Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 191,403,084 Issue: 605 | 26th day of Swimming, Y15
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Dream Color!

by larenchan

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The Tree of Pillar Grove: Part Seven
"I brought some tea with me. You know, the kind that you like so much? Perhaps that'll cheer you up a little?"

by blueys45


Improper Use
If Dr_Death and Rose spoke another language, what would it be? (Hint: it isn't Tyrannian!)

by solitarybird


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Against All Odds - Part One
"Well, that was not what I expected to happen," Chloe declared as she regained consciousness.

by kristykimmy


Deranged But Fun
Behold, the versatility of Neopian mushrooms!

by superzombie

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