Lords, Kings, and Other Mysteries by slothgirl
Lord Darigan thought to himself as a jovial Blue Blumaroo chattered excitedly next to him on the deck of the ship. Of course, Darigan knew why. King Altador and Queen Fyora had summoned all Neopian leaders to the Altadorian shores and, as part of the treaty signed following the end of the war, Darigan Citadel had been banned from having implements of destruction, up to and including sea vessels. Nevermind that, as a floating citadel, they had never had any to begin with, but leave it up to King Skarl to make such a rule. King Skarl. That was the other reason. Without a ship of his own, Darigan had been forced to rely on joining someone else’s travel and he’d sooner eat a Meowclops whole than spend any amount of time with that useless man. Especially with Skarl’s current state of morose infection. Darigan was sure they would find a way to blame him and his people for it in due time. Whenever something went wrong in that two-bit country tract of land, Darigan found himself being dragged in and undergoing endless questioning. It was exhausting. That much suspicion still, after all the years, after he had helped... Darigan rested his long fingers on either side of his temple and exhaled a long breath. It was the first sound he’d made in hours and the Blumaroo beside him gasped in delight. “Did you see it?!” King Roo asked, bouncing slightly. Lord Darigan narrowed his eyes, contemplating returning to his silence, before deciding he might as well accept his fate. “Did I see...what?” “The giant Kazeriu, of course,” King Roo replied, “Petpets from Shenkuu, they can grow to ten or more times their normal size in these waters. We’ve been trying to spot one and I thought you finally had!” “Ah...no. I was merely lost in thought.” The smile on the King’s face faltered for half a second, almost imperceptibly, before it returned to its usual beaming curve. “Are you worried about the infection? I know it has spread close to your homeland. I’ll admit, I’ve felt fear myself as more and more of the shop keepers in Neopia Central have fallen victim. We share a rainbow, you know.” "Of course it’s a rainbow," Darigan sneered internally before responding. “I’m not worried about the infection itself, but the trouble it will bring me. Our truce with Meridell is tenuous at best, and I am often their main suspect when the evil or unexplainable happens.” “Even all this time later? The war was decades ago!” Darigan sneered externally now, “Yes, well, Skarl may forget how to spell his own name from time to time, but he has the memory of an Elephante when it comes to grudges.” King Roo surprised him by releasing a bright chuckle. “Oh, yes, I have heard that about the good King! They say there is a reason the Wheel of Knowledge is not in his land.” Lord Darigan smirked at the Blumaroo beside him. “Your Majesty! What would your people think of that kind of talk from their ruler?” Roo waved a hand, as if clearing the question from the air, “Lord Darigan, just because Roo Island is a joyful place does not mean we don’t appreciate a good-natured ribbing!” A serious look came over his face then, it looked out of place in a way that intrigued Darigan. “You know...your relationship with Skarl isn’t too dissimilar from my own with a denizen of my land.” Darigan tilted his head, large ears perking up with interest. He admittedly knew very little about the small island nation. “Count Von Roo,” King Roo explained, “While I have reason to believe he hails from the Haunted Woods, he has lived within the borders of Roo Island for as long as anyone can remember. He moves in the shadows, and operates a dice game.” “But, don’t you...” “Run a dice game as well, yes,” King Roo nodded, acknowledging how it sounded to say it out loud. “We aren’t so different, he and I. But it took a long time for me to see that. For much of my youth, I was so focused on trying to expel him from Roo Island that I didn’t realize the benefits he brings to my...our...land.” “Benefits?” “Well, he provides a space for the thrill seekers in Roo Island that would otherwise have no outlet. Without him, the most exciting part of my land would be the merry-go-round! We create a kind of balance, the Count and I do. I have come to respect him and appreciate his presence.” “Why does he not travel with us, then,” Darigan asked, accusation in his voice. Those in the shadows were often left to languish there, even by those who would speak well of them. He knew that all too well. This was no different. King Roo took the harsh tone in stride and smiled a bit wider, “My dear Lord Darigan, he is a vampire. And the Altadorian shores are known for their sunlight, are they not?” Darigan’s purplish gray skin darkened slightly in a blush, as shame crept up his stomach. “I...apologize. I only meant...” The Blumaroo King reached out and touched his hand, warmth and understanding conveyed in a simple act. “It is alright. I understand.” Darigan opened his mouth to respond, but in an instant the King had pulled away and rushed to the side of the ship. “There! There it is!” “There...what is,” Darigan asked, confusedly balling his hand the other had just touched into a fist, trying to preserve the warmth he had felt there. “The Kazeriu! Oh, you must come see!” King Roo beckoned him over. Darigan made his way to the side and looked to where King Roo was pointing. After a few moments of searching, he shook his head, “I don’t see anything.” “Look harder. They say they only appear to those who believe. It might sound silly, but just...believe me.” There was that warmth again. Darigan peered into the murky, churning water once more, trying for perhaps the first time in his life to find the beauty in Neopia. Suddenly, in a flash, the glittering purple scales of a huge Kazeriu appeared in his sight. It breached the water, sunlight reflecting off the gorgeous scales before plunging back down. “I...I saw it!” Darigan shouted, a delighted laugh bubbling up in his throat. How long had it been since he laughed? He didn’t know. Maybe he never had until now. His eyes slid over to the Blumaroo beside him and mustered up a courage he didn’t know he had. “Your majesty...Roo...” he began, hesitantly, “Why did you allow me to join you in this journey?” King Roo turned, and smiled brightly at him, “Because, Darigan, there’s no ship quite as wonderful as a friend-ship!” Darigan’s fingers raised once again to his temple as he let out an exasperated sigh. "This is going to be a long trip," he thought to himself. And yet, he felt a smile lingering on his lips as he and his new, unlikely, friend turned back to the sea to watch the waves. The End.