teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,635,289 Issue: 994 | 20th day of Collecting, Y25
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Ethically Sourced Spooky Treats this Halloween!

by _brainchild_


---Starring Lerlifia the Chocolate Draik, Lervilia the Candy Draik, Sellescha the Pastel Kacheek, and Christine, their owner!---

          Christine: Hi! This Halloween, I think it would be a good idea to sample some treats from the Spooky Food Shop---

     Sellescha: THAT Spooky Food Shop?! The place was shut down for being an absolute NIGHTMARE!!! (Issue 972---The Spooky Food Shop Exposed)

     Christine: No, not THAT Spooky Food Shop. The NEW Spooky Food Shop. The twin brother of the vampire who ran the last place has set up a brand-new shop specialising in ethically sourced spooky creations. Meanwhile, the original guy is rotting in jail for his... unsettling excuses for “food.”

     Sellescha: Good...

     Lerlifia: I don’t care what’s in the food. I just wanna try some delicious treats!

     Lervilia: Same here!

     Sellescha: I think that there are some things that even you two wouldn’t try, like the Blumaroo Tail Salad Extravaganza which was served up at the last shop.

     Lerlifia: Okay... maybe not.

     Lervilia: ...That has GOT to be illegal!

     Christine: It is. That’s why the first vampire is in jail. Anyway, onto the ethically sourced treats:

          ---Box of Skull Truffles---


          Christine: These delicious truffles are shaped like little skulls, and they have strawberry filling inside.

     Lerlifia: Yummy! ---eats a truffle--- These are perfect! They’re so nice and sugary.

     Lervilia: Meh, I’ve never been a fan of fruit filling in chocolate.

     Sellescha: ---grabs a truffle--- Not bad. I really like the strawberry filling!

     Christine: It looks like there are different variants of truffles. Some are covered in chopped nuts, while others are drizzled in frosting.

     Lerlifia: True, but all are equally delicious.

          ---Candy Corn Fizzy Drink---


          Christine: People (and Neopets) either love or hate candy corn.

     Lervilia: Let me try. ---takes a drink--- This is DISGUSTING! So sickly sweet!

     Lerlifia: Let me have it, then. ---snatches the can and takes a drink--- Delicious! I have two sweet teeth.

     Lervilia: Really?! Bleh!

     Sellescha: Let me try...

     Lerlifia: Too bad. I just drank it all. ---BURP---

     Sellescha: Gross! Anyway, you are SO self-centred, Lerlifia. I wanted a taste...

     Lerlifia: Too bad!

     Lervilia: Be glad she drank it all, Sellescha. That stuff is nasty...

          ---Frothy Fruit Juice---


          Christine: Dare you drink from this spooky cup?

     Lervilia: I’m not scared! ---drinks from the cup--- Delicious! It tastes like every fruit in Neopia mixed together.

     Sellescha: Don’t drink it all like Lerlifia did.

     Christine: That’s why I brought three!

     Sellescha: Good. ---tries drink--- Nice... To me, it tastes like raspberry.

     Lerlifia: ---tries drink--- Raspberry it is. What’s next, blue raspberry?

     Christine: That would be an interesting treat.

     Lervilia: I never thought that the term “blue raspberry” made any sense. Raspberries aren’t BLUE!!!

     Sellescha: In Neopia, you never know...

          ---Holiday Gingerbread Mansion---


          Lerlifia: ---scoffs--- It’s not Christmas yet!

     Lervilia: I know, right? Whose weird idea was it to mix Halloween and Christmas?

     Sellescha: I don’t know, but I will try. ---takes a bite--- The cinnamon is too strong... My eyes are watering.

     Lerlifia: Enough, you wimp. ---takes a bite--- Delicious! Perfect with a glass of milk.

     Lervilia: ---breaks off a piece and eats it--- It tastes great, Sellescha. You really are a wimp.

     Christine: Please be nice to your sister, you two.

     Lerlifia: Make us. ---sneers---

     Lervilia: Make us!

     Sellescha: You two have such an attitude! You were made for each other...

          ---Jalapeno Cheese Nightmare---


          Lerlifia: What is this, a giant hunk of melted cheese?!

     Lervilia: Yes, it is. Complete with jalapeno peppers. ---takes a bite--- Nice and cheesy!

     Lerlifia: It’s not exactly the most creative or attractive dish, but I’ll try it. ---eats cheese--- Not bad. I love the spicy peppers.

     Sellescha: You two can have this one since I don’t like spicy foods.

     Lerlifia: Whatever. I don’t care what you want.

     Sellescha: ---frowns---

     Christine: Lerlifia, please be nice to your sister.

          ---Magic Ghost Marshmallows---


          Christine: These marshmallows will heal any Ghost-coloured Neopet to full health, but for us, they’re just a yummy treat.

     Lervilia: Let me try one. ---eats marshmallow--- Nice and gooey! This would be great for a smore.

     Lerlifia: Before anyone suggests it, NO, you may not break chocolate off my tail and make a smore out of me.

     Sellescha: We’re aware of that... Only your sister Walda tries to eat you.

     Lerlifia: True, and it hurts when she does it! I’m so glad she isn’t here... ---tries marshmallow--- Not bad. I wanna cook it over a stovetop...

     Lervilia: Be my guest.

          ---Pink Apple Lantern---


          Christine: The Apple Lantern looks an awful lot less menacing when it’s covered in pink goo.

     Lerlifia: Oooh, I wonder what the pink goo tastes like? ---bites into apple--- Strawberry frosting! Yummy!

     Lervilia: Hey, let me have a bite. Due to the price of this item, we only bought one!

     Lerlifia: ---hands over half-eaten apple--- Only because I like you.

     Lervilia: ---eats the rest of the apple--- Delicious! Very sweet. ---finishes the apple---

     Sellescha: Hey, what about me?

     Lervilia: Too bad!

     Sellescha: ---sigh--- It’s just infuriating that you won’t share with me! I guess I’ll have to buy my own apple...

          ---Spooky Shake---


          Christine: Pumpkin, swirly stuff, and cream make this a rather pleasant spooky dessert.

     Lervilia: ---drinks the shake--- A little too sweet, I think.

     Lerlifia: ---drinks from a different glass--- I love it! It tastes like a pumpkin roll.

     Sellescha: Well, you can’t go wrong for only 100 Neopoints. ---drinks from her glass--- Delicious! It tastes like a lovely cake. Too bad it’s gone already...

     Lervilia: I know, right?! This is a kiddie-size glass!

     Sellescha: Well, since they’re only 100 Neopoints each, you can buy several.

     Lervilia: True.


          Christine: So, which dish was everyone’s favourite?

     Lerlifia: Probably the Box of Skull Truffles.

     Sellescha: I don’t know, since I didn’t get to try them all. ---scowls---

     Lerlifia: ---smirks---

     Lervilia: Anything except that disgusting Candy Corn Fizzy Drink!

     Christine: Well, this Halloween, the new Spooky Food Shop has ethically sourced treats for every Neopian. Until next time, dear readers!

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