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Here's To Another 25 - An Interview

by amplificationsseasy


Founded in 1999, Neopets is truly one of the most iconic games of all time. The fact that it has lasted for 25 years is a testimony to that. From exploring Neopia to chatting with other users on the Neoboards, there is no shortage of what you can do over here. Neopets has been through so many changes but there are some things that have remained the same - The users. Well, the Neo-Veterans to be more specific. Though many users have come and gone, these people have stayed despite the odds. In honor of Neopet’s 25th anniversary I interviewed some Neo-Veterans (Users who’ve been around since the 2000’s or before!) including one of the first users on this website, so keep on reading to find out who it is!* I hope you enjoy reading these user’s responses as much as I did. Keep reading and you might find some of your Neofriends here.

     Some questions I’ve asked are:-

     -How long have you been playing Neo, how frequently do you play and why?

     -What is your favourite memory/achievement of Neo?

     -What is your niche (Gaming, Trading, Writing etc?) and why? What have you learnt throughout the years?

     -What is it like seeing all the changes Neopets has gone through?

     -What are your future plans for Neopets?

     Here are the responses:-

     00ssaarraahh00 says ‘Over 22 years. It feels homey, fun and calming to me. I thought I was going to quit in 2016 and I had SO much fun spending down/selling 75 million + NPs at that time (mostly giving away). I love growing my shop, but I am mostly a junk dealer. I've learned to tune into what's fun for me. I'm humbly grateful that Neopets still exists in a way that I still want to play!’

      aiteo says ‘I’ve been playing pretty much since its inception. I was 7-8 when I started and it came out in '99. Sadly my oldest accounts have been lost. I started playing again because of my sister in the late 2000s for a few years, haven't played for a decade & returned this year - also bc of my sister! I play most days, when I'm bored or to engage with my sister as a way to connect & hang out with her. She's pretty introverted & has very niche interests so it's a special way that we connect & that's pretty much what keeps me playing!

     I used to LOVE Krawks. Still do! Back in the day, they were extremely rare & hard to obtain. Feeding one at the cave was like a game changer for me as a kid,I remember being so excited & couldn't contain myself! Definitely a sweet memory for me. This is a great question since there's so much to do on Neo. I used to be super into roleplaying and art when I was a kid. I still doodle a lot & want to draw my pets again since I'm a much better artist these days. It would be a lot of fun to do art trades again so I'm going to do that once I get a tablet stylus. Throughout the years I've become a much more mellow player. I don't have many trophies even though my account is pretty old.

     I think it's great the site is still going & has evolved with the times. Love being able to customise pets and all the new colours that are available as well as old favourites. Cool, there are more involved plots too, even though I only came back this year for Void Within & haven't done plots for literally over 10 years. Art, get back into beauty contests and art trades. Otherwise, I like to live pretty uncalculated. I want to get 2 more pets too!’

     alknorea says ‘This is the oldest account I have access to, but probably since 2008-ish. RN I've been playing daily after work. The lil’ games n’ stuff just helps me unwind. When I completed my lab map back in the 2010s, I think I just about jumped for joy. It used to be guilds, coding, and RPing, but now I just play games, fart around on gen disc, resell rare items, and zap my pets. It does surprise me a lot. The first time I saw a pirate PB and a faerie PB on Shop Wizard, I was SHOOK. I was also SHOOK by daily quests. Back in the day, it was a grind to just get 10k a day. I remember the days when having a Pirate Draik was a sign of status. My goals right now are to reach 1 million NP and continue zapping lil Soot Sprite until he turns into a clove of garlic. ’

     alwaysbeclassy says ‘I had my first account ~2003 in 2nd grade when my older sister made an account (I remember playing the games at school) but was too young to do a lot. Then I had this one when I was 13 and played for a few years! I loved the newbies' chat. A kind soul gave me a lab map and some NPs, so I was pretty set when I logged back in last January to start playing again! My favourite memory was being gifted the lab map and looking at screenies (I LOVED them at age 13). I didn't/still don't have a niche- I juuuuust started training my pet. I enjoy the changes- it's easier to get things without having to be so serious! I can't say I really have any real plans! I enjoy playing games and getting NPs! I play every/other-ish day depending on the time of year!’

     american_horse3 says ‘I have been playing since 2000. This was my 2nd account, my 1st was frozen. Some days I get on every day, and others I get on every now and then depending on what is going on with the site. My fav memory is seeing a Fire Draik for the first time in the pound (back when they were super hard to get.) I missed it and was devastated. I used to be a PCer until my second conversion. Now I just kinda float around and collect backgrounds. It's interesting seeing all the changes, different owners etc. No idea what my future plans are… continue to endure I suppose. Lol’

     ben_mckenzie_girl says ‘I’ve been playing for 21 years, since I was 15. I play every day, mostly just doing dailies and making sure my pets are fed and happy. I'm working on my stamp collecting goals and I am determined to break into the Book Club for how many books my 1st Neopet has read. When I was first starting out I would play everything, especially the featured game. Now I have my handful of games that I actually LIKE playing. I have found the changes interesting. The daily quests help earn more NP so I can go after rarer stamps and books. I like the overarching plot of Void Within and am intrigued to see how they will wrap it up. My only definite future plans involve getting a Tonu because I have the Museum Tonu complete wardrobe set (I like dinosaurs) and I want to have fun with that. Otherwise, it's same as always’

     chuckie001 says ‘My early Neopets experience was playing the games, finding ones I liked (and didn't like) and practising to do well at them. The loss of the Flash player was a big setback. I'm glad TNT was able to restore gameplay on some of the classic games using Ruffle. I didn't know about/ignored the NeoBoards for a long time, which sadly meant I missed out on participating in some plots. Now I'm much more active on the NeoBoards, hosting some, and chiming in to help out on some boards I see. And I've been a member of some guilds for some time now, too. I passively work on some Gallery collections, Stamp and Coin albums, Avatars and Trophies. I like some of TNT's "recent" changes, including Trudy's Surprise and the daily and weekly tasks and prizes of the Quest Log (and the Tutorials for that too). And plots are a fun extra, whenever they come along.’

     coolgirl is one of the oldest users on Neopets. Her account was made 2 days after Neopets was created. TNT, please give her an award, because showing up almost every day for a quarter of a century is the definition of dedication!

     coolgirl says ‘I actually got lucky finding Neopets on Yahoo by looking up Virtual pet sites. I was obsessed with Dogz and Catz games at the time and just wanted more like them. I’ve been playing for over 25 years now. I still play every day. I think it's mostly for nostalgia but also it's just a habit at this point. One of my favourite memories was when some random person gifted me an Ummagine Stamp when I was getting married. That was really nice! At this point I mostly customize but I love playing the games. The games just aren't as fun or easy since Flash went away, unfortunately. I've loved seeing how Neopets has changed. I think the new team is going in a really great direction with it. There have been times when the site was so boring that I just longed for the good ol' days. I feel like it's even better now! (Question -What does it feel like to be one of the oldest users on the website?) Most of the time I don't even think about it. It is fun when people recognize me and call me out for it. I live a pretty boring real life so it's a fun change of pace. I feel incredibly lucky but I think it also speaks to how loyal I can be, lol. I want to collect stamps and get all the stamp avatars. I'm always hesitant to spend NPs so it'll take a while but I plan on being here until the very end. I don't mind waiting as long as it takes.’

     dabigbadwu1f says ‘This is my first and only account. I was gone mostly because my password was long forgotten. Thankfully Neosupport helped me recover it. I took a break cuz of how many things weren't working on the site. Came back again and was amazed at how many new changes and updates. I log in daily, especially for the Food Club. I love training pets, battling, restocking my shop, and the random events. Fondest memory: Restocking a bag of healing dust and a heavy blue tunic. lol. I remember waiting and refreshing the shop for weeks on end. Starting on Neopets and trying to make NP was super frustrating if you don't restock. I learned that a random event giving you a paintbrush or a morphing potion can really turn things around and open you to trying new things on the site.’

     demonwolf8260 says ‘Doling out the charm… This is my oldest account. I started out wanting to write NT stories about my current active pet after being inspired by my favourite authors, but ended up becoming a role-player in various guilds/the role-playing board instead. My favourite memories involve role-playing. I took a long break after the people I talked with became inactive.’

     dracofirex says ‘This is my original account. Joined June 2001 because I liked the games and I still play most days casually. My favourite achievement was getting my gallery well filled out and looking good. Niche is games, never got into much else which is unfortunate. I learned the importance of the advent calendar and lab ray! I plan to keep playing, and overall changes are positive. Working with the Ruffle community has been distinctly interesting trying to get all of the old games back onto Neopets and testing the code and functionality of how Ruffle handled the game elements. The team is still working on Zurroball but I'm not sure what has been causing the issues with clicking the ball. I'll keep testing and that's all I've got. ’

     dtolsen says ‘I got started with Neo when I got my paralegal degree in my early 30's. A school friend's daughter was into it. And bam, I was hooked. I got my bff hooked. My kid got into it for games and the AC. Now her kid is into it. It's like a family here. My niche is customisation. Plots. Events. Battledome. Advent. Neggs. Charity Corner with boons! I finally got 75 Kadoaties fed. I'm into avatars now. I just started Food Club. And stamps! I need to add SAP and SuAP to my battle set (gotta have goals). I want to finish 2 more stamp albums. I miss the old games. I miss Habi. I want customisation to work right. Overhaul the mall. Get rid of my NC junk items. I really love it here. And still connect with my bff about it daily.

     Over time, I've learned patience. It took me years and a lot of wrong turns trying to train my BD pet. I didn't exactly do it the right way. Customising is one of my all-time favourites. Since this new plot started, I have been playing it daily. I have tons of dream pets now. I just plain enjoy it. Even when it frustrates me. Because it wouldn't be Neo without bugs, lags, oopsies, etc. I don't plan to ever stop playing, although there have been many ebbs and flows through the last nearly 20 years of playing. My two favourite achievements are feeding 75 kads, all via cell phone, and completing my first stamp album page Sea Shells. Having all my favourite pets. I need like 10 more. Lol’

     goldensif says ‘I started playing in 2002, though I have had breaks on and off throughout the years. I had a few previous accounts in the early 00's before starting this one when I came back in 2013. I play daily now, my last break was 2021 but I stayed away for less than a year. Favorite memory- I was pretty casual on my old accounts so not much to remember there, I enjoyed early charity corners on this one. Achievement, getting avatar collector av, certain stamp/game avatars, getting bank interest to a certain amount. My niche was games originally and then avatars. These days it is mostly the art gallery. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster since Jump Start took over in 2014, I remember thinking the site was ending at one point. It's good to see them making a lot more events and being more active recently. I like the extra pet slots and customisation aspect, I'm not a huge fan of the event logs, I think they serve a purpose but other ways were better. My future plans are to see what's coming I guess, and try to get in the art gallery some more On a side note I think we could do with being able to write longer messages on the boards.'

     horpths says ‘I started playing around 2002-2003. I lost the password for my first account and never got it back. I loved collecting the plushies with the key codes and playing Key Quest. It was so cool to have two copies/versions of the toys, sort of like buying a DVD with a digital copy. I wanted to finish a couple cabinet series of the virtual plushies. I also miss Daily Dare and I hope they bring both back. The old games should be brought back too.’

     jackskeletondouble07 says ‘I started playing in 2003. 7th grade, 12 years old. Used to play with my other middle school friends. I've been off and on ever since. I can remember a few times when Neopets would run sponsorships through games and they would add little places to visit around Neopia. I liked the tale of woe plot the most. I think the creepy vibe stuck with me. I also miss being able to just make nostalgic pets without paying real money for it lol’

     kosmickritter says ‘I am returning, my account age doesn't show it, but I do have some Neopets that are 3k days old. And even then, I had an account way before that one that has been lost to time...I have had three phases of Neopet play. Phase 1 was when I was maybe 8 years old. I played for a few years until I visited the site again in 2014. This started Phase 2. I played for another couple of years until I started playing again last year, which would be Phase 3. My favourite memory was during phase 2 when I finally obtained a Disco Paint Brush to paint my Chomby. I spent many hours obtaining this goal. I’ve been playing for about 2 hours or so every day for the last year. All these years later, I still don't have a niche. Right now, I enjoy avatar collecting and customising. It's been interesting seeing the changes. I enjoy them, even though the site has been broken-ish for years. I look forward to seeing how the site evolves further. I am going to continue to play and be a part of the Neopets family. I love to see our passionate teamwork on this website. I would like to help new players make friends and thrive here just as I did.’

     liljadebabetheteen says ‘Around 22 and half years, I dip in and out, I can go a year or two without playing at a time

     Getting the 2nd place Dice-a-Roo trophy, it was the first time I had ever gotten any high score or won anything big and I was only like 14 at the time. Don't really have anything I'm good at, just play a bit of everything. I like the changes just wish they would complete them all and update the games’

     mademoiselle_chanel5 says ‘I've been playing for almost 20 years, since 2005. However, my first account was 86'd because I violated TOS by doing something I definitely didn't understand. Adding customisation changed the game in a really fun way, but it was wonky at the start. Neopets are cute little guys, and the charming, sometimes skrunkly art style on the site inspired me to work on my own drawings’

     nelly9000 says- ‘I've been playing since late 2004. I've taken multiple hiatuses, usually 3 years at a time, and then play a lot for a year. I’ve learnt how to customise pets and collect cute items. I like how there's still a lot of the old elements of the site, but I'm glad there's way more customisation now. One of my goals is to make all my Neopets look fabulous.’

     neolover2000_1000 says ‘I've been playing since 2000/2001. My first UN was literally my first and last name, so I had to dump that one. I play daily. My favourite memory is participating in the old plots. LDP was my favourite!I don't really have a niche at the moment. I sign in to zap my pets and stay on top of site events. Can't say I've learned much, aside from being much better at earning NPs.-I actually like the site changes. It's nice to see that there are other people who care about keeping a site like this alive. My future plans are to get back into participating in contests, and max out my bank account!’

     nesskesside3 says’ I consider myself a Neoldie, playing from the very beginning but lost my oldest account and it is hard to rebuild. I play daily, mostly to customise my pets.I can spend hours on finding them the cutest outfits. One thing about the good old days that I really miss, is KQ so sad that the new team can't bring it back. Future wise, I hope to see more exciting

     short plots and new avies’

     ninett says ‘This is one of my oldest accounts, I have another that I have access to that is about 6 months older, but that one has an atrocious username (in the realm of word + 6 numbers). It would have been 2004 when I started playing when I was 9. Since then, I've dropped Neopets a few times, but I seem to gravitate towards it and I always find myself back here after a few years' hiatus. When I'm back, I tend to play daily. I'm mainly spending time on my guild discussing books, and working on some coding projects for petpages. My favourite memory on Neopets might come across as a little shallow, but when I was about 12, I found a Faerie Paint Brush on the Shop Wizard. At the time, they were going for millions on the trading post, and the Neopoint limit for shops was about 100k, so this was momentous. It was my first taste of Neo-riches. I sold it as quickly as I could. I am still a Neopoint hoarder. I don't spend much, I sit on it like Smaug.

     I play the game broadly, flitting between niches. Sometimes I get really into auction sniping. Other times I'm trying to do Neopoint-only customs or considering items to put in my gallery. There was a time that I thought Neopets was a sinking ship, and watched the dwindling of active players with sadness, but it has been great to see its resurgence as well these past few months. Looking ahead, I think I will continue to use Neopets as a source for cool projects. I might even end up dedicating a petpage to interesting Neopets stats for fellow nerds. I can see myself coming online to chat books for years to come, and maybe making more pets. I want to finish my Katara custom, but I might have to venture into Neocash territory, and real money terrifies me.’

     nordstjerna says ‘I got my first account in 2006 as a teen. Had about 10 years of hiatus when life got too busy in my mid-20s. Got back into it almost a year ago. I play a bit almost every day, mostly on my commute. I was very proud to cross-paint my Tyrannian/Halloween Eyrie and my three Ogrins back when it was hard to earn Neopoints. I saved for years. I also remember being a total rookie and relying on the Soup Kitchen and the Giant Omelette, and slowly learning more about Neopia. It is a fond memory. The first time I got published in Neopian Times was also a big deal to me. It has changed over the years. At first, I was into drawing my pets and I really worked hard on getting a basic understanding of HTML and CSS so I could make petpages and apply for painted pets from the adoption agencies (there were no painted pets in the Pound), then I was into galleries, now I am customising, running pet directories, making my Classic Neohome that I could not afford back then, or just chatting with my guild. I have learned that there is always something to do and enjoy in Neopia, no matter your age. I enjoy the most of the changes. I remember the conversion of pets into customisable ones as the biggest change. It was a big decision to make. Of course, I sometimes regretted converting mine when I realised how rare and valuable they would be unconverted, but I liked the new possibilities of customization too. I also miss some old games and spotlights. But Neopia is still a place I can recognise, and I guess that is part of the appeal of coming back. Continue to run directories, it seems like people have fun contributing to those. Occasionally submit to Neopian Times. I also like to feed paint and zap Pound pets, so I guess I'll continue with that. I like that Neopoints, items and painted pets are more accessible for players than it used to be, but I hope it does not take away the feeling of achievement after working hard towards a goal for the new players. As a veteran, it feels nice to make it try to support the community, for example by hosting pet directories and being welcoming and helpful to new and returning players. I really want Neopia to be a friendly place younger and older people can continue to enjoy for years to come.’

     onecalledcow says ‘Playing since 2003 (21.5 years!). My favourite memory is unpopular: conversion of kaus, there were years of redraws...not for circular kaus, I chose to convert Diavok and lost character in favour of better line art. I miss the Ice Caves game & hope for bug repairs. My niche is collecting!!! I'm proud of learning HTML / CSS code, a rare talent in my job. Change is the only constant, be adaptable!’

     overdawg says ‘I created my account in October of 2001 when I was in college. Played heavily until 2006, but then life got in the way. Came back in 2022. My best memory is when my 'Unhappy Ode to BOOM' poem won! The stupid stock went bankrupt & I was angry! lol. I've liked how Neopets has changed, but it is still the same that even old people like me can enjoy it. I mostly play games & collect Dr. Sloth stuff & yoyos!’

     parody_ham says ‘I've been playing for...19.5 years, almost to the day! And I play almost daily, although these days I mostly do dailies or write for the Neopian Times. Every now and then I'll customize my pets for fun. I think my favourite memory was hitting NTx100! I didn't think it was possible back when I started writing in college, so reaching that goal was (and still is, to be honest, haha) mind-blowing! My favourite niche is definitely writing. I really enjoy having a fun, relaxing outlet to write for that is stress-free. It allows me to be in that moment and focus on something outside of my own mind and reality. Somewhere magic is possible and Weewoos deliver your mail. It's been a wild ride, but I look forward to seeing how the site grows in the coming years. Likely to keep on writing, co-running the collabs, and enjoying events as they come. (And getting avies as they come out, gotta catch 'em all!)’

     parrot_lover_80 says ‘Hi, Neo veteran here. And we have pteri twins, I see. I've been playing since 2006, my younger sister got me into it. I usually play every day, but I did take a hiatus around 2019 when I was juggling college and two jobs. As for my favourite memory...I have lots. Off the top of my head, winning avatars like the Coconut Shy, getting my first paint brush, the Faeries' Ruin plot, among others. My Neo niche...I don't really have one. I'm more into everything. I have learned some things like computer coding because of petpages, the difference between big numbers, and so on. Seeing all the changes Neopets has gone through is kind of a double-edged sword. I really don't like the mobile-friendly makeover since I can't find things or open things in new tabs. I find Neocash and any promo involved annoying, but I do like the deflation of high-priced stuff.

     I don't currently have any future plans, just doing my dailies, training my pets, and zapping lab pets to put in the pound.’

     pd_what says ‘ Been playing since approx 2002, I've always been on and off - usually logging on nearly every day for a year then off for a year or two. Usually, it's just that life gets fast and I don't have time and it falls out of routine. Then things calm down and it becomes part of the routine again. My favourite memory is calling my friend (back when we only had house phones) and using speakerphones to talk while we played Keyquest together for hours. No niche. It used to be pet trading a few years ago, but now I'm just trying to complete albums and enjoy my guild. I’ve learnt how to actually earn Neopoints. I thought a 2k Petpet was sooo expensive back in my younger days XD. Gosh remember the conversion? That was wild. But it feels like growing up. Sometimes small changes, sometimes really big changes. Still growing, but also the same. Hope to make a couple of long-lasting Neofriends in the future’

     slchas says ‘I have been playing for 23 12 years. My daughter introduced it to me. I play almost every day. My favourite memory is of friends I met in guild. We exchanged Christmas cards, sadly most left the game and the guild is mostly inactive now. I liked playing games but so many don't work without the Flash player. The world changes as does technology. I do wish things were free like it used to be’

     starpbl says ‘I’ve been playing since 2005! i used to play daily, took a few very long breaks, and now back to daily. My favourite online memory is finally finishing the secret lab map, but IRL is all the design/coding I learned here was the direct pathway to my job now! and i love seeing all the new items and updates, but love that there are still things that look/feel the same for us oldies’

     stephsie says ‘I started back in 2005, I play daily, had some breaks throughout the years but I was very active from 2009-2016ish. Now I more or less do my dailies and just try to save NPs, that's my goal

     My favourite memory is certainly the guild I used to be in back in 2012, made some really good friends which I still talk to daily. I don't have a niche anymore, but I used to be a trophy, stamp and avatar collector haha! As for the changes, I'm not really sure as I don't know about the current ones. For me, the big change happened back in 2013 when they closed the Dutch Neoboards and a lot of games were discontinued. An entire community where I was part of just disappeared, it was kinda sad.’

     sweetpea20031219 says-’17 + years - I currently play daily…Took a 5 year hiatus. My favourite memory is when I was finally able to afford a Candychan (of course they were released soon after I bought one at full price). I have no niche - just doing things I enjoy like feeding gourmet, reading books, etc to my pets. They each have their own thing. It has been a learning curve learning the changes. I came back soon after a lot of the changes were made. No plans, just waiting and seeing where the site goes and what happens.’

     Shoutout to taernost who made a webpage just for these responses! Here’s his response -

     ‘How long have you been playing Neo?

     I just went through my memories of when I first played Neopets -- in 5th grade -- and it must have been at least in early 2000, quite possibly in those first couple of months at the end of 1999. I think my original username was something like sniperfox232. It's from Metal Gear Solid, which I have never played.

     How frequently do you play and why?

     It's inconsistent now. I used to get on obsessively, every day, all day if I could get away with it. I still like Neopets, but I'm not as overwhelmingly excited about it as I was back in the day. Nothing bad, just one of those things that mellows out over time. Besides, you know the line: Life, uh, gets in the way.

     What is your favourite memory/achievement of Neo?

     Memory: Playing Cheat! while breathing the scent of hot '90s computer dust; being on the HC in the mid-2000s and all the wild stuff that would go down there (I made an HC T-shirt, if you can believe it); chatting with the Dutch players back when there were foreign language Neoboards (they're really friendly).

     Achievement: Making a petpage guide that helped a lot of people back in the day; getting the Typing Terror and Dubloon Disaster avatars; getting rich enough to give someone a few laboratory map pieces (see next); writing an epic rap about someone's Relic Kacheek.

     What is your niche and why?

     Since at least the mid-2000s, I've been on Neopets almost exclusively to do two things:

     1) Chat on the Neoboards; 2) Give stuff away. I've played plenty of games and participated in a lot of other activities from time to time, but it was usually because I wanted an avatar for the Neoboards, or because there was an opportunity to easily get more stuff to sell or give out. As for why, I couldn't say for sure. All I remember is realizing at some point that, rather than working toward any particular goals of my own, I had more fun answering questions on the Help Chat and randomly giving out prizes to others who were being helpful. So I rebranded myself "the freebie man", and the rest, as they say, is a blur. Or something like that.

     What have you learnt throughout the years?

     As an HCer, I had nothing to learn over the years, as I already knew everything.

     Haha, but seriously, so much, you know? The Neoboards were really formative for me. Being a part of this community in the mid-2000s was a viscerally meaningful experience that remains a treasured memory. It's nearly impossible to explain properly to those who weren't there -- and unnecessary to explain to those who were -- just how fast the Neoboards moved back then, and how deep the intrigue of it all was, and how much it meant to us. I learned a lot about how to treat people, what's important, and what I value. Neopets got me into HTML and beyond, and I feel that it even prepared me in some way for my first tech support job.

     What is it like seeing all the changes Neopets has gone through?

     Aggravating! Put the page layout back! No, the OLD old one! Turn my pets back! And get off my Neolawn! ;)

     What are your future plans for Neopets?

     Oh, do I get to drive now? It's about time! Okay, the first thing we're gonna do is put a five-minute expiration timer on Money Tree items and th-- oh, my bad. Well, I don't know then. I'm just along for the ride, as far as it goes’

     vergessenerengel says ‘I started playing in 2005, and I have been online and offline ever since, but I've been logging in every day since 2020. My favourite memory is when I adopted Aeayl. She was UFA. I wrote a long pp application but I was unable to finish it because something terrible happened irl. So I wasn't online for a month. When I came back, her owner had sent me a mail telling me that I can adopt her because she had seen the unfinished app and it was clear how much she meant to me. I'm mostly training Tessayi and trying to collect avatars (and failing but oh well, that's part of the experience xD).I find the changes interesting and I'm so happy about things like nostalgic pets or the new plot, which is happening after there haven't been any changes for so long. And it's so interesting to see how Neopets changed throughout the years.I just want to try for more game avatars, have a good time and get matching pet pets for each of my pets.’

     Well, there you have it folks! I had lots of fun reading their answers. It was like a trip down the memory lane of things I’ve never experienced. Of course, I only managed to interview a small minority of these users, yet each response is wonderfully unique. It’s like I’ve tapped into the undocumented history of Neopets. If I ever get the chance to interview all the users, I’d do so in a heartbeat. While reading all of these answers, I’ve realised one thing - all of us have our own story over here on Neopets and the journey to becoming a Neo-veteran starts with making memories and having fun!

     *The first account on Neopets is borovan (Adam, the creator of Neopets) but I’ve only interviewed players, not creators and staff. However, if you’re reading this, TNT, and you want to be interviewed, sign me up!


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When Ruby awoke that morning, a part of her hoped she’d hear the front door open, and Lana’s warm voice would fill the foyer. She and her sister would embrace, and after Lana finished telling her about her harrowing escape from Void-ridden Brightvale, they’d get to work on that article.

by hybatsu


Niemyra's Big Break
"The alarm clock next to Niemyra’s head suddenly blared, violently ripping her from her dreams of a sunny, peaceful weekend with no deadlines looming over her head. She tossed her..."

by neoholic17


Too Much Celebrating
So much to celebrate...Collab with silly_mistake

by emaciate


The Void With..out?
The obvious Weewoo edition one! Collab with morphousss & zidane12276

by devotedly

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