Training School Friends by sparkleeze
"Class. I'd like you to welcome Spark." A Nimmo said standing in front of the class. I made sure my hair was centered and my dress was not wrinkled too much. I wanted to make a good impression on my first day at the training school, so that I might make a friend. I stood there in silence in front of the whole room, while they looked at me. I readjusted my bow to cover my nervousness. I wondered where I would sit, not in the back though because I couldn't see very far away with my eyes. Not that anyone could see that far. I mean it's a big class I wouldn't have a problem at least making one friend. The Green Nimmo picked up her seating chart and read, "Spark, you may sit next to Criistan over there." She pointed to the front of the class all the way on the left, where an empty chair sat. Then I saw a Faerie Hissi like me, except she had pink hair with a matching bow in it and a beautiful dress. She sat so straight in her chair and her pencils were organized neatly on the side of her notebook which had notes all over the page. I made my way to my chair carefully not knocking over anything for the space was small. I sat down next to her, and I started to straighten out my hair with my fingers and took my books out. She had the same necklace as me. "Hello." I said kindly with a little too much sweetness. "So, I guess were seat mates?" It took a second for her to answer as she looked a nervous as me. "Yeah, I guess we are." She said to me with a smile and a charm. I was glad to see everyone not staring at us, so that they might not get a small picture of me fiddling with my pencils. "Spark can you see the board were your sitting?" Asked the teacher. "Yes, I'm fine." "Then let's not delay another moment. Which class will you be taking?" I sat there for a moment unsure what to say, "Defense!" where did that come from? I sat there nervous because I kind of shouted it. I wanted to hopefully make a friend on my first day. Criistan turned to me, "We're in the same class together then." I was relieved that I wasn't the only one taking this class that was a girl. I don't know very many girls that take defense because their all about level. I cleared my voice, "Yeah, I guess so." *Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding* The bell kept ringing. Everyone started to get up. The Nimmo said "Okay, you will all start your classes tomorrow. Don't forget your codestones!" She handed out a list to everyone with the name of their codestones their supposed to bring. I only had one codestone, but I saw other neopets needing more than one. I needed to bring one main codestone. Criistan slipped her books into her backpack only carrying a book and clinging it tight to her chest as she left the classroom. Her backpack strap was only hanging on her left while the other side sagged. I quickly packed my books away and left trying to mimic her backpack thing, and catch up with her. "Hey!" I shouted to her. She stopped and everyone was watching us, "Uh, walk you home?" I said trying to correct myself from the embarrassing mistake. Everyone returned to what they were doing. I wiped the sweat off my forehead from the nervousness of everyone laughing at us, then I would never make any friends. She came up to me so fast her dress was falling behind her. "Try not to shout." Criistan whispered. "I don't know where you live." I stopped and started thinking about how I didn't have an owner and I was just trying to make a friend hoping that she would know someone who might want to adopt me. I traded my very valuable necklace for a nice dress and some nice clothes so if someone were to adopt me they wouldn't think bad about me. My last owner gave me some nice things before they left me and hoped I do well on my own. "Can we go somewhere private?" I whispered "Sure we'll take a walk." She replied I started to follow her down a street that no cars went down and was silent like no one had lived here for ages. "What did you want to tell me that was so private?" She looked at me with her yellow eyes. "I don't have an owner and I don't live anywhere." I told her. She was silent, and it was very quiet for a few moments. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I.." "No matter. I guess I can walk you home now." I tried to make her forget about the whole thing and smiled so she wouldn't feel bad for me. We walked for about ten minutes then we came to a peaceful street with mansions on it! I gazed at the sight of the giant houses. "You live in one of these?!" I asked while I looked at all the perfect houses. "Yep, they're pretty big. I can roller skate in my living room!" She fixed her hair and bow. "Well, I guess this is where I leave you. See you at school tomorrow?" I asked hoping she would say yes. "Yeah, see you tomorrow! Don't forget your codestone." She turned and slowly disappeared into a house. There was a hill right up the street from her house so I figured I'd go star gazing. I flew up the steep hill and finally made it to the top. I lied down on the green grass and fell asleep shortly after. The sun was in my eyes when I woke up and I forgot it was almost time for school! I quickly grabbed my backpack and flew down the hill. I flew a ways to school and finally made it just in time. I looked in my backpack, but I forgot my codestone. Criistan was already setting up her pencils and taking out her codestones. I whispered, "Criistan..." She turned and started saying, "You forgot your codestone. It's a main right?" she said as she started taking out the codestone I needed. "Yes. Thanks" I said. She handed over the codestone. The teacher came into the room. "Ok class I'll need your codestones!" She started going around collecting the codestones. Finally she came to me, I handed over my codestone. I smiled and looked over at Criistan. "That was some hard training." I turned to Criistan and said. "Yeah, I thought I was going to lose my balance there on that one exercise!" She laughed. We came to the street with all the houses on it and perfect lawns. "So." I said "Spark, I sorry about your owner. I want you come live with me!" She exclaimed I thought about my answer then replied, "Okay, I'll come." She smiled and we both took hands and we both disappeared into the mansion. For I had now made a friend! The End.