Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 142,862,738 Issue: 176 | 4th day of Awakening, Y7
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Crazy Kadoatie Lady

by immortalmina

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He's the Lupe that walks around in 'Hunting' mode just to hear the music.

by kagura_the_wind


The Prophecy of Four: Part Three
"I'm going to contact Kal and Sanalre," stated Tanelle. "Wait. I want to see if they experienced the same thing."

by jade_steel


The Adventures of Tarin and Zeke: The Dark Book - Part Two
Tarin looked at himself and saw that his arms and body were bandaged in a few spots. They had been carefully wrapped in soft, white cloth. He closed his eyes again, then he heard a gentle voice...

by sapphire123208


Neopian Food Reviews
I highly doubt you’ve tasted all of these foods, both because of lack of Neopoints and fear of bad taste. So, to be branded honorable Neopians, my friend Ery and I decided to take on the duty of tasting different types of Neopian foods to report back to you if they’re worth buying!

by chocolateisamust

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