Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,890,956 Issue: 1028 | 7th day of Running, Y27
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Where All The Floofs At?

by darkobsession

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Great stories!


A Hero's Journey: Dinner for Four
The Esophagor reared up and swiped a large claw that snagged on the robe of a fleeing Blue Acara.

by precious_katuch14


Thieves Alike
Malvus was walking back home with a wheelbarrow of split firewood. Summer was coming to an end, and the long winters of the Shenkuu mountains were long and unforgiving if ever his stockpile of wood were to run out.

by greencheese79


The Best Daily - Faerieland Employment Agency, Part Two
It's rewarding information to know...

by phadalusfish


Ear Style Swap
"An endEARing exchange." Collab with tifnkittygrundler

by ikib

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