What the Altadorian Constellations Mean for You -3/3 by kayahtik
Welcome to the third and final installment of “What Altadorian Constellations Mean for You.” Thank you to those of you who have stuck by me during the first two volumes. I hope you will find this final piece worth the wait.
For those of you who missed the previous two articles, or for anyone who may have forgotten during the past couple weeks, here’s a reminder of what we’re discussing: In this series, I have given a summary of the traits commonly associated with each of the twelve Altadorian constellations. These traits, based in ancient legend, form character archetypes that generally apply to pets born in the corresponding month. Some take this subject very seriously and use it as a method to guide their decisions and lifestyle, whereas others consider it to be mere superstition and entertainment.
Whichever stance you take, please enjoy this week’s conclusion, in which we will be learning about the remaining four constellations and their traits.
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The Gatherer // Month of Gathering The Month of Gathering obviously coincides with the Gatherer constellation. Pets born under this sign have unparalleled compassion, and they tend to be prominent leaders in their communities. These pets understand the major effects of small actions, and as such, they spend a lot of time volunteering to help others; you’ll never find them complaining about mundane chores like cooking and cleaning. They always work hard for the benefit of others.
Unfortunately, the Gatherers’ helpful nature means that they sometimes smother the objects of their affection. They often forget that not everyone wants their help all the time, and this can cause minor conflict with more independent-minded types. They would do best to remember that everyone needs personal space sometime, and that in many cases, a temporary absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder.
Gatherer pets will find that they mix well with others who fall into the categories of Sleeper, Wave, and Dreamer. However, they are likely to clash with the strong personalities of Protectors and First to Rise.
If your Gatherer pet is looking for a way to celebrate their birthday during the Month of Gathering, consider organizing a neighborhood picnic to celebrate the annual Faerie Festival!
The Collector // Month of Collecting If you come across a pet who seems particularly curious and eccentric, they may very well be born under the Collector constellation. These pets are endlessly fascinated by the world around them and are constantly plagued by the itch to get out and explore. They’ll leave no stone unturned as they seek out new objects, people, and experiences. Their enthusiasm is sure to brighten anyone’s day, and their boundless energy means they never tire of any task—although they may go about it in an unorthodox way.
Collectors are hard workers, but certainly not the most organized of pets. Their attention flits from one fixation to another, and those around them will need a lot of patience. It can be difficult to contain their ideas, even the bad ones, and these pets may occasionally get themselves into trouble by running full-speed with a plan that wasn’t fully thought out.
Hunters and Waves often fit in seamlessly with these pets. However, pets born under the Sleeper, First to Rise, or Farmer constellations may not have the patience to handle Collectors.
These good-natured, eccentric pets coincidentally have their birthdays during the month of Collecting, which gives them the perfect opportunity to celebrate by decorating their Neohome for Halloween.
The Protector // Storing Wherever they go, Protectors are most often known as pillars of justice in their communities. They uphold law and custom at all costs, and they will not hesitate to sacrifice their own wellbeing for the good of others. These pets often make good teachers and healers, as well as strategists when necessary. Many look to them in times of need for defense, resources, or just as a source of hope and inspiration.
Protectors are extremely giving, but unfortunately this means that they will at some point be bled dry by those who take advantage of them. They are respected and admired by most, but the Protectors’ main priority is the good of the many over the good of the few, and there will always be those who dispute them because they do not personally benefit.
Gatherers and Thieves often find themselves drawn to pets who identify with the Protector because of their generous natures. However, Protectors definitely ought to steer clear of Gladiators, Dancers, and Waves.
Because Protectors are so invested in their communities, they may enjoy spending their birthday volunteering to help others—and during the Month of Storing, the Pteri Flying Championships can almost always use volunteer judges!
The Gladiator // Month of Celebrating Like Protectors, Gladiator pets are very concerned with the wellbeing of others. However, they are mostly interested in defending those close to them, and are much more focused on individuals than they are on groups and communities. Still, these pets will stop at nothing to keep their friends and family safe and secure, whether from physical harm, verbal attacks, or any other perceived danger.
Because of the protective role that these pets play in their families and social circles, they often feel entitled to a fair amount of thanks and admiration. To those who don’t know them well, they may appear self-righteous, and even selfish because they expect so much thanks in return for their efforts. Gladiators act not out of the goodness of their hearts, but because they see it as an obligation, and one they should be praised for upholding.
Pets born under the First to Rise constellation are likely to see eye to eye with Gladiators, more or less. Sleepers, too, will find much in common with them. Although Gladiators and Protectors are closely related, they are more likely to clash than to get along, so this combination should be avoided. Dancer pets tend to be too emotionally sensitive to put up with the Gladiator’s harsh opinions for long periods of time.
Gladiators do everything they can for the people they care for, but everyone around them would benefit if they spent a little time on some introspection. Instead of celebrating their birthdays with a large event, it’s recommended that these pets spend some time reflecting on and giving thanks for all the good things that have happened to them in the past year.
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And there you have it, the final installment of “What Altadorian Constellations Mean for You.” I hope you’ve found this series to be both enlightening and enjoyable. Regardless of your opinion on these particular interpretations, it is important for all pets to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, and perhaps these articles will encourage you and your Neopian friends to look inward and think about the personality and traits you project to the world around you. And even if you don’t believe in the ancient Altadorian legends these archetypes are based on, it may still provide some entertaining reading and interesting birthday celebration ideas for you and your pets.