What Keeps Us Neopians? 975-word Anniversary Tribute by horp
What Keeps Us Playing? A 975-word Anniversary Tribute Most of us, hooked from childhood. As time has progressed, friends have been lost to the external world. Yet thousands of us return; some intermittently, some every day without fail. What is it that keeps us coming back to our favourite game? This 975-word love letter explores four of the key areas which make us love Neopets so much. ------ After 20 years on the site, I have taken the time to reflect on what it is that keeps me hooked. I have spoken to friends, asking them why they keep coming back every day. The answer is different for each person, but I have taken the liberty of identifying four common themes which would frequently creep up. Without further ado, let's dive straight in: Our Pets Every single person on this site has a favourite pet. Be it a particular species, or a Neopet which they made on their very first day. The customisation options available for our pets is endless, as are the stories which our (sometimes) furry companions explore. For Summer, they may be kitted out in shiny adventure gear to show off their newly gained muscles from weeks of hard labour in the Mystery Island Training School. In Winter, the winds change and so do their outfits. Instead, we now wrap up our pets nice and warm with the thousands of wearable items available. We provide them with their own petpet to keep them company whilst we sleep, perhaps even giving their Petpet a Petpetpet if we are feeling truly thoughtful. Some of our pets are self-proclaimed bookworms, reading every single book which their master lands their paws upon, whilst their siblings may specialise in other areas, like the aforementioned Battledome, or on an endless pursuit to taste all of the gourmet specialities available in Neopia. The flexibility and customisation of our pets allow us to open our imagination to an infinite number of possibilities, each one reflecting a small facet of our own identity. The Competition For some, the boundless opportunities presented for competition keep us coming back every day. Competition is not forced upon players, but contests and high-score tables (both official and unofficial) are plentiful, allowing players to show off their skills. Trophy cabinets are a display case of accomplishments, reflecting years worth of commitments by players - each one a commemoration of the work which went into achieving such a feat. Some players choose to show off their skills via creative avenues; the poetry competition, art gallery, beauty contest and Neopian Times offer freedom across multiple disciplines where users can practice and develop their skills, whilst receiving praise from other users in the process. Others choose to collect avatars, showing they have mastered numerous elements of the website and consider themselves a Jack of all Trades. For others, it is all about the money and the extravagant display of wealth via their stamp or card collections. Some items are eye-wateringly expensive for the average player (such as high level stamps), meaning that players are able to set extremely long-term goals. The serene feeling of accomplishment when buying an item you have been saving for is an emotion which many players crave, which keeps us coming back for more. The Staff We are lucky to have a dedicated set of staff that love the website as much as we, the players, do. Some have been lucky enough to attend Comic Cons and meet our fabulous team in person and the feedback from these players has always been consistent - it is remarkable just how much enthusiasm and love these members of staff have for the website. Some staff members take the time to visit us on the neoboards, taking suggestions for future pet colours, even providing some players with the honour of having their designs used for future releases. The Editorial every fortnight covers a plethora of questions, answered with passion from the fantastic team. The Community Saving the most important for last, the sense of community which Neopets has is second to none when compared to other games. This comes not only in the form of our friends and guildmates, but also the kindness of strangers which is rampant across the Neoboards. Thinking about our guilds; guild leaders and other council members in Neopets are some of the most hard-working and dedicated people I have ever known. Hours upon hours of devotion go into creating events, layouts, competitions and celebrations which countless numbers of us enjoy within our guild walls. They do so not for a financial reward, but out of passion for making people smile. On the Neoboards, not a day goes by where I do not witness an act of kindness. There is a dedicated Faerie Quest board, where Neopians go for assistance when their Shop Wizard has been blocked. There are endless numbers of users providing support to Neopians in this situation, simply for that feel-good feeling of knowing they have done their good deed for that day, and their new friend's pet has gained a stat boost as a result. Others post their Battledome set on the Neoboards, asking for assistance from other players with how they can improve their set. Many users chime in, offering suggestions which factor in the user's pet, as well as the owner's budget. Others post on the Avatar board, seeking a pet or item lend so that they can achieve their favourite avatar. Almost all of us have borrowed from a stranger in this manner. The trust which strangers put into the community is admirable, and makes browsing the Neoboards a truly fantastic experience. Conclusion In conclusion, our dedicated fanbase keeps coming back for a myriad of reasons, of which some have been explored in this article. The spirit of Neopians is remarkable and I am proud to consider myself as an active Neopets player, existing in a wholesome and non-toxic environment. The staff continue to expand upon our world, doing so with pride, allowing users to show off their accomplishments and our pets which we work so hard for. It has been 20 years for me so far and I can't wait to see what the next 20 years of my Neopets journey has in store for me.