Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 102,975,150 Issue: 203 | 12th day of Hiding, Y7
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Neopian Neophyte

Fractions? Pfft, try taking calculus! :P

by leedom111
You Do Realize...

Begin the fight!

by glowing_banana

But there was this nice man named Adam...

by sunset_midnight

A special kind of love.

by white_draigon
No N00bs is Good N00bs

It's the latest fashion, I tell you.

by summerschilde

WARNING : Chatspeak ahead!

Also by idb

by the_space_faerie

Random Encounters

... ^_^'

by isatura

Hey, this one is cute.

by cleoannie
Anthro Antics

Lions, Tigers, and Fangirls....oh my!

by mekimoki
A New Hobby

I'll get the fire extinguisher.

by ssj4saturnduo
The Misadventures of a Pink Lenny


Drawn by articuno_neo

by immortalmina

Uni's Scorn

Aww! You are so cute!!

by jjuulliiee43
Rainy Sleepover

Okay, what was the point of that?

by linds4y
Fruity Famille

Lurking Shadow Creature?

by faeriegurl4lyfe
The Yarn- Bed Bugs

Bed bugs, Earwigs and other things that go bump in the night.

by pieieieie
Simply Sane

Mwahahaha! ... ahem.

by lament_of_solitude

Something has happened!

by scamhunter4ever
Petpet Mania

Intelligence matters. O_o

by hallonglass
A Dangerous Game of Dice-A-Roo

Find out the REAL risks of avatar-collecting!

by __brunette__shorty__

Guess what I bought!!

by crow213
Ultimate Cork Gun

Missed. Try again.

by ssjelitegirl
Aishas Pwn!

Where's my Candy Vampire...?

by chelsey2713
Comic Thing

Neohomes are getting rather hazardous...

by murderous_pikachu
The Misadventures of Konig

It's a lovely day for a kite...

Story by liger_zero3123

by beaslays


Simple pleasures, eh?

by flying_hiii

What's up with you?

by scribble
Hard-Learned Lessons

Some things have to be learned the hard way...

by o0little_tiger0o
An Involuntary Spasm

Ever wondered what a Mutant Faellie with the hiccups looked like?

by moonlit_sparkle
Chemical Reactions

No one ever said teaching Chemistry would be easy...

Written by Laurelinden

by faeriestories

Snowager Challenge #2

Snowager is so cool.

by firefree_girl
Search the Neopian Times


"Beginning of it All: Thirty Minutes Past Ten O'Clock" by humblely and hottamale0774
"My name's Mikey! I'm a baby Kougra. I want to be just like Jeran when I grow up. See, this is Jeran! Mommy said she would buy me this shirt before she said that she was sending me here so she could get a night's worth of sleep. I don't know what that means, but Mommy..."

Other Stories


Little White Muse
I went for a brisk run, took a hot bath, changed back into my clothes, cracked my knuckles, grabbed my favorite pen… and got down to work.

by really_awesome_d00d


Beginning of it All: Thirty Minutes Past Ten O'Clock
"H-h-hi. Is this, is this, the place? For the experiment," nervously stammered the green Aisha...

Also by hottamale0774

by humblely


Winning at World Challenges
A lot of people have questions about how the World Challenges work. They can seem pretty complicated, but I think they're worth mastering...

by pianoru


Trouble in Faerieland?
It has been said that the Faeries have just become complacent, while others believe that they have lost their love for Neopians. What are we to believe?

by buttafromdaghetto


Echoes||Betrayal: Part One
We stood in ranks ten deep and ten wide, the Syrokian recruits, awaiting orders from our commanders...

by freakogamer91


Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Ten
Quaz growled as Avalon stopped to take a deep breath. "You may be enjoying the scenery, but it won't distract the shadow-ghosts." Avalon moved faster after that...

by cpmtiger

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