Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,724,349 Issue: 576 | 4th day of Sleeping, Y15
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Neopian Misadventures

by carilor

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5 Tips to Key Quest Domination
In order to be a high roller and get the chance to win map pieces and paint brushes, you need to learn how to play strategically.

by kspare2


20 Must Haves For Winter
Winter means a lot of things for different Neopians, but if you enjoy dressing up your pets it probably means a lot of chances to create fun wintery customizations.

Also by silly_mistake

by star138


My Zebie: Part Three
"How much is she?" I asked the person at that lot.

"Two million neopoints," he replied, sneering down at me as if he doubted I had that much money.

by goodsigns


From Lost and Pound to Safe and Sound
Being 'stuck' in the pound is not easy business.

by neotime44u

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