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The Box from 10,000 Years Ago

by chantili_doce


Chapter 3 – Star Sky


     The two Neopets, Teca the Fire Wocky and her mount, Vyim the White Uni, find themselves walking on a mysterious and dark land, having no idea where they might be. There are Ghost Petpets jumping happily around, and other ghosts are peeking at the new visitors with curiosity. Vyim is blind right now and has a rope tied to Teca’s belt for guidance, but he can feel the strange and cold presence of the land.

     "Do you know where the way to Faerieland is?" Vyim asks with concern.

     “Uhh… Mhh… I… Hmm… Maybe…” Teca blushes with embarrassment.

     “... When was the last time you left Meridell?” Vyim asks, skeptical.

     “Uhh…. Hmm… Never…!!" She shyly admitted it. "But don't worry! I managed to steal one of the maps from the military camp. I'll return it as soon as we're done with it, or not…" She giggles. "According to the map, crossing the Haunted Woods is the fastest way to get to Faerieland… Soooo, we are doing that!"

     Vyim starts to get all nervous again. "Are you sure we need to go through the Haunted Woods? It's like THE SCARIEST PLACE OF ALL!!!!”

     Suddenly, a voice echoed from Teca's bag, causing both Teca and Vyim to jump in surprise. It was Itachiro, the Ghost Usul who had been with them the whole time.

     “You have to see Daisy! She's the scariest of all!” Shouts the cute Usul ghost. “Her tentacles can suffocate you with a hug if you do not stay alert!!”

     “AHHHH!! WHO SAID THAT??” Vyim screams in confusion. “WHO SAID THAT, TECA?? IT WAS NOT YOUR VOICE!!”

     "Itachiro did." Teca replies with a chuckle. "He's a ghost who guards the evil box. But don't worry, he's actually a nice guy. Too bad you can’t see him."

     “You said he is a GHOST??” Vyim asked incredulously. “I am living a crazy nightmare… IT’S A GHOST!”

     She tries to calm the Uni, seeing that he is going to emotionally outburst again. "It's not so strange when you get used to it, I swear! Itachiro has been my companion since I found the evil box."

     "I'm a good boy! I may be a ghost, but I still have feelings and want to do good things." His voice reverberated around the group. "And yes!!! I guard the evil box!!!”

     Vyim shakes his head in fear. He was usually afraid when he was able to see the world, and now it gets worse as everything close to him is twice as frightening in the absence of sight. “I was not told there were ghosts with us!! I don’t like ghosts!! I don’t like anything that is spooky!! I don’t like it at all!!”

     The anxious Uni gets startled and heavily stomps his feet. Teca desperately holds his ropes trying to avoid him from getting away. “Hey!! Calm down!!! Everything is okay!!” Screams Teca. Itachiro is also scared and hides back inside the bag and Vyim has a hard time standing still and calm.

     Unfortunately, the noise draws the attention of three Werelupes. As the beasts get closer, their growls become audible, sending shivers down everyone's spines. Teca's heart races as she realizes the potential danger they're in.

     Vyim's fear intensifies and ends up accidentally knocking down her Wocky friend, freeing himself from the ropes. Teca hits the floor as the Uni rushes through the woods blindly. She groans in pain, but does her best to stand up quickly, picking the sword and shield. Two of the Werelupes are pursuing her panicked Uni mount while one is left already engaged in combat with Teca.

     Itachiro peeks out from her bag, curiosity mixed with anxiety in his eyes while Teca is fiercely battling the monster. She sidesteps with agility, narrowly avoiding the Werelupe’s snapping jaws. It's the first time she battles a true danger all alone. With a practised motion, she swings her sword, aiming for the creature's flank and causing it to retreat with a snarl. The Fire Wocky doesn't waste a second, she runs towards her Uni mount in the woods now that Werelupe is no longer after her.

     Meanwhile, the blind Vyim is running through the Haunted Woods and hits a large stone in front of him, causing him to lose consciousness. The two Werelupes lick their own mouths as they see a big and easy feast in front of them. A fourth Werelupe appears and engages in a fight with the other two.

     Teca arrives confused at the scene thinking they were fighting for the “food”, the new Werelupe that just arrived seems to be younger, with more muscles than the others but with not-so-big fangs. She raises her sword and tries to hit one of the monsters, but a blue furry hand grabs her arm and prevents her from making any moves.

     “Huh?? What are you doing??” Asks the Fire Wocky to whoever is holding her arm.

     “This is a family feud, we must not interfere. Stop and watch.” Says the mysterious blue Neopet, with the menace of a shadowy angel.

     In fact, that new Werelupe manages to make the other two retreat. He breathes heavily and laughs after the end of the fight. “These two, hehe, are the most cowards I have ever met.”

     The floating mysterious Neopet starts to laugh too and goof around. “Hah!! I didn’t even need to use my Darklight Axe against them! My big and great friend Zak, that bite on their butts was the best of this night!! HAHAHA!! They surely deserved it!!”

     Teca stands there, chest heaving, still feeling confused with everything that happened in front of her. She doesn't pay attention to the two Neopets laughing and, instead, she hurries over to Vyim to check if he's okay. “Oh no… He’s not awake… That impact must hurt him a lot.” She tries to drag her friend to somewhere safer away from that Werelupe, but Vyim is too heavy for her.

     The two friends who had been laughing together decide to approach the Wocky and her mount cautiously. "Hey. Is everything okay?" The Werelupe asks with genuine concern, replacing his previous enthusiasm.

     Teca stops dragging the Uni and angrily points her sword at them. “Who are you two? And is this Werelupe friend or foe?”

     “Oh no… Zak is not like the other Werelupes!! We have known each other for four years. I can tell he’s very friendly!” Shouts the blue and weird floating Wocky, feeling the menace of Teca and her sword.

     “Yeah. Magax and I are like peas in a pod. Even though veggies aren't my top choice, I have no interest in Neopets for my meals, only Petpets!” Says the Werelupe, wagging his tail like a happy dog.

     Teca remembers what Godric once taught to her “Every creature deserves a chance to be loved and respected. No matter who you are, if you are small or if you are big, your soul is still equal to mine.” With that, she lowers the sword, accepting that the Werelupe standing in front of her deserves a chance to be trustable, even though it’s a monster and only exists to eat Neopets.

     “Very well.” She shifts her gaze at her fainted Uni, patting his side. “I am Tereza, but you can just call me Teca. And this is Vyim, my Uni mount from Meridell. We need a place to stay for the night and I promise we’ll depart once my Uni feels all right.”

     Magax, the floating small Blue Wocky checks on the Uni. “Well, you can stay inside Zak’s cave! I have my own cozy little home, but no way this Uni would fit in.”

     The Werelupe gives a hearty chuckle. "You've got that right. And don't worry, we mean you no harm. You’ll see." With strength born of kindness, Zak carries Vyim to his own home.

     The cave proves to be a surprisingly inviting refuge, a cosy and well-kept space. There are soft straw beds, shelves adorned with curious trinkets made of bones, and a bonfire that eases the chill of the woods. Teca watches Zak gently place Vyim down. "Thank you for your kindness." She says gratefully to the Werelupe.

     Zak smiles sweetly. "No problem at all. It's not often that we get the chance to help lost Neopets in the woods."

     Magax nods and chimes in with a cheerful tone. "Yeah. Thankfully another successful rescue!! And an easy one."

     Teca's curiosity is piqued by their words. "I was not lost, I have a map! But I did need some help with the monsters… Do you rescue Neopets in these woods?"

     Magax chuckles, ruffling his chest with pride. "Yes, we do!! You think these Ghost Petpets are cute, don't you?” He lets out a sigh. “That's where everyone is wrong!! I'm not going to bother telling you why you need to bop them. If you aren't quick, you'll learn the hard way.”

     “What Magax is trying to say is, that Haunted Woods is a hostile place even to those who are used to living here. For a visitor, there are low chances of surviving as anything literally can go against you. You were very lucky that you didn't find a living tree or a Dark Faerie in your way.”

     The female Wocky gasps, not realizing the danger she put herself and Vyim in while trying to cross these woods. Thankfully, she met those two heroes in front of her and is curious to know more about them. “Why is Magax so small and can float? I noticed he can summon a green axe too.”

     “I am the perfect size, humf.” The Blue Wocky angrily crosses his arms after being called small. “Well, I can be “small” for the average of the Wocky species, but better don't underestimate me!! My courage and honour are BIG on me!!” He says, patting his chest.

     Zak laughs with the Blue Wocky’s reaction, knowing he hates when someone notices his height. “Now talk about your Darklight Axe. I know you loooove to talk about it!” Taunts the Werelupe while he fills a basket with apples.

     Magax ruffles his chest with pride once again after his Darklight Axe is mentioned. “I have magical powers that were given to me and they manifest as a green energy! I use the same energy to fight ghosts and everything that is evil. I can summon my Darklight Axe whenever I want, but I also can shape it as a shield, a hammer… The axe is merely a preference. I made a vow to myself to protect everything that is good and innocent in Haunted Woods, and that’s why I’ve been guarding those who want to get in... And those who want to get out. Now Zak, tell us a bit about you."

     “Oh, me? There’s still not much about me as I am a young Werelupe. I’m just a lone wolf who abandoned the pack. I discovered that I prefer having Neopets as friends than having my annoying siblings near. That’s how I’ve been dealing with life so far.”

     Teca smiles and claps at them, touched by their dedication. “That’s so nice you two decided to risk your own lives to help others!! I wish to be as heroic as you two!!”

     Zak smiles warmly, his frightening appearance now a distant memory. "I've always had a great desire to have a Neopet as a friend, and thanks to Magax, I've gotten a lot of Neopet friends with the ones we've rescued!"

     Magax nods. “Yeah. Now with Zak, it has become much easier to rescue them. He knows the Werelupe tracks and has a better nose to sniff things than me.”

     Zak gently lays a blanket on Vyim and Teca. “If you need anything, just give us a shout. Sleep well, Lady Teca!" Magax puts the basket with apples near Teca in case she feels hungry. With that, the two leave Teca to her own space in the cave.

     She settles down beside her Uni mount. While not feeling too sleepy, she holds her mysterious evil box, her fingers tracing its edges thoughtfully. “I want to be able to do Healing Fire so I can finally be called a hero too...” Carefully, she tucks the box away into her bag. A sense of relief filling her after she was able to find shelter and, unexpectedly, friends she believes that can be trustworthy.


     As morning arrives, Itachiro's screams make Teca immediately jump up to see what's happening. "What's going on?? Where are you, Itachiro?" She asks groggily and rubs her eyes, trying to fully wake up.

     “HELP!! HELP!! THIS IDIOT IS AFTER ME!!” Screams the ghost being chased by the small Blue Wocky holding the glowing axe.

     “RAWR! The evil army of shades, spectres, and shadows will perish!! HAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! MAGAX SMASH!” Shouts the Wocky, who seemed to be in a battle frenzy.

     "Hey! You! Put the axe down! PUT THE AXE DOWN!" She calls out, noticing Magax's determined expression. "That Ghost Usul is my friend, don’t dare to do anything to him!!"

     "But he's a ghost!" The small Blue Wocky suddenly stops. "Why are you defending him? He's not even alive!"

     “So what?” She stomps her foot angrily. “Itachiro is a sweet good boy. We're different, and that's okay. Every creature deserves a chance to be loved and respected. No matter who you are, if you are small or if you are big, his soul is still equal to mine!”

     The Blue Wocky seems confused. “I see… The ghost hypnotized you and now you are under his curse. Don’t worry, my lady! I will free you from this evil spirit!”

     Magax charges forward with his axe, with intent on attacking Itachiro. The Fire Wocky steps between them, and with crossed arms, she blocks the male Wocky's path. "Stop, Magax!" She commands. "Itachiro is my friend and he hasn't done anything wrong. Why do you want to get rid of him??”

     The small Blue Wocky lowers his glowing axe. “I made a vow to myself. I should get rid of everything that can be a threat. And that ghost behind you, I can see evil magic on him with my powers. Don’t dare to trust him.”

     Teca points a finger at Magax, her tone mocking. “HAHA, Itachiro being evil?? He can’t harm even a Petpetpet! See? His arms can’t physically touch things. What’s the danger he can offer? Tell me just one bad thing he can do to me!”

     Itachiro's expression turns sad, lowering his ears. “Magax is right, I was one of the Darkest Faerie creations. A trace of her magic remains within me.”

     Teca gasps with Itachiro’s secret, Magax's excitement of being right comes through in his raised voice. “Ah-ha! SEE?? THIS SPIRIT IS FROM AN EVIL SOURCE!! Now, let my Darklight Axe erase this poor soul from existence!” He then lifts the weapon with the intention of eliminating Itachiro. However, Zak's voice suddenly interrupts. “I am also a Darkest Faerie creation.” The Werelupe calmly interjects. "Would you suggest ending my existence as well?”

     Magax pauses, axe held in midair. A profound silence falls over the group.

     “That’s different. You are an alive creature… And you have your own decisions.” Says the male Wocky.

     “That’s true.” Teca responds in a low tone. After a few moments of contemplation, she continues. “Werelupes are not Neopets because this species was not created by Fyora. Anything outside her creation is termed as a monster. Monsters were created to destroy Fyora’s creations, and Zak decided to not follow this rule. Itachiro can be a Darkest Faerie’s creation, but his only difference from Zak is that he doesn’t have a physical body, only existing as a soul. If Itachiro can have emotions and make his own decisions, then why eliminate him?”

     Her words hang in the air, each sentence carrying the weight of her conviction. The group remains silent under the complexity of the situation. Itachiro's eyes reflect a mixture of surprise, relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Teca." He says softly, calmly hiding again in her bag.

     Magax hesitates for a moment, then ends up shaking his head angrily. "Alright, alright! Friendly ghost, it is." He lowers the axe. "But be careful, my lady. Ghosts can be very dangerous and should not be trustable. I’m warning you."

     She rolls eyes. “Right, I will take care. Changing the subject, does anyone here know if my Uni is doing fine?”

     “He woke up earlier and was able to eat some berries I brought for breakfast.” Responds to the Werelupe. “Why does he have a big injury on his face?”

     “Ohh…” The female Wocky has difficulty explaining what happened. ”I accidentally hit him with my fire powers…”

     Zak and Magax’s ears perked up. “Wow! You have fire powers?? That’s so cool!! I wish I had powers like you and Magax.” Exclaimed the Werelupe.

     “No. You would wish to not be born with powers.” She replies with a serious tone. The two exchange surprised glances as they watch her heading back into the cave to check on the White Uni.

     Vyim was trying to stand up all by himself with his trembling legs, stumbling to every wall and rock in front of him. He barely can remember what happened last night. "It seems I'll never fully adjust to my new life without sight." He grumbles.

     “Good morning, Vyim. I hope you are doing well today. We need to leave.” Says the Fire Wocky holding Vyim’s ropes.

     “Wait, what... What happened? I have a memory of Werelupe sounds... It must have been a nightmare.”

     The Fire Wocky shook her head. “No, no. It all happened. Then another Werelupe and a small Blue Wocky came to help to save you.”

     “Pffft… I hope this is not another made-up story from you!!” Replies the White Uni in a rude tone.

     “You don’t believe what I say? Then you would have to see it with your own eyes.”

     “The eyes which vision that YOU have stolen from me!”

     "I AM WORKING ON FIXING IT, OK?!" Her sudden outburst quieted the Uni. "... I'm sorry, I'm just a bit nervous from this crazy adventure. Let's move forward now, Haunted Woods is not our place." Says her while guiding the Uni outside the cave using the ropes.

     Magax and Zak are having breakfast outside with the fresh berries collected under the perpetual dark sky of Haunted Woods, which always looks like it’s nighttime. They notice Teca leaving with the Uni, her bag and a map.

     “Hmmn. If at least I had a compass… We might need some help getting out of Haunted Woods.” She shows the map to the two friends and points at the circled country. “We need to get there!”

     Magax gets speechless and looks scared when he sees the city circled on the map. "Sorry, I have no idea what place this is."

     She gave a disbelieving look. “You don’t know Faerieland? C’mon… EVERY NEOPET heard about Faerieland! It's like, the most famous place in Neopia!!”

     “Uhh… No. I never heard of it. And I am not interested to know either.” Magax seems really nervous, Zak scratches his own head with his friend's hasty reaction.

     “Don’t worry about him, he is weird sometimes! I never went to Faerieland myself, but I think I know the path. Just follow me. Better I don’t leave a lady like you alone in the Woods."

     "Excellent!! Your assistance is greatly appreciated. And please, don't think I am a weak 'lady.' I was actually studying to become a serious knight in Meridell, so I know how to defend myself pretty well." Replies the Wocky as she places her map back into the bag.

      "Ah, I see you have an old sword with you. But, are you sure it will be enough to protect you in these dangerous woods?" Zak chuckles and starts to walk while Teca grabs the rope tied to Vyim so he can follow them. Magax stays with crossed arms for some moments, then he decides to follow the group with a bored face.

     "Hey!! Genevieve can be an old sword but she has never failed me in handling my problems!!! I refuse to own another sword, I’ll stick forever with Genevieve. Maybe we can have a friendly duel and I’ll be determined to prove my sword's worth!"

     Zak's chuckles persist. "Hmm, well, I suppose having an old sword is better than nothing." He continues leading the walk through the dark woods, Magax’s expression is still bored and annoyed. "Why is the ghost following this lady? How could someone be friends with a ghost?" He wonders while floating behind the group.

     After a moment of silence, Vyim speaks up. “Who are these two with us, Teca? Are they your ghost friends too??”

     Teca lets out a laugh at Vyim's question. "No, Vyim." She replies with a smile. "They're not ghosts like Itachiro. This is Zak and Magax, the two that helped you last night."

     The blind Uni abruptly stops and starts to tremble all again. “... So one of them is the Werelupe??” He gets startled and stomps his feet loudly, trying to escape from Teca while she fiercely holds his ropes.

     “Hey!! Stop!! Calm down!!! Everything is okay!! Calm down!!!” She shouts..

     “Vyim. Don't worry, I haven't eaten Neopets for years. Don’t be afraid!” He and Magax also help Teca holding the ropes. Vyim is still struggling with his emotional outburst, but finally takes slow and gives deep breaths, attempting to regain control over his trembling body.

     As the Fire Wocky notices her Uni mount trying to stay calm, she pats his forehead. "Easy now." She whispers to the Uni, her voice a soothing tone amidst the tension. “Nothing bad will happen if you stay calm! We are actually trying to help you.” The Uni's trembling subsides bit by bit as he takes in deep breaths with the presence of his knight companion, the irrational fear slowly lifting. Teca knows that time and patience are crucial in moments like these. “Shall we continue?” She asks.

     “S-sure. I want my vision back. I need to stay strong till Faerieland!!” Says the now calm Uni.

     Zak and Magax exchange puzzled glances. “How will Vyim restore his vision in Faerieland?” They ask.

     Teca remains silent for a few moments, uncertain about revealing the existence of the box. It's a very powerful artefact and it would be better for everyone if not many Neopets know about the object. “I'll find a way.” She finally answers, leaving her two friends even more confused with a vague response.

     The Fire Wocky shyly looks away from her two companions, knowing that her reply didn't satisfy their doubts. “Should I trust them with the truth?” She starts wondering.

To be continued…

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