The Great Migration: Part One by spiritwolf_forever
The wind was howling that stormy afternoon. Outside, the
weather was around twenty below, but it was nice and cozy inside the den of one
Bori. A Bori named was Takeinia. Her fur was as white as the soft snow that was
slowly drifting to the ground outside.
Her auburn eyes glanced down at a small bundle
of fur beside her flank. It started to move.
"You are awake at last, I see," the mother Bori
cooed softly. The ball of fur uncurled and Takeinia found herself looking into
a pair of auburn eyes like her own. They belonged to red baby Bori. He looked
up at his mother and squeaked. Takeinia chuckled. The baby Bori, her son, was
still young and weak, so weak that he could barely open his eyes.
"My darling, my darling, born into this world
just yesterday without a name. You must have a name, for one's existence is
questioned when he has no name to answer too."
Takeinia laughed again. "I have it, how about
Borver?" The little Bori looked up at her, eyes glistening bright.
"Very well then, Borver it is," Takeinia said
softly. She then brought Borver closer to her side. He nestled into her thick
fur and closed his eyes, prepared to drift into a deep sleep, when suddenly,
the door of the den burst open.
An old grey Bori stood there, his red eyes fixed
on mother and son.
"Nathaniel, my father," Takeinia whispered and
she lowered her head, "have you heard any news about Rory?"
Rory was Takeinia older brother. A few days
ago, he had gone missing.
A long, eerie moment of silence passed between
the two. "Takeinia, my daughter, as beautiful as the sunset sky, we sent out
a search party earlier today. The others said that they saw your brother heading
into the woods in search of food for the colony. We headed out into the woods,
we found him, dead. The cold killed him."
Tears stung Takeinia's eyes, she tried to fight
them back, but they came. "Shush now," Nathaniel coaxed, "Rory had a good life.
He was a hero, if you will recall, he helped his fellow Bori in time of great
need. He will be forever looked up to amiss the Bories, and I'm sure that one
day, your son will look up to Rory, his very own uncle." Another uncomfortable
silence followed.
"I suppose father," Takeinia murmured, "and
I'm sure Borver will one day be a hero as well." Nathaniel didn't answer.
His thoughts were all focused on the snow, piling
up outside the den as they spoke. "Takeinia," he said softly, "we must gather
the other Bories. The weather is getting serious. We must migrate soon or else
the cold will take us all."
"But father," Takeinia cried angrily, "I cannot
leave with Borver, not yet; he is far too young and far too weak!" Her father
"I understand your feelings," he said, "but
if you two do not leave, the cold will take both of you. Besides, many young
Bories, including myself, have traveled with the great migration and lived to
tell about it. Now you stay here while I go gather the other Bories. I will
send Mysson to escort you to the meeting place when we are ready." And with
that he left, leaving Takeinia alone.
As precious time slowly began to slip by, like
sand in an hour glass, or water during a drought, the snow started pilling up
outside of Takeinia's den.
When Mysson came to get Takeinia, she found
her and Borver playing. Takeinia would swish her tail about and Borver would
try to catch it.
Mysson had been Takeinia's best friend ever
since she was little. Mysson was not born into the colony; instead, Takeinia's
father had found Mysson when she was a baby. She had been abandoned by her birth
mother, left to die out in the snow. Thankfully, Takeinia's colony had had the
heart to take the babe in.
"Well, I see you are keeping yourself occupied
with the little one Takeinia," Mysson laughed, "but we really should be going
now, Nathaniel has asked me to escort you to the meeting place."
"Very well then," Takeinia said as she scooped
up Borver in her jaws, "lead the way."
The green Bori led Takeinia through the thick
pine woods of Terror Mountain. For as long as ether of the two could remember,
every spring Bori colonies from all across Neopia would gather and form one
large group. Together, large group would travel to Terror Mountain, where they
would separate in to their own colonies once more and spend the summer there.
In the winter time, the Bori colonies would group together again and travel
south of happy valley to spend their winter there. And as far as the two could
remember, Takeinia's father, Nathaniel had always led the Bori.
It was night by the time Takeinia and Mysson
reached the meeting spot. It was located in the heart of the woods, under an
old red wood tree. All the other Bori had already gathered there.
The colony itself was fairly small. There were
only seven Bori in total, including Takeinia, Mysson and Nathaniel. Aside from
them, there was Samuel, the Christmas Bori, Earl, the brown Bori, Auggie, the
yellow Bori, and Candice, Mysson's daughter, the blue Bori.
"Fellow Bori," Nathaniel began, all the Bori
lowered their heads in respect for their leader "the chill of winter has fallen
upon us. We must begin the migration." He cocked his head and motioned for Takeinia
to come forward.
"My daughter, Takeinia, and I will be leading
the journey. Go, gather your friends and relatives and meet back here at sun
rise." With that, the Bori got up and left, all except Nathaniel and Takeinia.
"Takeinia," he said softly, "I fear that this
will be the last year that I will be able to lead the journey, which is why
you must take my place." Takeinia was silent. For a long time, she had known
that this was bound to occur, but now it felt so awkward. So unreal.
The wind whispered softly through the trees
that day. The grey sky hung low to the ground, which was covered with a foot
of snow.
It had been three days since the Bori were on
the move. Takeinia was informed that her colony was soon to meet up with the
West colony. They would then join together and proceed on with their journey.
Nathaniel was watching Borver, who was clenched
tightly between his mother's jaws. She seemed distracted.
"What is it that is bothering you?" he asked.
"Everything," Takeinia mumbled.
"I understand that you are stressed, Takeinia,
because of all that has happened. Your brother is dead by the cold north winds,
and now my health slowly begins to fade. But it is not the end of the world,
for the world never ends. Do not let it get to you. Stay strong my child." Takeinia
lowered her head. Her father's words had no effect on her.
"Bori colony, across the river!" someone suddenly
cried out, breaking the silence. Takeinia put down Borver for a moment to look.
There, across the river she saw a colony of Bori, standing in formation, waiting
to rejoin them."
"The ice on the river is to thin," the leader
of the colony hollered, "We will meet at the bridge."
"Very well then," Nathaniel cried back. As the
Bori moved out, Takeinia suddenly froze.
"Father," she cried, "where is Borver?"
Nathaniel cocked his head, "I thought you had
Suddenly, Takeinia turned and saw a frantic
look in the eyes of the Bori across the river. There, out on the ice, was a
small, red ball of fur; Borver. When Takeinia had put him down, he had eagerly
rushed out on the ice to greet the other Bori, but now he was stranded.
"Borver," Takeina cried as she charged towards
the river, but Mysson stopped her.
"Takeinia," she cried, "are you crazy? If you
go out on the ice, you will both fall through and drown!"
An awful, gut wrenching cracking sound came
from the river. The ice split open and Borver fell into the murky water. The
current was taking him down stream.
"My son," Tekeinia cried. She ran along side
the river, but the red ball of fur only seemed to get farther away. Finally,
Takeinia collapsed to her feet with exhaustion.
As Nathaniel and Mysson rushed to her side as
she watched her son being swept down river.
"Borver," Takeinia sobbed, "my dear Borver is
dead. He is dead and will not rise to see the sunlight again."
But little did Takeinia know, her son was not
dead at all, he was just lost and alone. Alone in a strange world to fend for
himself, and for the next few years, no one would even know about this stranger,
swept away from his family in Terror Mountain. Not until Arkatha came along
To be continued...