Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 196,861,381 Issue: 947 | 29th day of Collecting, Y23
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An Alien World

by ssj3gotenks18

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Trick or Treat
Why so sad? It's Halloween! Collab with fullinventory and fpsantini3

by squin


Void and Faeries
One Brightvale neighbourhood's fancy houses are quickly becoming decrepit as they are swarmed by a horde of mysterious Meepits.

by saviorfoxowlis


Purloined Presses and Procrastination
Dedicated to my mom who cancelled Halloween over a chipped coffee mug once. I miss ya, lady.

by queen_potema


Pumpkin Carving Contest
The winners of the annual Haunted Wood's Scariest Pumpkin Carvings Contest have been chosen. Collab with fishmas and ghatna

by acara_575

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