Amethyst Kadoatie: Part Three by candykitty
After discovering her mother's statue on the Gem Fountain,
Amethyst was very upset. She wouldn't eat her food (not even the meat loaf I gave
her), nor would she want to play with me, and she couldn't get to sleep. I was
getting worried, so I tried to cheer her up so she could get to sleep and not
starve - but she just wasn't happy.
One day after school I was coming back to Amethyst's
shed with a 'treat pouch' that I had invented especially for her - a hollow
felt flower with a slit down the middle, containing pieces of plain biscuits,
and it actually worked a bit. "Amethyst!" I called. "I've got a treat for you!"
I laid the treat pouch on her fluffy bed and
called again. "Amethyst!" This time she appeared out of nowhere - first her
gem glittered, then everything else appeared. "A treat pouch, Amethyst," I grinned,
and I tossed the treat pouch out onto the lawn. It landed in a flowerbed somewhere,
blending in with the real plant life.
Amethyst purred and ran out into the garden to
get the treat pouch. I followed her lazily… but I wasn't quick enough. As soon
as I had got to the flowerbed I was knocked into the air - all I remember seeing
was a huge shadowy thing, and a spine-chilling "SCREEECH!" filled the air!
My head was aching with pain as I got up. I wiped
the blood away from the cut on my cheek and dashed to the flowerbed. Next I
checked the shed - where was Amethyst?
And then there was a SCREAM. I recognized that
voice… it was Ashleigh's! "AAAAH!! HEEELP!!!"
"Ashleigh, where are you?" I yelled.
"MIST - AAAH!!!" came Ashleigh's terrified reply.
"Mist? - THE GEM FOUNTAIN!" I breathed, running
as fast as I could into the forest. I took the path leading to the Gem Fountain,
hoping I wasn't too late… but Ashleigh was still there, thank goodness, lying
spread-eagled on the wet grass beside the fountain towering above.
"Ashleigh! What happened?" I asked breathlessly,
helping her up.
"Well - t-there was this Eyrie," she stammered,
"a giant evil brown one! Twice as big as the two of us! It was trying to claw
me with one of its huge paws - and it was holding a black Kadoatie with a gem
on its forehead in the other paw! I managed to get away, though…"
"Amethyst… no…" I breathed. "Listen, Ashleigh,
you need to help me. My secret has been that I rescued that Kadoatie from the
brook and I've been keeping her secretly ever since. I named her Amethyst. She's
the Kadoatie that caused the shelf in the hallway to fall. Ashleigh… I need
your help."
Ashleigh looked at me blankly. "That giant Eyrie's
got her!" I added quickly. "We need to rescue her…" But as I looked up at the
fountain, I realized that Amethyst's mother's statue was gone!
"…And her mother," I whispered. "Will you help
me? Please?"
Ashleigh looked really astonished. Then she took
a deep breath and said bravely, "Okay, I'll help you - I don't want to let you
down… that's what best friends do - they always help each other out."
I smiled at Ashleigh. "Thank you so, so much!"
So we set off to try and find the enormous Eyrie,
but then there was a screeching cry from the depths of the forest. Ashleigh
and I both looked at each other, Ashleigh with a very, very, very frightened
look while I stared - then Ashleigh broke the silence.
"D-did you hear THAT???"
"Yeah, the Eyrie! We've got to RUN!!!" There
was a loud SWOOP, then a CRASH ("WHAT'S HAPPENING?!!" screamed Ashleigh) and
with that the trees toppled over - something large was emerging! And that something
DID emerge - a gigantic, aggressive brown Eyrie with sharp yellow eyes, and
huge wings that swept the ground like feather dusters as it glided towards us.
"AAAAAAAHH!!!" we both screamed - but there was
nothing we could do. I tried to face it a bit while Ashleigh ran for her life.
Everything we did was fruitless: despite her athletic talents, Ashleigh could
not outrun the Eyrie - there was a giant SWOOP, a horrifying SCREAM, and next
thing I knew, Ashleigh was trapped in the clutches of one gigantic clawed paw,
and I was dashing for cover behind a large tree trunk… CRUUUNNNCCHH! It did
not work - the Eyrie knocked the tree over, forcing me to flee right into the
other deadly looking paw. And so, being clutched so hard that the claws dug
painfully into us, we were carried away up into the sky, the wind cooling down
my hot face and whipping my yellow fur back.
Ashleigh was trying to fight the creature off.
"Let go of me, you gruesome vulture! Let me go!!!"
"Don't fight him yet!" I yelled over the rush
of the wind. "He's leading us to Amethyst! Stay calm!"
"Are you sure about this?"
Ashleigh looked truly worried, her big brown
eyes wide with panic and fear. Horrified, I glared up at the Eyrie, whose piercing
yellow eyes saw my gaze and relentlessly clutched me tighter. I nearly cried
out with pain.
Then a huge mountain came into view - more of
a deep, hilly jungle, really. The Eyrie carried us to the very top… and dropped
us into a muddy ditch.
"Ugh, yuck!" Ashleigh groaned, standing up straight
away and brushing mud off her crimson fur. I brushed some mud off too, and nursed
my severe bruises around my body that the Eyrie's grip had caused… but then
I felt something warm, soft and silky brushing against my cheek. A familiar
"Meow!" It was Amethyst!
"Amethyst, don't worry," I whispered. "I'm here…
is your mother all right?"
I saw Ashleigh holding a beautiful, beige Kadoatie
with a ruby gem on her forehead - her name could be Ruby. Amethyst purred. But
there was another terrifying "SCREEECH!" and the Eyrie was hovering above us,
ready to attack…
And it DID attack. We all ducked and it dived
down towards Amethyst - and then there was a FLASH! I looked up, and saw that
Ruby's eyes were focused straight on the Eyrie… her ruby was glowing… she heaved,
then lunged… the giant bird, controlled by the magic in bright red light, was
thrown back and hit a tree… and then I saw a rope sort of thing binding the
Eyrie tightly… Ruby, however, was too weak, and she collapsed onto the mud.
But then the magic was working again - for I had looked round and saw Amethyst
who was using her own magic to help finish the Eyrie off!
"Amethyst!" I yelled. "No… you're too wounded…"
Amethyst had a deep cut on her thigh where the Eyrie had attacked her, but she
only just managed to push the bound creature off the cliff before collapsing
too, into a deep sleep.
"AMETHYST!!!" I yelled above my tears… but with
that I fell into a deep sleep too.
"Becky! Are you all right? Oh, please do wake
I opened my eyes rather sleepily to find a blurry
crowd of people standing around my blurry bed. I blinked the sleep out - and
saw that the crowd of people was made up of Ashleigh, who was holding a limp
Amethyst in her arms, my Dad, who looked confused, surprised and worried at
the same time, and Mum who had tears trickling out of her baby-blue eyes down
her cheeks and was leaning over me and staring frantically.
"Oh, darling! I was so worried!!!" she cried,
giving me a squeezing hug.
"Thanks, Mum - you can let go now… Ashleigh,
is Amethyst all right?"
Ashleigh said quietly, "Yes, she's alive." She
showed me the bandages on Amethyst's thigh. "But… her mother's… well, dead.
She risked her own life to save Amethyst."
"Oh no…" I whispered as I felt slight tears stinging
my eyes. "Amethyst will be even more upset now. This isn't very good…"
Dear Diary,
Well… it just had to happen, really. I was outside
- and I saw Amethyst walking away into the bushes. I followed her, and she led
me to the Gem Fountain. She climbed up to the top where Ruby's statue used to
be and she sat in the same sitting position as Ruby, very still. I realized
that she was going to take place after her mother for whatever it was. I cried
"Goodbye, Amethyst! I shall never forget you!" She heard me, and sadly meowed
goodbye too. And then, my eye caught the four embossed Kadoaties below the rubies
- their eyes had started to glow their gem colours. Amethyst's eyes started
glowing too - everything was - and then there was a loud PING and Amethyst's
statue was there. The rubies were now amethysts. I shall never, ever, ever forget
her, and she will always be in my memory and dreams. Last night there was a
wishing star just outside my window, and I wished for Amethyst to come back
some day. And I'm sure a true friend would.
The End