Gifts for the Snow Beast by ningkov1
The Snow Beast watched the snow fall steadily outside as he waited in his cave. It was finally the month of Celebrating, and he wanted nothing more than to... celebrate! Each year he thought about going to the Advent Calendar to pick up some gifts, but he knew he would scare everyone away. They already thought of him as an evil monster, which he didn't think was true at all. While it was true that some other members of his species were prone to anger and fighting, he was different. Ever since he was little, he wanted nothing more than to go into town like other Neopians and enjoy all the fun festivities. He enjoyed drinking slushies and playing with toys, although all his items were always from the trash. Thankfully and surprisingly, Neopians threw out perfectly usable goods all the time. He looked around his cave at all his little treasures and smiled. Plushies in one corner; board games in another (that he played with his plushies); old, but still edible, foods; and a mountain of interesting books. Just the other day he found a book about a fiery land under Neopia! He wondered if there was a fire beast down there that also hid away in his hot cave. Even though he loved all his treasures, his thoughts still went back to the Advent Calendar. He stood up and paced back and forth in his cave, imagining all the possible gifts this year. He thought it would be nice to get some furniture for his cave, or perhaps a soft plushie for his bed. Maybe there was even a plushie in the shape of a Snow Beast! How cute! The thought of a cute mini Snow Beast plushie pushed him over the edge. He was going to head out tonight! He waited until it was dark outside and slowly made his way through the snow. He was careful to stay away from the main roads, and soon he was within sight of the building. However, before he could enter, he heard someone scream out. A tiny little Baby Bruce was looking right at him and screaming, “MONSTER!!!!!” The Snow Beast didn't waste a second as he turned and ran back to his cave. “You foolish fool! You knew this would happen!” Back in the safety of his home, he slammed his paw against the hard rock walls and screamed into his empty cave. He knew it was hard to get to the Advent Calendar without being seen, and even if he could then Reina would scream when she saw him... Or would she? She always seemed like such a cheerful and friendly Neopian. Last year when he tried to venture out, he arrived too late and saw Reina locking the front doors. He could have sworn she smiled when they locked eyes for just a second, but maybe that was all in his imagination. He sat back against the wall and pulled out his sketchbook. He couldn't get the thought of a Snow Beast plushie out of his mind, so he drew various designs: a Snow Beast plushie in a hat; then one swimming in the sea; another one with wings and flying in the sky; and finally, a picture of himself holding a little plushie!! He threw his sketchbook into the air and made another plan. He would write a letter and leave it outside of the Advent Calendar. He needed to see the gifts, and hopefully one would be a Snow Beast plushie! Carefully he ripped out a page from his sketchbook and wrote: “Dearest Reina, I am interested in visiting the Advent Calendar, but I am very shy. If it is not too much trouble, could you leave a box of the day's gifts outside when you finish? Sincerely, S.B.”
He rewrote his letter over and over again until his handwriting was perfect. Then just after midnight, when he was sure there would be no one around, he quietly walked through the snow to the Advent Calendar. He carefully pushed the note under the door and was about to turn back when it opened wide. “AHHHHHHH!” Reina screamed and fell backwards, sending an armful of gifts flying into the air. The Snow Beast's mind was shouting at him to run away, yet his legs walked forward, and his arm reached out. “I'm... I'm... I'm so very sorry Ms. Reina! I didn't mean to startle you...” He expected Reina to cry and shout, but instead she smiled at him and laughed. She held onto his paw and jumped up excitedly. “Please don't apologise! I just thought I was done for the day! Another visitor! Hooray! And I've never seen you before! Oh, are you a Halloween Poogle? What an awesome outfit! It looks so real!!” The Snow Beast didn't want to lie, yet he did anyway. “Ummm....Yes! Yes, I'm a Paggle! I mean Poogle! I like Poogle things... like Poogle tea...” He was thankful at this moment that Reina was such a nice Neopian. He knew he came across as strange and awkward, still Reina continued to smile and emit a cheerful atmosphere. “Oh, what's this? Did you come here to give me this letter?” The kind Aisha picked up his carefully written letter and unfolded it. She read it quickly before softly placing her paw on his shoulder. “I completely understand! But it's a shame if we don't get to meet again. I'm here late every day, so please stop by again around this time! The last visitors usually come around 11 or so. Anyways, please wait one moment!” As Reina ran to the back of the room, he picked up all the items she dropped and gently placed them on a nearby table. When she returned and saw what he had done, she smiled even wider. “Thank you for picking those up! Here are today's gifts! Also, inside the box is something extra since it's your first visit and you're my new friend!! I hope you like it, SB! Oh, by the way, I'm Reina!” The Snow Beast didn't have a name, but with Reina, his new and first friend, he would be SB, the Halloween Poogle. He took the box of gifts and went home feeling lighter than air. At home, he set the box down on his bed and quickly unwrapped it, immediately screaming out in delight after seeing the contents. The Advent Calendar gifts were incredible as he expected, but the two extra presents Reina included were exactly what he wanted. He carefully pulled out his new Snow Beast Plushie and Snow Beast Action Figure and spun around his cave. The plushie was the softest toy he had ever felt, and the white fur sparkled in the moonlight. The action figure was also cute and tiny, and when he moved its arms and legs it looked like it was dancing. He felt tears of joy trickle down his face as he hugged his new treasures with glee. He wished he had gathered the courage to go to the Advent Calendar sooner but later was better than never at least. He made a note on his calendar to stop by every night after 11 this month. More than the gifts, he looked forward to talking with Reina more. He searched through his pile of books and even found the perfect title to help him out – “Learn Social Skills.” After reading, he went to bed full of joy in his heart, knowing he had finally taken his first step toward change. There was still a lot to learn, but one day he would become a real member of society. For now, he was thankful for the Advent Calendar for changing his life. The End.