Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 177,073,977 Issue: 330 | 15th day of Awakening, Y10
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The Competition That Is For You!

by gottalovexweetok


Have you ever wanted to compete in a competition, but don't know which one to choose? Well, I was wondering the same thing just the other day. I wanted to enter something, maybe get a trophy, and I stumbled across the page. When I didn't know which one to chose, I thought about the different people and the different things that may appeal to you. If you are going through the same thing as I did, read on and soon enough you will know what competitions to do, and have a ball doing them!

Customisation Spotlight

This competition is for your pets to enter if they have a fabulous outfit on, whether it be backgrounds, clothes, dolls, etc.

This contest is for really creative people, also ones with a lot of money (how else are you going to afford the cloths for your closet?). You will be the person who loves trying on different outfits on your Neopet at the NC Mall. Changing the littlest thing on your pet to make it absolutely perfect!

Mystery Picture Competition

In this competition, they will post a cropped up picture. Somewhere in Neopia is either the whole picture, or a part of a picture. Your job is to find where this picture is and submit it.

This competition is for logic thinkers. If you love thinking and searching, this is the competition for you! You love searching thick and thin to find the answer to a simple question. You must know that your answer is right, and you won't stop until you know it is. You also have a great eye! You can see a picture and then compare it to another without needing to see the picture again! You pick out the littlest detail that nobody else would see! If you fit this description, definitely give this competition a good go!

Lenny Conundrum

This competition is answering a riddle. If you win, you get a faboo prize!

This competition is for the people who think outside the box! The riddles don't appear right before your eyes; you must find them. You love to think of impossible answers and link them to what might be the answer. You try creative things and compare them to various answers. You never think of a simple answer; it is always something creative and totally different. If you are like this, try out this competition!

Beauty Contest

This competition is just as it sounds. You draw a picture of your neopet and submit it.

This competition is for artists! You love to draw, think of new things to complete your drawings. You love to look at something, whether it be on TV, on the computer, in a book, on the floor, etc, and you love to make it your own. You change the personality of the creature by its eyes or its emotion. Total creativity is in your blood! If you fit this description, enter this competition and get your friends to vote, baby, vote!

Better Than You

This competition is where you will compete to beat a person in a fantastic game!

This contest is for people with commitment! If you love to beat people at their own game, and you never stop until you have beaten them, then this contest is for you. You love to go out there and show people that you can do it, that you aren't lazy, and that you are great!

The Neopian Times (my personal favorite!)

This is Neopets' special newspaper! Different articles, short stories, editorials, series, and comics are posted here. This is a wonderful page of creativity. Different people from all over Neopia express their creativity in so many ways.

This contest is for you if you love to write! You are nonstop writing. Different plots, different people, different settings, etc. Artists can join here; you can do the comics. This contest is for people who are totally creative, you write and write and write until all ideas from your brain run out (not literally speaking). You can write about anything neopets in this newspaper. You can tell Neopians different things they should do; write with your creativity. There are endless possibilities!

Caption Competition

This competition is where you have a picture and you come up with a caption to express what is going on in the picture.

This competition is for the comics. If you are funny and you are constantly making people laugh, this is totally for you. You are creative in knowing what people in the picture might say based on their body language. You might want to be a comedian when you grow up, there are many different things you can come up with for this picture every week!

Petpet Spotlight

This contest is for your amazing petpets! You submit a small story about your petpet describing everything there is to know about your petpet.

This contest is for you, if you're creative. Even though Neopets is not real (although some beg to differ) you can come up with the funniest and most creative things to say about your petpet. You love making something that is unreal and making it reality. Things that are totally non-real into total possibilities! This contest is totally for the people who can make dreams come true!

Neohome Spotlight

This competition is to submit your neohome and a brief description of it. You can tell anything about your neohome, why your pets love it, why you love it, why you worked so hard on it, etc.

If you love giving rooms a theme and getting different furniture, this competition is so for you! You love to add different furniture to different rooms and finding the best furniture to fit the mood and theme of your rooms. You love shopping for different paintings, furniture, accessories for your rooms. Definitely try this competition out, give it a chance.

Book Award

This competition is to see who can read the most books to their pets.

I personally believe this is the easiest, but most expensive, contest. This competition doesn't fit one type of person. This is just for people who have the time and money. This type of competition is something you can do when you have nothing else to do. Unless you want the top prize, then all you would do is shop, play games, and read.

Petpet Protection League (PPL)

This contest is where they pick a certain type of petpet and award 10 NP for each day the owner keeps the petpet. Whoever keeps their petpet for the most amount of days wins.

This contest is for people who are committed. If you must keep things, you never throw things away, this is for you. If you can't throw anything away because they all have their special message for you, totally give this a chance.

Gourmet Club

This contest is to see which pet can eat the most gourmet foods.

Another easy but expensive contest. But, if you love searching for things, this is totally for you. It isn't easy, but if you love challenges, go for it.

Gallery Spotlight

This competition is where you submit your gallery and you write a short description about it.

If you love owning things that have a specific theme, this is for you. You love owning things that follow a path, that share similarities, share a theme. You buy anything you see that follows one of those ideal items. Try it, no regrets.

Totally Awesome and Completely Random Contest

This contest is where you get a specific topic and something to do and you go and make it; the prizes are amazing!

If you are a totally random person, this is so for you! You love being random, you love being with people who are random, being random is just you! You love bringing up the more random and awesome things that nobody else would think of! This is totally for you, go check it out!

User Lookup Spotlight

This competition is for the best welcoming user lookup ever! Your lookup should explain who you are and what you are like!

If you love perfecting things, making sure that something is totally you, this competition is so for you! You love adding a bit of yourself to everything you have. Whether it be a color, an accessory, words, picture, it has to be you! You can't stand having something, or wearing something, that doesn't express a little part of you!

I hope this helped, I hope that you now know which contests to enter that express bits of your personality to make it totally you! I totally learned a lot just from writing it! Have fun with your contests and good luck in to all that you enter!

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