A Quiz to Help you Choose the Right Petpet! by facetiousmind
Do you often find yourself searching and searching for the right petpet for your Neopet? Have you spent tons of Neopoints only for your Neopet to simply refuse to accept the petpet you offer them in kindness? Well my friend, I have decided to come up with a fun quiz to help you determine which petpet would best fit your Neopet! Hopefully after taking my quiz your Neopet will finally be content with its new appropriate petpet and allow you to spend your Neopoints on other things.
1. What is your Neopet’s favorite hobby?
A. Swimming
B. Sucking its thumb
C. Planning Neopian domination
D. Frolicking outside in the sunshine
E. Fighting in the Battledome so it can show all the weaklings how strong it is
2. What does your Neopet like to eat?
A. Mostly fish
B. Baby food
C. Spicy Food
D. Anything that looks pretty or is pink
E. Foods high in Protein so it can stay strong
3. How does your Neopet react around others?
A. Very friendly but can also be shy around others before getting to know them
B. Quite timid, takes a while to open up and would rather only spend time with you, the owner, and its siblings.
C. Anti-social, no interest in making friends of any sort
D. Spends most of its time regaling others on how wonderful he/she is
E. Is generally rude and bullies others
4. What would your Neopet do if you tried to paint them a different color?
A. Try to convince you that they love their current paintbrush color, will you please reconsider?
B. Cry
C. Run away and find a new owner, who needs you anyway?
D. Fluff its hair/mane/fur/etc. and tell you that it is way too tired to walk all the way to the Rainbow Pool right now, maybe another day
E. Attack you
5. Would you Neopet ever fight in the Battledome?
A. Maybe, but only in the Water Arena
B. No way, they are much too small to fight
C. Only if they decided to on their own free will and only if they could win the match
D. No way, they would be too afraid to get dirt under their nails
E. You wouldn’t need to ask, they are probably already in the Battledome fighting a weaker opponent
6. What background is your Neopet most likely to be wearing?
A. Underwater Background
B. Game Room Background
C. Resistance Headquarters Background
D. Dreamy Pink Hearts Background
E. Evil Garden Gnome Background
7. For your Neopets’ birthday you would most likely give them a:
A. Water Faerie Doll
B. Baby Blumaroo Plushie
C. Book of Evil Schemes
D. Pink Disco Ball
E. Sinister Evil Coconut
8. What is your Neopets’ favorite game to play?
A. Whirlpool
B. Kacheek Seek
C. The Return of the Return of Dr. Sloth
D. Faerie Bubbles
E. Feed Florg
9. The shop your pet frequents most often is the:
A. Collectable Sea Shells
B. Toy Shop
C. Your pet never shops
D. Grooming Parlor
E. Battle Magic
10. Lastly, has your Neopet ever mentioned that they would like a petpet in the past?
A. Yes, they would love the company
B. No, they can hardly take care of themselves let alone another pet
C. No, they hardly talk to you anyway though so it’s no surprise that the subject hasn’t come up before
D. Yes, they beg you all the time whenever you pass by the Petpet Shop
E. Yes, but only in the context of needing a sidekick to help beat up others
Now for the results. If you answered…
Mostly A’s: Your neopetNeopet probably needs water to live, is maraquan, or just loves being in the water. Thus, you will need to provide them with a companion that can keep up with their lifestyle and enjoys the water just as much as they do! I suggest a Surzard. These little guys absolutely love swimming and everything about the water! They are very friendly and will make a great petpet to your water-loving Neopet.
Mostly B’s: Your Neopet is probably a baby or is just very young. You best bet is to get a petpet that matches the needs of your neopetNeopet so you can care for both of them in the same way (your neopetNeopet will need your help caring for its petpet since it can hardly care for itself). In this case, the best match is an Icklesaur. These creatures are quite friendly and they are also babies themselves. They will eat baby food just like your neopetNeopet and will be entertained with toys for hours and hours. Your neopetNeopet will be quite happy to have another baby in the house and grateful not to be the youngest anymore (older siblings can be torturous to the youngest in the family, trust me).
Mostly C’s: Your Neopet seems like a loner and doesn’t like the company of others. However, everyone could use a friend sometimes. To match your Neopets’ scheming ways I suggest giving them a Meepit. These petpets may seem innocent but they will aide your Neopet with all their devious, plotting ways to take over Neopia. Of course, this may not be what you want to happen and perhaps you don’t want to encourage their evil plans. However, if you want to provide them a petpet (which is my job to help you with), they probably won’t get along with or accept much other than a Meepit.
Mostly D’s: Oh boy, your Neopet is quite girly, eh? Whether they are painted pink, royal or is just plain girly, you need to give your Neopet a petpet that they will love and treasure. My advice? A Feloreena. These cute little darlings not only look girly but they are pink too. Your Neopet will just swoon when you bring a Feloreena home for them to keep. You won’t have to remind your pet to groom its petpet (and Feloreen’s do love to be groomed) since they won’t want a speck of dirt contaminating their beautiful petpet’s fur.
Mostly E’s: Your Neopet is quite the bully and very mean! You will need a tough petpet if you want to prevent your pet from picking on and bullying its own petpet. I suggest a Skree. These fierce petpets are hard to tame and will give your Neopet a challenge (although they’d never admit it, right?). These wild petpets will easily match your pet’s love for the Battledome and fighting others as they are quick to attack other petpets less their size.
Well there you have it folks! I hope my guide has helped you in deciding which petpet would best fit your Neopet. Remember to tell your petpets (if you have some already) that you love them and happy petpet shopping!