Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,890,897 Issue: 1013 | 26th day of Swimming, Y26
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The Switchboard Operator

by mama357


Thank you for calling Neohomes Real Estate Management Company, how may I direct your call?”

     “Transferring, thank you for calling.”

     “Thank you for calling Neohomes Real Estate Management Company, how may I direct your call?”

     “Transferring, thank you for calling.”

     After working the switchboard for nearly 22 years, Liza could do this job in her sleep. The Toy Lupe had replaced the original switchboard operator, Carl, and has been the only operator ever since. Any Neopian who has purchased a home has, at one point or another, spoken with Liza: something she was fiercely proud of. She was the voice of the Neohomes Real Estate Management Company. The first pet anyone who wanted to purchase a Neohome spoke with.

     “Thank you for calling Neohomes Real Estate Management Company, how may I direct your call?”

     “Transferring, thank you for calling.”

     Sometimes, Liza would daydream about what it would be like to retire. She could buy a Neohome of her own. Maybe on Kiko Lake. A beautiful log cabin by the lake. Oh, how she would love to sit out on her front porch and drink a jug of fresh lemonade while watching the Kiko’s play in the sparkling blue water. She closed her eyes for just a moment, picturing the scene in her mind’s eye.


     Liza’s eyes flew open to take in a drenched and frantic looking Aisha standing in the doorway. Liza opened her mouth to ask questions but wasn’t sure where to begin. The Aisha was completely disheveled looking. Their clothing implied they weren’t from around here and adding to the confusion, as Liza looked past the Aisha, was the fact it wasn’t even raining.

     “Are you Liza?”

     Liza’s eyes went wide. “Y-y-yes.” She stammered.

     “You have been chosen. The Oracle says you are the new Guardian of the Watchtower of the West.”

     Liza stared at the Aisha for a moment before bursting out laughing. “Did Judy from HR put you up to this? Tell her I’m in no mood. It has been a very busy day, and the phones aren’t going to answer themselves.”

     With that, Liza went to answer the blinking red button on the switchboard.

     “Thank you for calling Neohomes Real Estate Management Company, how may I…HEY!” The Aisha had walked over to her desk and abruptly hung up the call. Now angry, Liza stood from her desk. “I don’t know what you think you are doing here, but this is a place of business.”

     “You have been chosen.” The Aisha said again, as if that was supposed to be enough of an explanation.

     “Yes, as you’ve stated. Chosen for what again?”

     “The Guardian of the Watchtower of the West. You must come with me at once.” Said the Aisha with an outstretched hand.

     “Pass.” Liza said before sitting back down at her desk, reaching back for the blinking red button.

     Instead, Liza’s hand met the Aisha’s and Liza found herself tumbling through time and space. Feeling dizzy, Liza shut her eyes tight before feeling her feet firmly back on solid ground. Opening her eyes, Liza found herself standing in a dark, and rather messy, stone room. Looking around the room she noticed books littering the floor, maps covering every square inch of wall, and, looking out the window, it was raining. I guess that explains the wet Aisha. Liza thought.

     Right, the Aisha. Liza now turned her attention back to the Aisha standing next to her. “Now who’s going to answer the phones?!?!” she demanded.

     “You have been chosen…”

     “Yes, yes, yes. I GET it. Guardian of the Watchtower of the West, but WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?”

     “There are four Watchtowers: North, South, East, and West. Each with a Guardian. I am the Guardian of the Watchtower of the East. We keep watch over Neopia, guarding it from the void and those who would come through the void to harm Neopia. The previous Guardian of the West sent word to me that she had something she urgently needed to tell me. When I came, she was nowhere to be found and then I learned of the rift over Neopia with the void spilling in. Neopians and whole lands turning grey. I then traveled to Tyrannia to consult The Oracle who announced a new Guardian had been chosen…you.”

     “Pass.” Liza said again.

     “You are needed. Help me figure out what the Guardian of the West found and help me close the rift.”

     “I would really like to go back to my office. I have important work to do there.”

     “There is important work to do HERE.” The Aisha was beginning to get exasperated. “Do you not see that if we don’t close the rift there might not BE an office to go back to?”

     This seemed to catch Liza’s attention. “No…office?”

     Who would help the citizens of Neopia find their perfect homes?

     “Fine. What do you need from me?”

     “I feel like you need some serious work/life balance. But that is a discussion for another day. I need help searching through everything here. Looking for anything that might lend a clue as to what the Guardian of the West needed to tell me.”

     “This place is a mess. Do you have any idea where to start? I’m not even sure what I am looking for. I still have no idea what I am doing here.” Liza inquired.

     The Aisha looked around and gestured around at some books. “I would start reading those. They are the histories. The Oracle said you were the one. I have full faith in you.”

     Liza rolled her eyes but grabbed a book and plopped down onto a chair. She spent what felt like hours combing through book after book; reading all about the previous guardians and what little was understood about The Void and their duty to keep the dimensions separate. Finally, Liza’s stomach started gurgling.

     “Any food around here?” Liza asked the Aisha who was reading a yellowing parchment with a magnifying glass.

     “Food? Oh, yes…food.” With the wave of a hand, an asparagus Chia treat appeared in front of Liza.

     “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back it up. You can do magic? Does that mean I can do magic too?”

     “You will need to learn how to be a Guardian, but yes, in time.”

     “Now we’re talking.” Liza said through bits of her Chia treat.

     Now, with a little more gusto, Liza went back to her task. Combing through book after book and ancient text after ancient text. Reading notes scribbled in the indexes and on random bits of paper left by the previous Guardian. Slowly, the full picture was coming into focus.

     “I’ve got it!” Liza shouted, turning to the Aisha. “It’s all right here. The previous Guardian figured it all out.”

     “Tell me everything. I knew you could do it.”


     “Thank you for calling Neohomes Real Estate Management Company, how may I direct your call?”

     Shaking her head from her daydream, Liza listened to the caller.

     “Transferring, thank you for calling.”

     Maybe one day she would retire, but today was not that day. For now, she had important work to do here at the Neohomes Real Estate Management Company and it was a job she was so good at, she could do it in her sleep.


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