Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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The Egg Wars Chronicles

by miajune

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Nerds and Neopets: Unsanitary
Kinda grody... special guest Szoobee!

by guitarsiren


2537 Sakhmet Slums
I don't see the big deal...

by l3luepheonix


Yarr Matey!
Ewww... it smells of fish!

by endlesshollow


The Price of Faith: Part Eleven
Waves parted on either side, crashing and foaming, the wind ruffling her purple gowns and silky hair. She held her staff in one hand, though it was now devoid of the Crystal that was meant to sit atop it...

by mutedsanity

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