Johnny's Story: Part Two by sarahsuk
"Which pet would you like for a sister, Tiffany?"
"I don't know, Tillie, it's a tough decision."
"Take your time, hon."
"That blue Shoyru looks nice."
"I think that's a boy, sweets. You want a sister,
don't you?"
"Yes, I'm tired of being surrounded by brothers.
Let's look over there."
My eyes fluttered open. I had been having the
most wonderful dream. Carrie and Jill (her petpet Angelpuss that Sherry and
I had gotten for her birthday) had found me and we were living together in a
big palace made of chocolate…
"Hey, the new guy's awake!" a voice hollered.
I whirled around and saw a red Kacheek grinning
at me. I stared at her. She was standing inside a cage, silver bars surrounding
her. On the other side of me was a blue Pteri. He winked at me and I took a
step backwards. I yelped as I realized I had backed up into several silver bars.
"Where you from, kid?" the blue Pteri asked me.
"I'm from…" My voiced trailed off. Tears sprang
into my eyes, but I quickly rubbed them away. I couldn't cry. Not when I had
to do investigating.
"How'd you get here, kiddo?" the red Kacheek
asked. "You been bad to your owner?"
"Where am I?" I mumbled. I could see other Neopets
in cages, propped up on the side of the wall. Other Neopets were in the small
aisle, gazing into the cages with their owners. The place looked familiar, like
I had been there before. But I couldn't remember…
"You're in the Pound, kid," the blue Pteri said,
chuckling. "And 'till you get adopted, you ain't getting out."
I suddenly felt dizzy. I reached out for something
to clutch, but my hand just ran across the rusty silver bars. I dropped on to
the floor or the cage and remembered. My old owner had brought me here, dumped
me in a cage, and walked away crying. The last thing he told me was that Maria
would come get me. I had reached out to him and asked him why he couldn't keep
me. But he started to run, and that was the last I saw of him.
"He's a first timer, ain't he?" the red Kacheek
said, raising her eyebrows.
"Looks like it," the blue Pteri grunted. "Hey,
kid, this your first time in the pound?"
I shook my head as I slowly picked myself up.
I started to remember what had happened. The Coffee Shop and the Techo who said…
I gasped.
"What you gasping about?" the Red Kacheek asked.
"The Techo at the Coffee Shop!" I cried. "He's
Dr. Death!"
The Blue Pteri laughed. "Yeah, Dr. Death goes
for a coffee every night."
"You'd be pretty dumb not to know that," the
Kacheek said, raising her eyebrows. "Did he carry you here? You look awfully
heavy. I only weigh 52 pounds."
"Only she says," the blue Pteri scoffed. "I weigh
The Kacheek rolled her eyes. "My name's Razz.
The blue Pteri over there is Bonder."
"What's your name, kid?" the blue Pteri asked,
cocking his head to one side.
"Johnny," I whispered. "My name is Johnny."
Razz and Bonder continued chatting, but I did
not reply to any questions given to me. Hours passed and soon the whole place
was cleared. The only ones in the room were the Neopets in cages. The lights
were flicked off and we were all left in darkness.
I told myself not to cry. Crying was for babies.
That wasn't me. I wasn't a baby. I heard some whimpers a few cages away from
me. I tried to ignore them, but they only grew louder. I did the best I could
to see who was doing the wailing. It was a small Kougra with a large cut in
one paw. The cut reminded me of my injured wing. I winced. The thought of it
A large heavy metal door on the side wall swung
open to reveal a dark threatening shadow. Dr. Death. He walked down the aisle
of cages holding the unfortunate Neopets. Most were sleeping; some lay awake.
I immediately curled up in the corner of my cage and pretended to be sleeping.
"Newcomer sleeping already, is he?" Dr. Death
murmured. He tapped his hand against the bars of my cage. I flinched, but made
no other movement. He carried on.
Dr. Death padded over to where the Kougra wailed.
"Shush, kid," he muttered under his breath. He continued on with his inspection
and left, slamming the door behind him and waking several sleepers.
"Johnny?" a voice whispered.
I didn't say anything. I just stayed where I
was, curled up. The urge to burst into tears grew stronger. I had to will it
"Johnny?" The voice got a little louder. "Are
you awake?"
I felt tears drip out of my eyes. They slipped
down my cheeks and I could see the floor of the cage darken as the tear stained
the silver metal. I swallowed and willed myself not to speak, to just get through
the night as fast as I could.
"Are you crying, Johnny?" It was Razz and her
voice was now filled with concern and sympathy.
"No," I gulped. Tears started to spill out of
my eyes now and I had trouble breathing. I coughed a few times and soon I was
"Johnny?" Razz whispered. She slid her hand through
the bars of her cage and went through to my prison. Her paw hung in mid air.
"Come here," she said quietly.
I made no movement, only tried to stop my sobbing
into sniffles. The Kougra who had wailed before took one look at me through
the darkness and his own eyes started to well up. I looked away and tried to
focus on Bonder's snoring.
"Johnny," Razz said her voice low. "I know you
can hear me. Please come over here." Her voice was almost pleading. I inched
closer to her. Her paw brushed against my injured wing and I stifled a cry.
"Are you OK?" she asked me. I nodded and moved
away from her again. She reached out farther, but I now pressed myself against
the bars so she could not reach me. Hours seemed to pass. Razz finally dropped
her paw and I nodded off to sleep.
The next morning I awoke to the sound of footsteps.
I opened one eye and saw a curious Acara peering into my cage.
"Carrie!" I yelled, jumping to my feet. My head
hit the ceiling of my cage and I fell to the ground, crying out with surprise
and pain.
The Acara started to cry. "Mommy, this Shoyru
made me cry!" she wailed, rushing into her owner's arms. The girl stroked the
Acara's head. "Don't worry, dear," she said. "Everything's going to be OK."
But everything wasn't OK. Nothing would ever
be OK. again. Not until I busted out of here. I grabbed hold of the bars and
started to shake them violently. Neopets who gazed in at me started to back
away. Razz and Bonder both gave me sideways glances. I managed to ignore them.
I started to scream.
"Let me out!" I shouted. "I don't belong here!
I have a home! I have Carrie and…" I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes. "And
I have…"
"No one!" a voice in my head said. "You have
no one! Carrie doesn't care about you anymore. She doesn't want to think about
you anymore."
"No," I whispered. "That's not true!" I pounded
at the bars until Dr. Death came running into the crowded room.
"What's all this racket?" he yelled, looking
furiously at me.
"I don't belong here!" I yelled. "Let me out!"
"Anyone who does not have a home belongs here,"
Dr. Death said, twisting his face into an evil frown. "This is your home now."
The Neopets were all silent as Dr. Death gave
me death glares. I dropped on to my knees and started to bang my head against
the bars. "Kill me now, why don't you?" I cried. "Kill me now!"
Dr. Death started to open his mouth, but right
as the first words started to tumble out of his mouth, the door slammed open
and a middle aged woman rushed into the room. "I haven't got all day, mind you!"
she yelled. "Let me at those pets!"
Everyone was staring at the newcomer now. She
gazed into all the cages, clicking her tongue thoughtfully. When she came across
my particular cage she clapped her hands together. "I have found my fourth child!"
I glared at her. She was a bit overweight and
had curly blonde hair and big blue eyes. She wore too much make up and had on
about a billion bracelets on one wrist. She was the kind of woman you'd picture
holding a cake overloaded with icing. She wore a flowery dress and red stilettos
that looked as if they pinched her toes.
I hoped she wasn't talking about me. Unfortunately,
she grabbed my cage and completely hauled me on to the ground. I yelled out
with surprise and anger as I toppled from the ceiling to the ground as she held
me under her arm. My injured wing managed to get in my face somehow.
"How much for this darling, Deathy?" the woman
said, still clutching on to my cage so I was still in an uncomfortable position.
Dr. Death just stared at the woman as if in shock at being called 'Deathy'.
"Well?" the woman demanded. "I haven't got all
day! Hurry it up, will you?"
"Oh my-" Razz stared at the overweight woman
and felt even more sympathy for Johnny then she had the night before. Bonder
just stared, shocked.
The woman paid for me and got the key to open
my cage. As soon as the door swung open she stuck her bracelet decorated arms
into the prison and grabbed me around the waist. She pulled me out and dropped
me on the ground. She snatched up my hand in hers and started to walk out of
the pound.
I turned around and stared at Razz and Bonder
and the Kougra. "I'll be back for you," I managed to call out to them. They
grinned and nodded. I thought I heard Bonder say, "If you survive."
To be continued...