fur. "Do you fancy an adventure beyond the Northern Mountains today?" Altador asked, leaning up against a stone beam.
"I assumed your father lectured you not to go beyond the land's border." "He only said not to go beyond the Southern Mountains. He never said anything about the Northern Mountains." A scolding voice bellowed behind Altador, "You know what your father means." Altador turned to see Engim. His paws are crossed over his pale tunic while the orange and red fur between his ears dance a fiery ritual in the light breeze. "Do I?" Altador asked with a devious grin. Engim sighed dropping his paws to his side.
Therend piped in, "Sorry, Altador, I promised my father I would help him in the bakery today." He picked up a tray of raw loaves and placed them in a cobble chest-like stove hanging over the fire pit. Smoke billowed into the open air.
"See, at least one son in this village keeps his promises to his father," Engim lectured, staring at Altador. "Father told me not to venture beyond the Southern Mountains, I am planning on venturing North." "Same thing," Therend said in a matter-of-fact tone. "No, one is the mountains to the north, another the mountains to the south, my silly friend." Engim gave Altador a hard whack on the back of the head. Laughing, Altador smiled at Engim. "You are the silly one, Altador" Engim sighed. "Just do not be seen." ***** Altador stood on top of the Northern Mountains, a cool breeze ruffling through Altador's fur. Knocking the shaft of his arrow against some low rising trees, Altador walked along the mountaintop, gazing at the gorgeous scenery below. Beyond the mountains lies a vast forest; trees in varying hues of green sparkled in the afternoon sun as a soft breeze, smelling of damp moss, sang of the oncoming autumn. In the center of the forest stood a small village with a large cobble houses. As Altador gazed at the village, he spotted small black specks moving throughout the village, creatures not much unlike Altador, yet strange nonetheless. "I need to get a closer look at this," Altador mumbled to himself, tying his long silver hair behind his ears. He climbed down the mountain, careful of the slick rocks and sharp edges along the border of the crude path. Within an hour, he is crouched in the bushes and trees on the outskirts of the city. The creatures ran frantically about. Altador felt pity for them; constantly rushing, not one hesitating to feel the warm sun on their faces. They dressed in rags, straw protruding from their hair and fur, holes and patches covering parts of their tunics. Other, larger creatures strolled among the crowd, spears in hand, chainmail, breastplates, and helmets glinting white in the sunshine. Leaning closer, Altador could see a creature with a long mane running between it's ears, down its back, forming a bushy yellow tail. The creature fascinated Altador with it's short yellow fur and alas! It walked on two feet. Altador continued to gawk as creatures carried baskets of food scraps, entering dingy huts with thatch roofing. Another creature, tiny like a new born Lupe, approached the bush Altador hide in. Slowly, Altador backed away into the shadows until a soft voice cries, "Ouch! That hurt. Oh golly I'm sorry!" The small creature appeared similar to the ones in the village. She lay on the ground, gazing up at Altador. He remained silent, terrified that this creature had addressed him. Confused as to what it was.
"I ain't never seen a Neopet like ya before," the creature said, getting to her feet and brushing dust off her skirt, revealing a fresh hole in the fabric. "What are ya?"
"Wh-what am I?" Altador asked, stammering over his words as Engim's warning echoed in his mind. Just don't be seen. "Ya what species be ya? I be a Kyrii."
"I am a Lupe, m'lady," Altador declared standing tall with his chest out. The Kyrii giggled, her blue fur twitching under the weight of dried mud and dust.
"Aw shucks, no one ever addressed me with such noble words before. Where ya from?" "Lyetia."
"Lyetia? I never heard it. Where it at? Are there more Lupes there?"
"It is just over the mountains. Yes we are an entire pack, all of us Lupes. There are only Lupes in Lyetia. I believe that no other creature is allowed to reside in the town."
"Wow, just Lupes, just like Vesack, only Kyrii, " the Kyrii gawked. Fear clenched Altador's stomach. "I'd love to see it sometime. Can ya take me there?"
Altador hesitated. Vesack, the city that the Chieftains have waged war upon these past ten years. Slowly stepping away from the Kyrii, Altador panics, worried of the trouble he may be in for talking to a Vesackian. "What's wrong?" the Kyrii asked? Her eyes are a bright yellow, much like the sun, but covered and buried in mud and a tired expression.
"N-nothing," Altador said. He hesitated once again, torn between his fear and the pity he felt for the Kyrii. After a few moments, Altador continued, "I cannot take your to Lyetia, but I can show you it." ***** Standing on top the mountain, Altador and the Kyrii gazed down at Lyetia; a brilliant spectacle as the sun rose to its zenith. The Kyrii stood with her mouth agape, her yellow eyes wide with excitement. She turned to Altador. "Your country be so peaceful!" she declared. "Our village is peaceful, however, our nation is not," Altador replied. "Our Chieftains have waged war past ten years. We are greatly burdened by the costs of war." Altador looked down at the Kyrii, curious to see if she fell for his carefully chosen words. He did not wish to tell the Kyrii that his nation was at war with the Kyrii's. "War? But I don't see no soldiers."
"They are all on the battlefront," Altador lied once more. "We are unprotected in Lyetia." The Kyrii sat silent. Altador watched as she looked down upon the town.
"Vesack be rampant with soldiers ever since the start of our war," the Kyrii mumbled. "Usually the King would pay the soldiers and release them after battle, however, he keep the soldiers for some reason and station them in my city." She gave a sad laugh. "I be calling them soldiers as if they have loyalty and duty. They be more like bandits and mercenaries. Always stealin' from people. Always shoving us around and what does our beloved King do? He sits up in his castle and gorges himself on meats and veggies while the rest of us scavenge through the left overs."
A long silence filled the cool mountain air while Altador ponders the Kyrii's words. Starring at the Kyrii, he ran a paw through his silver hair, wishing more than anything for the words that could raise his new companion's hopes again; all just to see a smile upon her muddy face. Altador was lost for words, however. He could not etch a single syllable on his tongue, nor articulate a word of comfort for his friend. Instead, Altador placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "Maybe one day, there will be a nation of peace. A land of harmony and happiness."
To be continued...