Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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Rii n' Vix

by riimaru

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A New Friendship
It was a dark winter night in the Haunted Woods. The wind blew, the moon shone in the midst of night, fog surrounded all living things. Nobody was outside. That is, except for one brave Neopet...

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The Eyes of Imari
I have my ways of keeping others away. I possess a crystal ball forged of my darkest emotions, and with this crystal sphere I am able to extend my powers...

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The Peophin Incident: Part Five
Chaelian found himself gazing upon an incredible scene. Miles and miles of nothing but mountains rose up from the earth, all of them formed from the light brown stone commonly found in Tyrannia...

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Scratchcards and Kougras Don't Mix
Kougra owners, beware!

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