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Guide to Finishing a Quest for the Brain Tree

by sir_serene



The Brain Tree actually a fairly well known member of Neopia, but I recently found out that not that many people know much about him, and his quests. It is believed by many (or just me) that the Brain Tree is in fact the brainy brother of the Money Tree. I mean, how many trees out there have faces?

The Brain Tree is a resident of the Haunted Woods. You will be able to easily identify him, as he is the tree with the giant brain. He is always searching to expand his knowledge. That is what he needs your help with. You can't really expect a tree to start walking across Neopia in search of the answers to its own question, can you? No, I didn't think so. So be a kind citizen and help him out.


Battledome Challenger: You must complete one of his quests to be able to fight the Brain Tree in the Battledome.

Profit: If you watch what you are doing, and spend a real low amount of money on the quest each day, you can sell your reward for a profit.

A Shiny Trophy: The Brain Tree Quest is a game, and therefore you can earn a trophy for it.

Starting Out

First you need to make your way to the Haunted Woods and locate the Brain Tree. Offer to aid him and you will be given the goal of you quest. He will ask you when and where a certain citizen of Neopia died. He doesn't even tell you where you might find the answers. So now you must go off wandering all the lands of Neopia for the answer. Not really; if you did, nobody would complete his quests.

Finding the Answer

Actually it is the Brain Tree's next door neighbor who knows the answer to all of the Brain Tree's queries. How convenient. Stroll down the street, but don't get too close to the Esophagor, as he might accidentally take a bite out of you. The Esophagor is infamous for his bottomless pit of a stomach. He is always hungry, and his favorite food is Spooky Food. In fact, that is all he ever seems to eat.

You need to help the Esophagor out to find out the answers. He will ask you to find him a number of Spooky Foods to eat. Some of the food choices he asks for you to find him are quite expensive, such as Snorkle Snout. You will want to travel to Neopia Central and ask the Shop Wizard for help locating the foods that the Esophagor wants. It is best if you look up the prices of all the foods before you decide to buy them. This is because if one of the items is more than you want to spend on the quest, it would be a waste of Neopoints to buy the other foods.

Return to the Esophagor and give him his food, and he will tell you when the Neopian died. You may want to write it down. It will most likely be a number followed by "BN", such as "44 BN". He is really greedy and won't tell you where they died, at least not until you help him out again. How much food does he need? You will need to go back to the Shop Wizard and buy a new selection of Spooky Foods. When you return for the second time, he will tell you where the Neopian died. You now have all the information you need.

Finishing the Quest

It is now time to return to the Brain Tree. This time you are slightly more knowledgable than before. Tell the Brain Tree the correct answers and you will complete the quest. Congratulations, you get nothing. Once again I am just kidding. You will get the Brain Tree as a Battledome Challenger, a random amount of Neopoints (which is usually less than 5,000), and a random spooky item. The items you can receive are Mummy Baby, Attack Fork, Bat Pack, Brain Tree Branch, Brain Tree Knife, Brain Tree Mace, Brain Tree Splinters, Feather Tickler, Garlic Shield, Magic Branch, Pumpkin Shield, Slime Potion, Staff of Brain, Web Claw, Walking Carpet, Baby Fireball, Lucky Robots Foot, Lil Frankie, and more.

Many of these items are Battledome Weapons, but they are not always the best. Brain Tree Mace is not bad, though. Lucky Robots Foot is a one use item that heals your Neopets HP in the Battledome completely. Besides those two I do not suggest using any of the Weapons in the Battledome, and both should only be used by beginners who are looking to upgrade their weapons. If you are brand new, you could use the Slime Potion, which heals 10 HP once per battle, but I doubt you will have trouble finding a better healer.

The other rewards are all petpets. Spooky petpets at that. What better gift to give your friends on the 31st day of the Month of Collecting. Also known as a grand night for the not so good Neopians. Magic and witchery are everywhere today.


1. Go to the Haunted Woods.

2. Visit the Brain Tree and accept his quest.

3. Visit the Esophagor and accept his quest.

4. Buy food and return to the Esophagor.

5. Write down when the Neopian died.

6. Take another Esophagor quest.

7. Buy food and return to the Esophagor.

8. Write down where the Neopian died.

9. Return to the Brain Tree and tell him the answers.

10. Receive reward.

Tips For Completing Quest

1. If one or more of the foods that the Esophagor wants you to bring it costs more than 5,000 Neopoints, it is probably a good idea to abandon the quest.

2. Write down the answers after completing the Esophagor quests so you don't end up forgetting and failing the Brain Tree quest.

3. You must complete two Esophagor Quests to complete one Brain Tree quest.

4. You will have a time limit that will probably be less than 3 hours.

5. You can only attempt a Brain Tree Quest once every 24 hours, whether you fail or pass.

6. The items vary in price on the Shop Wizard.

7. If you are only completing the quest for the Battledome Challenge, then wait until you can complete the quest for around 1,000 Neopoints, because you will more than likely get it back, plus an item.

8. If you are trying to get on the High-Scores List, then don't worry about the prices of the item, as long as it isn't too ridiculous. But try not to waste all you Neopoints trying to get a trophy. Remember, there is always next month.

9. It is a good idea to check your Safety Deposit Box for food selections the Esophagor asks for.

Good Luck, and have fun helping the Brain Tree obtain its knowledge.

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