Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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The Neopian Hospital

by hypno_hawk

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Only in Neopia...
We're always funny side up!

Story by angelkitten1314

by aokajin


Meowclops Madness
Please read the first line!

by himmelskatze


Hannah and the Pirate Boy: Curse of the Medallion - Part Three
"Young Captain Garin," Scarblade spoke menacingly. His voice was dark and unnerving...

by lldff


A New Friendship
It was a dark winter night in the Haunted Woods. The wind blew, the moon shone in the midst of night, fog surrounded all living things. Nobody was outside. That is, except for one brave Neopet...

by brycebrycebuddy2

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