Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,403,084 Issue: 605 | 26th day of Swimming, Y15
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You Are So Wasting Time

by jeanbesta

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Magic and Mayhem: Part Four
Suddenly, a scruffy, blue-ish grey Eyrie materializes shouting, "Beware! Beware! And... uh, BOO!"

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Ten Tips to Help Improve Your Restocking
Do you ever wonder how some players seem to get multiple unbuyables from restocking each day while you never get anything, let alone SEE anything?

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The Old Switcheroo: Part Two
"Yo, what's up, my Guildies?" Kanrik called out, giving everyone a peace sign.

His greeting was met with a heavy silence and puzzled stares.

by liouchan


Tomato Omelettes: My Imaginary Friend
This is embarrassing.

by skyward_rush

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