The Crystal Eye Prophecy: Part Two by vanessa1357924680
All the faeries stepped back as they saw their old friend
turn evil. Jhudora just watched dumbstruck. How could this have happened? she
thought. Watching the Fire Faerie test out her new powers, Jhudora couldn't help
but feel a longing for the powers once more. However, she couldn't just stand
there and watch. The best chance of escape was now, when the Fire Faerie was still
testing her powers.
Knowing from past experience with the Orb also,
Fyora used a great deal of her power creating a force field around the tower,
casting the Fire Faerie out in a blaze of green light. Using up all her power,
Fyora then collapsed to the floor."You know you can't keep me out forever!"
the Fire Faerie cackled from outside, and it was true. She could easily break
the force field once the true power from the Orb finally took control, but for
now, this was all they had.
Jhudora couldn't remember everything from the
time she had possessed the Orb. After her rampage, Fyora took most of her memories
away. Some still lingered in her head, but none were very important and with
Fyora on the ground, there was no one there to help. The other faeries hadn't
been in the ancient war and had no clue of the destructive power of the Orb.
Not to save everyone, but to save herself, Jhudora took charge.
All the faeries were talking at once so Jhudora
had to shout to get their attention. Using her "unique" way with words she yelled,
"QUIET!" at the top of her lungs. The faeries all froze for a moment and Jhudora
started to talk. "Listen, we need to find a way to defeat the Fire Faerie before
she destroys us! We need a plan!"
"Why should we listen to you?" the Water Faerie
asked with an edge to her voice. The Water Faerie was usually very quiet, so
just her speaking up made everyone freeze. Since she was right next to the Fire
Faerie when it happened, she probably felt the worst. However, Jhudora didn't
ignore her comment.
"Listen," she hissed to the faerie. "If you
want to die because of your 'friend' the Fire Faerie, so be it! But, if you
actually want to live, you may want to help me!"
"Fine," whispered the Water Faerie with tears
brimming in her glossy light-blue eyes.
Jhudora then went over to Fyora, her enemy.
Right now, she was so close to her that she could rid Neopia of her forever,
however, if she did that she probably would be killed by all the faeries around
her. Revenge or death? She weighed the pros and cons and with a heavy heart,
she decided against it. Jhudora then called Illusen over to make a bed of leaves.
Putting Fyora on it, they brought her to a bedroom in the Hidden Tower. Illusen
then decided to stay there to keep watch over her.
Back in the tower room, Jhudora organized the
faeries into two parties. The first consisted of herself, The Battle Faerie,
Air Faerie, Water Faerie and Light Faerie. This group would fight the Fire Faerie
right then and there. The next group was of the Space Faerie, Soup Faerie, Tooth
Faerie, Negg Faerie, Jhuidah and Taelia. Their job was to go out throughout
all of Neopia to warn every neopet, to gather weapons and to hopefully get some
help. As for the Gray Faerie, she was sent to watch Fyora while Illusen was
to be included in the first group.
When they all were divided, the second band
of faeries stepped out of the force field. However the Fire Faerie didn't see
them thanks to the Invisibility Potion they all had found in the Hidden Tower
shop. They then spread out all over Neopia to give their message.
After they left, Jhudora noticed that the force
field was about to break. The Fire Faerie had been steadily throwing flames
at the tower and now her efforts were paying off. With a sound like broken glass,
the force field shattered.
When the faeries all saw the Fire Faerie now,
they gasped. Her hair was flaming red fire, her eyes had gone completely black
and as she laughed, she grew taller and larger until she was as lofty as the
tower itself! As for the Orb, it hung around her slender neck.
Once more, Jhudora felt that longing in her
heart, but she shrugged it off as she yelled, "CHARGE!"
Running to the giant faerie, Jhudora and her
group began to shout spells to stop her. However, as the spells hit their target,
no damage was done. The Fire Faerie just stood there as if she felt nothing.
"Is that all you can do?" she laughed. Her roar
shook the ground and caused it to split apart, revealing flames. Motioning with
her hand, the fire hurdled up into the air and fell upon the faeries. Luckily,
before the flames had hit them, the Water Faerie used her healing magic to prevent
burns. However, the faeries were still sore and burnt after the attack had hit
Looking at the sorry bunch, the Fire Faerie
wondered if she should just dispose of them, but decided against it.
"When you all are worthy to come face me," she
said with a smile, "come back." With a fake girly giggle, she turned her back
to them and took off into the early morning sun.
However, the Battle Faerie wasn't done yet.
Taking her sword, she bent it into the shape of a boomerang and flung it at
the cord that held the Orb onto the Fire Faerie's neck. Clean and quick, it
cut the cord and the boomerang returned to her, however, the Fire Faerie caught
the Orb as it dropped from her neck.
Using her fake voice, the Fire Faerie said,
"If you wanted this, all you had to do was ask!" She then threw the Orb to the
Battle faerie who just stood there confused.
When the Fire Faerie was out of view, the Battle
Faerie spoke. "How come she doesn't need the Orb anymore? I thought if she didn't
have it, she doesn't have its powers!" Jhudora then took the Orb from the Battle
Faerie and held it tight. Its familiar buzz of energy wasn't there and it no
longer had the bright light emitting from it.
"I know why," Jhudora spoke as a memory from
the past started to return. "The powers merged with her when the light touched
her body. She doesn't need the actual Orb because it was just the power's container.
We're not battling the Orb now, instead, we're battling pure power."
The faeries all shivered with that thought and
then headed back inside the slightly scorched tower.
Back inside the meeting
room, they all attended to burns and bruises and after that, Illusen magically
created food to eat. After a rushed meal, the Light Faerie asked a question
that had been on all of their minds, "What are we going to do?"
Jhudora sighed, "The only thing I can think
of is to keep fighting, but she seems unstoppable!"
They all were about to give up when they noticed
that Space Faerie's group was back, however, they all entered silently with
their heads down. "What's wrong?" the Air Faerie asked them, but instead of
an answer, the faeries started to attack them!
Quickly, the Air and Water Faeries froze their
evil friends with the magical blue ice, wondering what had just happened. However,
Jhudora explained it, almost as if she had read their minds.
"It's the Fire Faerie. She took over their minds
and sent them to us as a surprise. She could be doing this to the rest of Neopia
right now!" Jhudora shouted. "We need to stop her NOW! If we don't... let's
just not talk about that."
"But we need a plan!" Illusen insisted.
"I know, I know..." Jhudora muttered under her
breath. Her eyes were tightly shut in deep thought as she tried to remember
how she was defeated one thousand years ago. However, as much as she tried to
remember, the memory was gone. As she banged her fist on the table in frustration,
the Gray Faerie came back from Fyora's room.
"What are you doing here?" Jhudora hissed. She
was not in the mood for the Gray Faerie's constant sobs and complains. They
were in trouble and it was not the time for petty matters.
The Gray Faerie muttered something quietly that
no one could hear and Jhudora finally lost it. "What's wrong with you, faerie!
Still whispering, but speaking louder, the Grey
Faerie said, "F-Fyora woke up f-for a second and t-told me to t-tell you about
a mirror, the
M-Mirror of, um, F-Fate or something..."
Jhudora had no clue what the Gray Faerie was
talking about and was ready to start shouting at her again when she suddenly
remembered the Mirror. The Gray Faerie quickly ran away and Jhudora told the
rest about the Mirror of Fate.
"One thousand years ago, when I possessed the
Orb, I was defeated by the Mirror of Fate. Fyora held up the Mirror when I attacked
her and the Mirror chose who would win our battle based on destiny. Unfortunately
for me, the Mirror reflected the spell back and neutralized my powers. The Orb
then disappeared back into the other dimension. We must find the Mirror if we
want the Fire Faerie stopped!"
All the faeries agreed on the suggestion and
they all scattered throughout the Hidden Tower. However, after thirty minutes
of search, the faeries still couldn't find the Mirror.
Sitting in the meeting room, they all were about
to give up when suddenly, the blue ice covered mirror on the wall started to
glow. Jhudora slowly got up and touched the mirror's surface, but her hand melted
through the ice and glass and she pulled out a small gold hand-held mirror.
It was seemingly very plain, but the faeries all could tell of its power.
As Jhudora held it, she knew what she had to
do. "I must face the Fire Faerie alone," she told the others.
"But you can't!" the Water faerie protested.
"What happens if the Mirror decides that you must lose! You could be killed!"
Jhudora was touched by the faerie's care, but
her mind was made up. She had to face the power she once had, even if it meant
dying in the process.
"I must go," Jhudora said plainly, shaking her
head, and with that, she stepped out of the tower and flew into the orange morning
sky. As she drifted out of sight, however, something happened that had never
happened before, someone was crying for Jhudora.
With her wings flowing gently behind her, Jhudora
forced herself not to turn around. Those faeries had actually cared for her
and that was something that no one had ever done for her in her life. Stricken
as an outcast because of being born a dark faerie, her only friends were anger
and hate, and that was what she had become. Selfish and power-hungry just like
the rest of the world. Maybe she couldn't change the past, but if the Mirror
gave her one more chance, her entire life would be changed. Trusting in herself
and the faeries back at the tower, she flew onward until she could see the Fire
Faerie in the distance.
Sensing the dark faerie's presence, the Fire
Faerie turned around and faced Jhudora. The Fire Faerie was still as tall as
before but you could tell she had changed. Her aura was dark and the sky around
her was black even though it was morning. The true powers were starting to kick
in and it seemed like it would take a miracle for the Mirror to work, but Jhudora
stood firm and waited for the Fire Faerie to acknowledge her.
"So, you've finally worked up the courage to
come and face me," the Fire Faerie cackled. "However, you know that you will
never win. These powers give me control over everything and make me invincible!"
"Those powers may give you control, but you
aren't invincible!" Jhudora pointed out. "I was beaten even with the help of
the Orb!"
"HA!" the Fire Faerie laughed. "That was only
because of Fyora and her magic little mirror. I can see that you carry that
piece of junk in your hand right now, but tell me, do you really think the Mirror
will spare you? Jhudora, you're a dark faerie and dark faeries never win. If
you want, we can try out that toy right now. I'll tell you, no matter what,
you're going to lose!"
Jhudora thought of what the Fire Faerie said
and realized that it was true. She was a dark faerie and dark faeries never
won. However, something inside her had changed and she knew she had to take
that risk. Looking right into the Fire Faerie's black eyes, she whispered, "Take
your best shot," and with that the Fire Faerie launched her attack of fire and
As the fire came closer, Jhudora wondered if
she should even bother to try the Mirror. She could tell it was over, that she
had lost and the Fire Faerie had won, but deep inside, she was thinking only
about one thing and it made her change her mind. It was a tear. Putting her
faith in the Mirror and the faeries, she held up the Mirror a second before
the fire came rushing at her face.
When the attack hit the Mirror, however, it
absorbed the force into itself and the Mirror flew out of Jhudora's hands into
the black sky. Then it just floated out of reach, wondering which faerie to
spare. With its decision made, the Mirror slowly turned around and faced the
Fire Faerie. Suddenly, the Mirror unleashed the power and with a shout of "NO!"
it hit the Fire Faerie and hurled her to the ground.
When the attack from the Mirror hit the Fire
Faerie, all of the power inside of her was neutralized. Then, the original power
from the Orb flew out of her body back to the actual Orb which then disappeared
in a burst of light. The Fire Faerie then stood up rubbing her head. With a
confused expression on her face, she asked Jhudora, "Where am I?" Jhudora then
flew the tired faerie back to the Hidden Tower.
* * *
When Jhudora returned to the Hidden Tower, all
the faeries were pressing her for answers. The Fire Faerie, worn out from her
morning of evil, was asleep in the bedroom where Fyora had stayed. Fyora was
now up and running again. However, before all the faeries could leave, Fyora
called them back into the meeting room for a final speech.
"Fellow faeries, I would like to thank you all
for your help in solving this prophecy, but I would mostly like to thank, you,
Jhudora." They all clapped and a few faeries whistled, but they eventually calmed
down for Fyora to finish.
"As great of a time this was, I believe that
this experience should not be remembered." When she said this, everyone went
quiet. The Water Faerie protested, claiming that Jhudora was a changed faerie,
but Fyora wouldn't listen.
"This prophecy may cause too much pain remembering
and it should be forever stricken from our minds." Fyora concluded. With her
mind made up, Fyora chanted a few words and Jhudora's mind went blank and her
vision, black. When she opened her eyes again, she was at home in her lair and
her memory of that day was gone. Then, because the memory of her becoming good
was also gone, she began her day writing evil plots on how to take over Neopia,
not even noticing that the sky was still tinted black and the ground was still
scorched from flames.