Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,607,338 Issue: 992 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y25
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Sands of an Hourglass

by nick_and_nickette


The six Neopets walked through the gates of the prosperous city of Kheru, known for its opulent buildings, famed warriors and gold-and-purple insignias.

     "Whoa!", exclaimed Asriel and his parents. All of this was impressive to the young Eyrie. He gazed around in wonder. His twin brother was amazed too, despite not showing it openly and preferring to hide his wonder behind a grumpy facade.

     "So", began the elderly Lutari. "Foreigners and big guy. I'll go lure my son out and speak to him. You, stay here."

     "Wait", said Emir as the Lutari was wandering away. "I do not trust you, thief."

     "Not the first time I've heard that, big guy."

     "I shall accompany you."

     "Whaa? Nah, big guy! I'm an adult, I can go alone-" Emir once again held him at sword-point. "Fine, sword guy."

     The Shadow Kougra then proceeded to follow the shaggy brown Lutari.

     "Where are we going, thief?"

     "You know, Emir, I have a name, too. It's Omar." Emir wasn't very amused at Omar's trifling. "What?"

     "Answer my question, thief."

     "I told you, to look for my son. He lives in one of these houses... that one", he said, pointing at a house where a Purple Usul woman was sweeping the entrance.

     She noticed the two coming, and stood still, glaring daggers at the Lutari. "Oh, it's you. What do you want now?"

     The Lutari greeted slyly, "Hello, beautiful Calah. You look well this fine afternoon."

     "Flattery will get you nowhere, Omar", she said angrily.

     "Fine. Where's Barkat? I need to speak to him", he spat.

     She opened the door behind her, and called out her husband's name. At this, the desert Lutari came outside. As he saw his father, he crossed his arms. "What do you want, dad?"

     "Ah, good afternoon to you too, son!", Omar exclaimed mockingly. "I'm here to ask a favour from you."

     "A favour?", asked Barkat, rasing an eyebrow.

     "Yeah. Ya see this fella over here?"

     "Yes, he looks decent, unlike you."

     Omar rolled his eyes, while Emir smirked. "This is serious, son."

     "I'm not that sure I believe you, Dad. You're not precisely trustworthy."

     "Fine! Emir, tell him, please."

     The Shadow Kougra looked around. "Could I come inside? I... I am not sure if telling my story out here would be safe."

     Barkat looked at his wife, then back at Emir. "Sure, come in." The Shadow Kougra came inside. Omar tried to do the same, but Barkat stopped him. "Only him. Not you."

     "Ah, come on, seriously, son?"

     Barkat sighed. He had mixed feelings about his father - he couldn't stand him, but still, he was part of the reason he was born, and did care about him. But he knew the old man wasn't good to keep around. He was trying to make changes in his life, starting a family. He didn't want his future children to have such a bad influence in their lives.

     So he simply said, holding back tears, "Goodbye, dad", and shut the door, leaving Omar outside.


     Early the next day in the Kheruvian palace...

     A Cybunny prince, along with an Usul, his older brother, were walking through the hallways...

     ", anyway, Casper, as I was telling you, I'm doing fine!" exclaimed Hani, the prince.

     Casper inquired, "Really? I remember you telling me haven't been sleeping well."

     Hani sighed, "Yes, well, there's that, but really, It's nothing."

     "Maybe... maybe it's that you need a bride, brother?", asked the Usul sneakily.

     Hani flushed scarlet. "Now you're sounding like mother, Casper."

     Casper smirked mischievously. "Now, you're not so young anymore, dear brother", he added, "And I know you do wish to marry. You just haven't found the right woman. And well, that takes time. Don't fret about it."

     Hani rolled his odd eyes at this one last statement. He then began, with an intent to change the subject, "So, uh, anyway, how is your job-"

     But he was interrupted by a guard calling him.

     "Prince Hani!"


     "Your friend Barkat is here. He wishes to speak to you."

     "Oh, well, let him in."

     "He didn't come alone."


     The Cybunny came outside, and...

     "Hello, Your Highness", greeted Barkat, slightly bowing.

     "Hello, Barkat... is that...?"

     "Sadly, yes."

     Barkat was standing beside his father, and Emir, and also...

     "Um, dad, mom, just what are we doing here?"

     ...Ethan, Anna, Asriel and Alamar. It was the grumpy Golden Xweetok who had spoken.

     "Who are those beside your father?", asked Hani.

     "It's a rather long, convoluted story, Hani", replied the Lutari. "I- no, we'd rather come in and explain it all to you and the king."

     "What does Ammar have to do with them?", asked the Cybunny.

     "Again... let me in, alright?"

     "Very well then", said the Cybunny.

     "Good! I knew you'd come to your senses, O wise prince", mocked Omar.

     "Guards, put cuffs on that man", ordered Hani to a few guards standing there, "And keep a close eye on him."

     "Dagnabbit", mumbled Omar.

     So the prince, father, son, Kougra and the family of four came inside. Hani entered his brother's throne room with Barkat, while the others waited outside.

     "Whoa!", exclaimed Ethan quietly as he gazed at the luxurious halls of the palace. "What an exquisite building!"

     "Yes, it truly is", agreed his wife. "I, however, wish we'd had come under different circumstances."

     The Acara sighed. "Yes, me too..."

     "And I'm not precisely comfortable knowing that one guy was the one who came into our room and stole from us", she said, eyeing Barkat.

     "Well, that's true, but he's trying to mend his ways, Anna", assured Ethan. "Isn't that what matters?"

     "I suppose, if people like that can change", shrugged Anna, not all that enthusiastic.

     The twin brothers, who were standing together, were also looking around.

     "Cool", exclaimed Alamar in a deadpan manner.

     "Nice to see you being excited for once on this trip", teased Asriel. His brother sighed.

     The Xweetok shrugged. "Meh, I admit, the desert is not so bad. Although I'm dying for a cold Neocola right now."

     "You may come in", said a guard to the family and the other two.

     "Oh, good", said Ethan.

     So the six Neopets came inside.

     The king was sitting on his throne, surrounded by his seven brothers. The visitors promptly bowed as a sign of respect.

     "Emir, that's your name, correct?", asked the Shadow Gelert to the Shadow Kougra. "Barkat was telling me your story. So, is it true the city of Nebu still exists?"

     The Kougra replied, "Yes, Your Majesty. Our ancestors went underground a long time ago to protect themselves from those wicked souls meaning to harm us."

     "I see. That was wise." He then drew out something from behind him. "You say this one hourglass belongs to your master?"

     "Yes, Your Majesty, it does."

     Ammar sighed, and examined the artefact intently. "This was a gift from my father... One of our servants found it buried in the sand on his way here, thought it would be pleasing to father, and since he did, he gave it to me. How it got there, however, we do not know. But, since it's so important to your master..." He rose up, approached the Kougra, and handed it to him. "Here you go."

     "Thank you, Your Majesty", said the Kougra sincerely.

     "No need", replied the Gelert. "Please assure your master we mean you no harm. In fact, we'd love to pay a visit to your city someday."

     "I will, Your Majesty." He bowed. "I must depart now, I do not wish to aggravate my master's anguish any longer."

     "I see. Farewell, then."

     So the Kougra bowed once more, and left.

     "That's it?", mumbled Alamar to his brother. "Why were we brought here, then?"

     "No... we have a reason for being here", said Asriel.

     "We do?", asked the Xweetok.

     But before he could get an answer, the Gelert king turned to the old Lutari thief.

     Glaring daggers at him, he said, "You. You know more than you're letting on."

     Omar looked at him defiantly. He scoffed, "Really, my king, what tells you that?"

     "Your repulsing insolence, for one", replied Ammar.

     "Bah, and you, so noble and virtuous, never the kind to make a mistake, your father's beloved son. Why, I wonder, your mother wasn't too keen on you taking the thro-" But he was grabbed by the neck by a furious Ammar.

     "My king!", yelled his brother, Casper as he promptly approached. "Do not let him provoke you further."

     The tall Shadow Gelert was clenching his sharp teeth at the Lutari, who, for once, was looking actually frightened.

     "Ammar...", insisted Casper.

     The Gelert sighed profusely, and let down the Lutari. "Guards", he ordered, "Take him out of my sight." So, a pair of guards seized the sleazy Omar and took him to the dungeon. Barkat looked at him as he was being taken away, feeling deeply ashamed.

     Ammar then turned to the family. "I... I apologize for that", he said.

     "It's alright, Your Majesty", said Ethan. "Might I ask, though, why are we here?"

     "Well, while Barkat was telling me Emir's story, he mentioned you had bought the artefact from... that one ignominious individual", explained Ammar.

     "Yes, I did..."

     "How much did you pay for it?"

     "Well, he had asked for twenty thousand, but I ended up giving him ten thousand and some food so that he would leave us alone", explained Ethan.

     "I see." The king snapped his fingers, and a servant gave the family a bag of Neopoints.

     "That's twenty thousand", said the king. "And as for the food, well... I shall ask one of my servants to give you something from our storehouse."

     "Oh, Your Majesty, that's alright, really", said Ethan. "No need. This is more than enough. Thank you."

     "Are you sure? I'd rather compensate for whatever harm he caused you." Ethan nodded. "Very well, then. Are you staying here for long?"

     "We're actually moving here, to this city, sire", explained the Acara.

     "Oh!", exclaimed the Gelert as he sat again on his throne. "That's wonderful. Where'd you come from, foreigner?"

     "From Virtupets Station, sire."

     "Virtupets? That's in outer space, right?", asked the monarch. "Huh, fascinating. Those who move to our wonderful city are usually from around... well, we're honoured you've chosen this place to live in. Welcome... um, pardon, but I do not know your names yet."

     "Ethan. And this is my wife, Anna, and our sons Alamar and Asriel- um... Asriel? Are you alright?"

     The young Eyrie looked uncomfortable and overwhelmed. His mother approached, and calmly reassured him, "Hey, sweetie... everything's alright. You're safe here."

     "What's wrong with him?", asked Casper, as he approached.

     "Oh, um, he suffers from anxiety, sire", explained the mother. "I suppose he's just... tired from these past few days' affairs."

     The Usul replied, "I see... but, could I examine him? I'm a medic. And... he doesn't look all too well to me."

     Anna blinked. "Sure..."

     So the medic took the young Asriel, along with his parents and brother, to his office, to tend to him.

     "I see you're calmer here", said the Usul.


     "That's good. You're safe here, young one."

     The medic examined the young Eyrie, and, whilst doing so, noticed a red birthmark on the right side of his back. "Nice birthmark", he commented.

     "Oh, th-thanks..."

     "It looks a lot like that of your brother's, except his is on his face."

     Asriel chuckled, "Oh, well, he's my twin, so, I suppose that makes sense." Casper smiled. "Well, your mother is right. You're in perfect health, just tired. You need to rest."

     "Thank you, Prince Casper."

     "My pleasure."

     As the family was leaving the palace, though...


     The Acara father turned around, and saw Casper. "Yes?"

     "Could I speak to you privately?"

     At first, the Acara hesitated, but he then ordered his family to go back to their new home and went to where the prince was.


     "Why didn’t you tell me they were adopted?"


     "Your sons, I mean."

     Ethan blinked. "Well, it didn’t seem important at the time, since they’re as ours as we’d consider any biological child. We adopted them when they were both three years old, -they’re seventeen now-, since my wife can’t conceive. Why?"

     "Just a question. But then, the birthmarks... I've only seen that kind in one particular race I once visited when I was still studying, the Pyres, distantly related to the Maraquans... how did you find them, if I might ask? You said you lived in Virtupets before coming here."

     Ethan sighed, and explained, "We were living in Kiko Lake back then... we had always wanted a child, but, like I was telling you, Anna wasn't able to bear one... and... well, we visited the local orphanage. That's where they were." Casper nodded. "Why are you asking me all this?"

     "The Pyres are known for their heightened empathic abilities. That is, they can discern and interpret the emotions of others to a greater degree than most of us can, and, while they can't read thoughts, they can easily sense when someone is lying, for instance. Now, your sons aren't full-blooded Pyres, that's for sure, but still... I can see Asriel has a degree of heightened empathy."

     "Yes, well, he's very sensitive, and dislikes being in stressful situations, as well as crowds."

     "What about Alamar?"

     "He is, too, but manages his reactions better than his brother... and also has a keen intellect."

     "I see. It's just that... Asriel was calm, but he was visibly upset when the thief spoke... I was going to ask you, could I talk to him?"

     "Why?", asked Ethan. "He's too young. I don't think he'd want to get involved in something like this-"

     "I do, Dad."

     Ethan turned around, and saw the young Eyrie behind him. "Asriel... didn't I tell you to go with your mother and brother?"

     The White Eyrie shrugged, "Yes, Dad, but I told Mom I was concerned about you and she let me come back here."

     "That easily?"

     "Dad, I'm seventeen. I'm not a kid anymore, and... I wish to help." His father sighed, and nodded. Asriel then turned to the Usul, "Tell me, Prince Casper?"

     "What upset you so much about the thief, that Omar?"

     "Aside from, as your brother the king well put it, his 'repulsing insolence', he was... afraid, about something, but I can't tell you what."

     "That's alright, young Asriel. That's good enough information for us. Thank you." The Eyrie smiled. Casper then turned to the Acara, "Sorry for the trouble, Ethan. I shall let you and your son go back to your home. Good night."

     "Good night", the other two bid.



     The muscular Shadow Kougra soldier made his way through the series of tunnels that led back to the city of Nebu. Finally, he arrived at the throne room, panting tiredly.

     A Gelert standing beside the king spoke, "Ah, finally, Emir, you are here. We were worrying about you."

     Emir bowed. "Forgive me, sire. But I had to travel far just to retrieve the hourglass."

     The Gelert spat angrily, "Your tardiness was gravely upsetting to the king! You know how bad his health is. Do you wish to-"

     The king raised a hand and said, "Hasam."

     "But, brother-"

     He insisted, "Hasam, stop it. It is alright." He then turned to the Kougra, "Thank you, Emir. Where did you find it?"

     "Well, Your Highness, it is a long story..."

     "Go ahead, tell us. We shall listen." He glared daggers at his brother so he'd keep silent. His daughter and consort were also listening.

     So Emir told them how he had found the family of foreigners who had bought the hourglass from a thief, and how that one artefact had been stolen by that one thief's son and retrieved to the king of the city of Kheru, and how the former had returned it so generously to him.

     "I see... but one question remains... how did the hourglass leave our city, if no one knows where we are?"

     "Someone from our court must've taken it", replied his consort, "As you had inferred before, my dear... but... who?"

     The other Gelert began, "I have an idea of who it might be, but..."

     "What, Hasam?"

     "I do not wish to upset you, brother."

     "You would upset me more should you not tell me, brother."

     Hasam remained silent, but looked intently at the young Brown Xweetok woman. She noticed, and angrily, she said, "Wait, what? Me?!"

     "Yes, princess, you..."

     "And what makes you think such a thing?!"

     Hasam mused, "Well, you are always daydreaming of going to the outside world... and you have access to the treasure room... and I need not remind you of your cunning wit, do I?" She swallowed nervously.

     "Zafira, dear, what happened? Tell us. We shall not punish you", assured her father. The Xweetok pouted, and crossed her arms angrily. "Zafira..."

     She sighed. "I'm just so... tired of being here, father. Why cannot we go to the outside world? Emir did, and look, he's safe."

     "Yes, sweet Zafira, but didn't you hear? There are thieves! And foreigners coming from Nuria-knows where! And-"

     The Xweetok growled, "For the love of Nuria, Dad! I'm not a child anymore. Bad people have always existed. I'm sure those who wanted to kill our ancestors are long dead. Also, what's so wrong about foreigners? I'm sure they mean no harm to our desert. In fact, it's wonderful they have come to visit us."

     Hasam mocked, "Huh, you speak as if you were in love with one of them, Princess Zafira."

     "I am not, uncle Hasam. I'm just saying we shouldn't be so narrow of mind."


     "Hasam!", scolded his brother.

     The other Gelert sighed, and looked down, admitting defeat.

     "Zafira, dear", said the king's consort, "Tell us, what did you do?"

     "Mother, I-"

     "Please, darling, we are not upset. We are just... concerned."

     The Brown Xweetok sighed. "Fine. I planned to escape one night, six months ago. I... took the hourglass from the treasure room, with the intent of selling it... and... as I was walking alone through the desert... this man... came up and tried to steal from me, but I punched him in his face and ran away. Yet... I was foolish and forgot to bring something to light my way, and it was horribly dark, so I made my way back here the best I could. However, when I got here, I noticed I did not have the hourglass with me anymore, so I guess it must've fallen off and from there, someone must've taken it." She looked down, ashamed. "I'm sorry, father, mother, everyone..."

     The king then said, "Zafira, my daughter... I admire your bravery. Clearly, you are not my little girl anymore."

     "Maybe, father, but I made a mistake going behind your back and trying to run away..."

     "We all make mistakes, my daughter. Like I have, being so apprehensive... Emir, you said the king of Kheru wants to come visit us?"

     "Yes, my king."

     "Well... how about we go, instead?"

     "Pardon?!", inquired Hasam, surprised. "Zareb, have you lost your senses?! You cannot travel in your state!"

     "Hasam, I am feeling much better. I am certain I can stand to travel."

     "But what if there is anyone who tries to harm you?!"

     "Dear brother, we have enough armies to defend us. Emir, go eat something to recuperate, then go back to the city to let them know we're going to visit", he ordered the Kougra, who nodded and went his way..

     "So soon?!", asked Hasam.

     "Brother, you are being more apprehensive than I", teased Zareb. "It is about time we stopped being like this... leave the past behind, and move forward. Don't you agree?"

     Hasam sighed. "Yes, brother."

     "Good. Now, we should prepare ourselves for the travel..."


     Kheru, the following day, at the king's study

     "King Ammar?", asked the shy Meerca servant.

     "Yes?", replied the Shadow Gelert in an unamused tone, as he hadn't slept all that well.

     "Your phone has been vibrating for a bit now."

     "Has it? Agh, it's because I always keep it in silent mode", sighed Ammar. He took the device, and unlocked it. "Oh, I have a lot of missed calls from King Jazan." He then went on to return such missed calls. "Hello, Jazan."

     "Hello, Ammar, was your phone on silent mode? Again?" The Gelert only sighed profusely in reply. "Thankfully we hadn't arrived at your city just yet. But we will in a couple of hours, hopefully."

     "Good, thank you for notifying."

     "Please put your phone in normal mode, for the love of Nuria, at least until we get there", said Jazan before hanging up.

     Ammar sighed again. "Please", he said to his servant. "Make preparations for the King of Qasala's arrival."

     "Yes, sir", said his servant.


     "Wow, I've never heard of his city before. It's fancy", exclaimed Hanso as he, Brynn, Ava, Jazan and his prime minister, along with some guards, walked into the city of Kheru.

     "I suppose it isn't known to the outside nations since it hasn't been cursed or its king wasn't murdered by an attempted usurper", commented Jazan drily.

     "Well, yeah, I guess so...", answered Hanso.

     The Kyrii continued, "It is very beautiful - not like my city, of course, but it isn't bad, either...".

     "Oh, so modest!", exclaimed Ava in jest. Jazan only smirked at this retort.

     "Sire", exclaimed the prime minister, Zerah, a blue Wocky, "Should I advance and make my way to the palace and inform the king we're here?"

     "No need. He knows we're here already. I notified him of it", said Jazan, showing his phone.

     "Ah, yes, technology, of course... I am not good with that. I'm a little old-fashioned in that sense", said Zerah.

     So they arrived to the palace and went inside. After the usual formalities, they sat down to luncheon with the royal family of Kheru.

     "Jazan", said Ammar, "There was something you needed to talk to me about in person?"

     "Yes, it's rather important... But now's not the time."

     "Why not?"

     Jazan sighed. "Well. I suppose it's important but I can tell you about it here. I brought three companions with me that weren't meant to be here, but came because of an important mission. Ava, please, explain to him about it."

     The Faerie Kyrii rose up and began, "Yes. King Ammar, we came here because of an hourglass that was brought to your palace a couple of days ago. Do you still have it?"

     Ammar remained silent. Then he said, "... no."

     "What happened to it?", asked Ava.

     "It wasn't rightfully mine - it belonged to somebody else, some other king. The king of the city of Nebu-"

     Ava exclaimed, excitingly and rather loudly, "Nebu?!"

     "Yes...? You've heard of it?"

     Ava beamed, "Sire, that's the city my mother was from! She escaped it before it was destroyed many decades ago, when she was still young."

     "Really?", asked Ammar.

     Hanso, who was sitting beside Brynn, whispered, "Well, this one keeps surprising us, doesn't she?"

     "Absolutely", replied Brynn. "Many plot twists."

     "But what's your interest in the hourglass? It's just a trinket", said Ammar.

     "Oh, it's not only mine - it's also Hanso and Brynn's here. That hourglass is part of a set of five hourglasses called The Houglasses of Time. They're magical artefacts, harmless on their own, but together, if in the wrong hands..."

     Ammar said, "Well... it's back to their original owners. I believe it must be in the right hands, so it's alright... right?"

     Ava explained, "Well, my king... roughly six months ago, there was a disturbance felt around the same part the city of Nebu once existed, Queen Fyora informed me of it. But since it faded, she didn't see it as a cause of concern. Yet, since Brynn and Hanso were sent to the Lost Desert on a mission, she sent me to come with them to investigate further on that."

     "I see...", said the Gelert King.

     "So, the city still exists, right?"

     "Yes, but they've gone underground. That's what the servant sent to retrieve the hourglass explained to me."

     "An underground city, fascinating!", said Ava. "If they're at the same place where the old city was, then Hanso, Brynn and myself will go there to look for the Hourglasses."

     "Who knows if it'll be that easy", commented Casper. "The servant said the hourglass was very important to the king."

     "We shall try to persuade him it's for his inhabitant's safety", exclaimed Ava. "Fyora can deactivate their magical properties and leave them as just normal gilded hourglasses should the royal family wish to keep them."

     "She can?", asked Hanso.

     "It's Queen Fyora we're talking about. She can do pretty much anything, Hanso", chuckled Brynn.

     "Right", the Ixi said.

     "King Ammar!", called the shy Meerca servant. "The same man... I, uh, forgot his name, but the one from the city of Nebu, is here again."


     "Yes, him! He wishes to see you, sire."

     "Let him in."

     So the muscular Shadow Kougra came inside, and bowed. "Sorry to interrupt your affairs, King Ammar. But my king sent me to inform you, he and the rest of our court are coming to visit."

     "Really?", aked Ammar.

     Emir continued, "Yes. They apologize beforehand for coming here unannounced, but would that be an issue?"

     "Hmm... no. Not really", said the Gelert king. "I'd like to have a word with your king. Could you inform him of that?" The Shadow Kougra nodded, and returned.

     "What are you planning, brother?", asked Casper.

     "I'm just serving our visitors the chance to speak to the king of Nebu on a silver platter, that's all", he said with a sly smirk. Ava grinned excitedly.

     "Good", whispered Hanso to Brynn, "That means we won't have to travel more. I wanna go home."

     Brynn chuckled, "Me too, Hanso, me too."


     The royal family of Kheru made preparations to receive the visitors from the city of Nebu, the city of legend.

     Barkat was standing beside Hani, who was at the entrance. "Excited?"

     "For what?", asked the Cybunny prince.

     "To get to know the people from the city of Nebu, of course."

     "Well, I suppose so, yes. They must be interesting." Barkat looked at him with a smirk. "What?", asked Hani.

     "You never know, you might find your princess there", the Lutari quipped mischievously. Hani flushed scarlet.

     "You're sounding just like mother, Casper, and, well, everyone!", said Hani, still red from the embarrassment. Barkat laughed at seeing his best friend so flustered.

     "Hey, hey, seriously. You've searched high and low for a bride, but none have suited you", continued Barkat. "Maybe you'll find one from the city of treasures. Hopefully."

     "Yeah, hopefully", mumbled Hani.

     "What was that?", smirked Barkat. Hani blushed again. But as Barkat was to continue his teasing...

     "They have arrived!", called out a servant.

     Indeed, the royal court of Nebu had arrived to Kheru. The king, Zareb, his queen consort, his brother and main advisor, Hasam, some of his guards, advisors and, finally, his children, including his heir, Zafira, were part of the group. Hani immediately fixed his gaze on the beautiful, young Brown Xweetok, and said, under his breath "Wow..." To which his best friend began elbowing him.

     "She seems nice", said the Lutari, "Why don't you talk to her?"

     "M-me?!", exclaimed Hani.

     "Yes, you, Prince Hani of Kheru, the famous Odd-Eyed Warrior of this beautiful city. Go and talk to Princess what's-her-name of Nebu. But not now. Now's not the time."

     Ammar and his own consort were at the front, so as to receive their visitors. "Welcome to our beautiful city", said the shadow Gelert king to the older silver one. "My name is Ammar. I'm the king. This is my queen, my seven brothers, and the rest of my court. A pleasure to meet you all."

     "The pleasure is ours, King Ammar. I am called Zareb. This is my queen, my brother Hasam, my finest men and my children. Zafira is my heir", he said while gently placing his arm over his daughter's shoulder and smiling.

     "Come into the palace", invited Ammar. So all of the nobles came inside.

     In a table waited Hanso, Brynn, Ava, Jazan and Zerah whilst chatting. As they noticed the whole court come inside, they all went silent.

     "These", said Ammar while gesturing to the five Neopets, "Are also our guests. King Jazan of Qasala, his prime minister Zareb, and their companions Hanso, Brynneth and Ava."

     "Qasala? I thought that city was in ruins!", exclaimed Hasam.

     "We thought the same of your city", replied Jazan drily. "But things aren't always as they seem, are they? Nice to meet you."

     "King Jazan, you are? It is nice to meet you as well", said Zareb while approaching and bowing before the Kyrii. Jazan simply nodded.

     "Sit down", said Ammar to the nobles. "You are our guests, after all..."

     "Thank you, King Ammar", said Zareb.

     "So", began Ammar as he himself sat down after everyone else did, "Tell us about the city of Nebu... If you wish, of course. Emir told us you went underground. How is it like, living in an underground city? I'm curious."

     "There certainly isn't as much sunlight as above", chuckled Zafira. "It's not bad. We are already used to it..."

     "I see... Tell us more..."

     The nobles told them all about their history, of how a sand storm had destroyed their city a couple of decades before, how the survivors rebuilt the city from scratch after finding a clearing through a series of underground tunnels... That affair took up the whole afternoon, and it was getting late, and the Nebubian nobles, were concerned.

     Zareb's consort said, "King Ammar, thank you for receiving us. But it's getting late... we must return home before it gets too dark."

     Ammar replied, "I see. Thank you for coming. But, might you return tomorrow? If it's not too much of an issue? We require something of you..."

     "What might that be?", asked the queen of Nebu.

     "Ava, you may speak", said the Gelert.

     The Faerie Kyrii rose up and began, "Yes. King Ammar told you about the gilded hourglass that had come into this palace... how it was returned to you..."

     "Yes... and why is that important?", asked Zareb.

     "Your Highness, may I ask you a direct question? Is that one particular hourglass one of the Hourglasses of Time?"

     Zareb went silent, and so did the rest of the court. Then, finally, Hasam asked angrily, "How do you know about those?"

     Ava explained, "I am an expert in artefact history, Lord Hasam. Specifically, this desert's artefacts, since my mother was from here - from your city, in fact. She was a survivor who escaped to Faerieland. Six months ago, there was a magical disturbance felt in your city by Queen Fyora herself... but, after it faded, she dismissed it. Yet, myself and my companions were sent in order to investigate further."

     "I see. But it faded. It's not important", spat Hasam.

     "Is it not? Is the fate of this desert and the rest of the world not important to you?", asked the Kyrii, facing the man bravely. The Gelert remained silent. Then, Ava turned to Zareb. "King Zareb, if a disturbance was felt in your city, even though it was some time ago, that means there is somebody tinkering with the Hourglasses..."

     Zareb listened intently to the Kyrii in silence. Then, he turned to his daughter and said, "Dearest Zafira..."

     "Yes, father?"

     "Zafira... did you tell us the whole truth?", asked the Gelert.


     "What was the real reason behind your escape, dearest?", he asked the Xweetok. "I know my daughter. Despite wanting to know the outside world, she has enough common sense to not run away without a good reason, am I correct?" Zafira remained silent, but looked nervous. "Zafira... what happened? What are you afraid of?"

     "Afraid of...?", she replied, but side-eyed her uncle. Zareb instantly noticed this, and turned to his brother with contained anger. "What did you do, Hasam?"

     "Pfft, me, brother?", chucked the other Gelert nervously.

     Zareb faced his brother directly, "Hasam, I might've been ill, but I am not dumb. I was told you had been doing research on the treasury's artefacts... and that you once made your way up to the surface, but returned that very same day... Why?"

     "Sire, th-those accusations are baseless! I would never-!"

     "Never what, Uncle Hasam?", asked Zafira. "Try to harm us? Try to harm me?"


     She then faced him courageously. "A servant informed me of your plans to use the Hourglasses to change the timeline... That you tried to use them at the palace, but failed, and that you one day made your way up and returned... I presume it was to try and get them all, or something... Since the Hourglasses need to be all together to work, I took just one of them and tried to escape, but I was stopped by a man that looks a lot like that Lutari over there, but older", she said, referring to Barkat. "That's the one I punched in the face that sadly stole the hourglass from me", she finished. "That's the whole truth, father."

     "That's how my dad got the hourglass first...", exclaimed Barkat. "But then he dropped it and it was picked up by King Ammar's servants and brought here. Then, he stole it from the treasure room. He confessed that in the dungeon."

     "Hasam!", growled a furious Zareb.

     "I-I-", stuttered Hasam, trembling from fear, since his brother was the only person he truly feared. He tried to escape, but was caught by some guards, who cuffed him and sat him down on a chair.

     "Just why did you try to use the Hourglasses?", inquired the silver Gelert. Hasam didn't face him, but, instead, looked down petulantly. "Tell me, Hasam..."

     The other Gelert began defiantly, "Everyone thinks you're so great, but they never seem to notice me... only because I'm younger than you by a mere four minutes... And I thought that maybe... Maybe I could change things in my favour...". He then sighed. "But I couldn't. So I decided I was to sell the Hourglasses and start a new life somewhere else, hence why I made a deal with a thief, a Lutari, that tried to steal from me when I made my way up to the surface."

     "So that's why Omar was afraid...", thought Casper, as he listened.

     "Hasam", said Zareb, "You know there are people who appreciate what you do. I do. You're one of my best advisors. Why would you throw away your life and try to harm us in the process?"

     "There's a wise saying by a king of another nation", began Ava, "It goes: "Greed makes the wisest of men act like fools". That's the reason behind all he did. Greed and envy. The worst two evils of our nature.".

     "Guards...", ordered Zareb. "Take him away. I don't want to look at him." So they obliged. Then, he looked over at Zafira, who was standing quietly, barely managing to hold back the tears in her eyes. "Zafira...", he said as he went to embrace her, and she began to sob. "Do not worry. He will not harm you anymore."

     Ava carefully approached the queen of Nebu, and asked, "Your Highness, would you please ask your husband, before you leave, if it's alright for my companions and myself to go to your city? We need to retrieve the Hourglasses and take them to Faerieland. After all, that was the reason we were sent here."

     "Of course. I'll ask him", answered the Xweetok woman.

     "Okay, I was not expecting that guy to be the bad guy", said Hanso to Brynn. "At all."

     "Me neither", the Kougra said.

     "Hmm, I did", said Jazan.

     "What? Seriously?", asked Hanso.

     "He reacted defensively when Ava began speaking about the Hourglasses... that was suspicious enough", explained Jazan. "Besides, he looks unsavoury."

     "Yeah, you're right, he had bad vibes coming from him", exclaimed Hanso. Ava then approached the trio. "What did the queen say?", asked the Ixi to the Faerie Kyrii.

     Ava replied, "We can go tomorrow to look for the Hourglasses."

     "Oh, good", said Hanso.

     "And the king said Queen Fyora can keep them. He said they're safer with her", continued the Faerie Kyrii.

     "I agree with him", said Jazan. "It's for the best. Well, we separate tomorrow."

     "Aww, you're not coming?", asked Hanso.

     "I'd love to, but I miss Nabile and my children."

     "It's only been two days, Jazi", said Hanso, raising an eyebrow.

     "Ah, dear Hanso", said Ava, "You've never been separated from your wife for more than a day, have you? You're usually together. So you wouldn't understand. It's been a week for me, and I miss my husband very much. Thankfully, there are video calls, but that's not the same. It takes me longer than usual to fall asleep."

     "Ah, Ava... well done back there", said Jazan. "Your mother would've been proud."

     "Thank you, Jazi."

     "You're welcome."


     The next day, in Kheru

     "Agh, I hate moving!", exclaimed Alamar angrily as he unpacked his things out of a box. "It's been days and we're still unpacking!"

     "It is a bit tedious, yes", commented Asriel.

     "Ah, finally you're agreeing with me on something, Ace!"

     Asriel sighed. "It's tedious, but, it's part of the process of a new beginning." Alamar rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, Al."

     "Alright, mom."

     "What did you just say?!", asked Asriel angrily.

     "I said-"

     "Boys, please, stop", interrupted Ethan. "Don't get into a fight."

     The twins sighed in unison. "We're sorry, dad".

     "It's alright", said Ethan as he approached and embraced them both. "I know moving far away from Virtupets has been hard for you. It has been for us too."

     "Then why did we come here, dad?!", asked Alamar, crying. "Aside from you liking the ancient legends of the desert? Is there something you're not telling us?"

     "... he is", said Asriel, who felt his dad's surprise at the question.

     Ethan sighed. "I really can't hide anything from you boys, can I?"

     "No!", both said in unison.

     "Alright", he began. "I got a job offer before we came here..."

     "You did?", asked Asriel. "But how? When?"

     Ethan explained, "I received a mail from someone who had said they had looked over my research work, loved it, and that wished to speak to me. So, one day, six months ago, at the station, I was videocalled by a man, a Grey Usul by the name of Ehan. Prince Ehan of Kheru, one of King Ammar's younger brothers. He was to open a royal museum, and he said he needed an experienced archivist who specialized in this desert's history. That's yours truly. So, I said I'd consider his offer. I spoke things over with your mother, and, roughly a month ago, Ehan called me and asked me to make preparations should I finally accept the job. I did. I apologize for not informing you two of the real reason behind us moving here beforehand. You should've known."

     Alamar and Asriel stood silently, musing their replies to their father. Then, Asriel said, "But, you're telling us now, Dad. So, thank you."

     "How did you know the job offer was legit, Dad? How'd you know it wasn't a wild gamble?!", inquired Alamar.

     "Al, you know I take careful decisions when they involve you three. And Anna wouldn't let me make crazy decisions, anyway. So she investigated further, and found out everything was legit."

     "Hey, he's married to a former private investigator, anyway", said Asriel to Alamar. "She did a lot of research before marrying dad since she was- well, is so in love with him - up to his great great great ancestors-"

     "Alright, Ace, we get the point", he said, slightly flustered by his son's teasing. "The museum will open up next week. I'm sure you'll love it - even you, Al. You have a good poker face, but you do like the arts." Alamar sighed, looked away and grumbled.

     "My sons", continued Ethan. "Remember that I love you both."

     "So do we, dad", said Asriel.

     "I know change isn't easy to accept. But even the mountains can change into sand and that sand can, among other things, be used to fill an hourglass... speaking of which... I wonder what happened with the whole hourglass ordeal", continued Ethan.

     " I heard something in the streets", said Asriel. "But it's a long story, from what I've seen, Dad, and I don't have all the details... I think you'd better ask Prince Ehan about it. I'm sure he'll tell you."

     " And we will go with you!", exclaimed Alamar excitedly. As he noticed his behaviour, he reverted back to his usual deadpan state. "Yeah, I mean, we can go, or something. I'd really, really, really like to know what happened. I don't like unfinished stories."

     "Me neither, Al, me neither", chuckled Ethan, at seeing his son so excited. "I knew it! I knew you still have that childlike wonder in you."


     "You should look at his phone. He does a lot of research. And writes stories!", said Asriel.

     "Really?", said Ethan, smirking.

     "ACE!", growled the Golden Xweetok, blushing. The other two only laughed. Alamar couldn't help but chuckle a bit, as well.

     And to think, all of this began because of an hourglass...

     The End.

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