Jhudora's Weakness: Part Five by nadine_clark
There was complete and utter silence, then…
"Correct," the faerie answered, and suddenly
everything started unravelling.
The glass slowly melted, the walls collapsed
in on themselves and slowly disappeared. The faerie slowly got smaller and smaller,
until she was so miniscule we couldn't see her, and then eventually she disappeared
altogether. The floor cracked and kept cracking, until there was no floor, only
cracks. Outside, the grass slowly flung itself, one blade at a time, into the
air before vanishing. The colour on the trees slowly faded, the leaves relinquished
themselves to the exact same fate as the grass, and the branches fell to the
ground, joined the trunk and slowly faded away completely. The blue sky lost
its colour, the clouds were gone, any wildlife that may have inhabited the place
had disappeared, and little by little, we saw everything fade away from sight.
The only thing originally from that awful place that survived was Kolta, Ro's
new petpet, and we weren't even sure if Kolta originated from Jhudora's world.
Then everything went black.
In our heads, we heard an awful screaming, then
Jhudora's voice.
"How dare you destroy my land? You will pay dearly!"
she screeched.
"Yeah, whatever," KK thought, and tossed her
"No, really," Jhudora said.
The tone of her voice was enough to make even
the bravest of Neopets shudder in terror.
"Perhaps you don't understand…I can create another
key. I have the power…and there is only one way to take it away. You will never
know it."
"Give us a hint." Ro spoke up boldly.
"Fine. In a land that does not exist, there is
a thing that makes you sick."
Suddenly, we heard Jhudora gasp. It was clear
she had just given away the whole thing.
"So…KK, how about it?"
KK must have read my mind, but unfortunately,
she was still unable to use her magic.
I sighed… "Ro? Night vision?"
"Yo, right away."
With help from Ro, KK was able to conjure up
a poisonous jelly. Now we just had to figure out how to force it at Jhudora.
"Huh." I thought out loud.
Nina grinned happily.
"I think I have an idea!" she exclaimed, and
we immediately gave her our full attention.
"What if we challenged her to some kind of competition?
You know, if we win, she eats the jelly, and if she wins, then we promise to
stay in her land forever."
"I dunno, it, like, sounds totally risky…"
"It's a risk we'll have to take," I said firmly.
"Hey, Jhudora! We're about to make you an offer that you can't refuse."
"Yo, wait! We dunno what type of competition!"
"Why not a two out of three? You know, we each
pick one and then we decide on one together. The person who wins two of the
competitions wins." Blue could be quite smart sometimes.
"Yeah, but who gets to choose first?" I asked,
"Um," Kakabusa piped up, "maybe Jhudora should,
like, go first because she, like, is kind of the domination-domino-um, higher
power here."
"You mean 'dominating power'," Nina said smugly.
"So, we're all agreed?"
Everyone said yes, and we quickly explained the
situation to Jhudora. She frowned grumpily, but at long last agreed to the plan.
Her first challenge was quickly made obvious,
but was an odd choice. There were two glasses of water on a table that had suddenly
appeared. One of them, she explained, had poison in it. Our task was to try
and find out which glass had poison in it, and then we would each drink one.
Me the one I chose, and her, the one I did not.
I started talking to myself quickly.
"Well, she might have put it in her glass knowing
that I might suspect that she would not put it in her own, so she would not
risk having to drink it. But then again, she is pretty intelligent, so she might
have put it in hers thinking that I would then do what I just thought, and not
thought any further. Of course, if she had put it in her own, then-huh. There
are only two logical answers to this puzzle: A) she poisoned both glasses or
B) she poisoned neither. But which one should I choose? I would like to assume
it's B, but what if it's A? And in that case, how would she be able to resist
the effects of the poison? Maybe it's best if I choose A, for safety's sake.
But if I did, how would I be able to make it look like I drank it when I actually
did not? Maybe I could but it in my mouth, but not swallow it…no. What if…no,
that wouldn't work. Maybe, I'll just lift it up but not open my lips. Yes, that
is what I will do."
After a whole lot of pure speculation, I moved
swiftly towards the table. Lifting the glass closest to me, I put it up to my
lips and made as if I had swallowed some. Jhudora cackled gleefully, lifted
her glass and took a sip.
She stared at me expectantly, and then frowned.
"Why are you not growing extra arms?" she demanded.
I smiled thinly at her. "I did not actually drink
"Cheater!" She screeched, "The whole idea was
for you to drink one of them and mutate horribly! You have to drink! And after
all that time building up an immunity to the poison!"
"I don't think so," I said firmly, "I think you're
the cheater. You were not allowed to poison both glasses-and having an immunity
to the poison is also cheating."
Hmm, I thought, in building up immunity to one
type of poison that must have left her defenceless to another type, like the
kind from a poisonous jelly.
"Fine!" she screeched. "You win!"
My pets and I all celebrated, and then began
debating what the next contest would be.
KK was the one who came up with the idea.
"Like, what about a race? I could totally like,
beat her!"
"Good idea," I said.
And so the next contest was to be a race in the
sky. Jhudora and KK would both fly, and whoever reached the finish line first
would win.
It was very exciting watching.
"Ooh! I think she's winning!" Blue cried.
"Yo, go KK!" Ro cheered.
"Oh, great, now she is failing to fly quicker
than Jhudora." Nina said disappointedly.
"Wait! She's pulling ahead!" I cried.
"I think she's winning! She is!" Blue said excitedly.
"Yo, not anymore, dude."
We all watched anxiously as the race continued.
KK was straining, her wings reaching and flapping as fast as they could. Jhudora
was winning, but only by a bit. KK began galloping in midair, and slowly began
closing the gap. Before too long, though, she was too tired. Eventually, the
race was over.
In the end, Jhudora had won by a wing length.
KK was devastated.
"I'm, like, totally sorry!" she sobbed.
"It's okay, KK, remember, she had an advantage-she
has much larger wings than you." I tried to comfort her.
"I guess…" She sniffed.
"Yeah, and remember, we still have one contest
left!" put in Blue.
"Yeah…" KK gave a tiny, quavering smile.
I strode up to Jhudora, who was strutting proudly
in front of us.
"The next contest is to be a scavenger hunt,"
I stated boldly.
"Fine." Jhudora grinned cruelly, "Here is a list
of the items. You have 2 minutes to find them. If you come back within 2 minutes,
you win. If you come back after 2 minutes, I win." She handed me a list.
My Neopets and I studied the list. The items
on it were a poisonous lollypop, a lime jelly, a dung chair, a sky blue lipstick
and a pink Poogle toy.
"The scavenger hunt starts…now!" she shouted.
My Neopets and I scampered off in different directions,
having memorized the list.
I ran quickly, stumbling in the dark before tripping
over a pink Poogle toy. I scooped it up and quickly ran back.
Blue ran with amazing speed, her feet barely
leaving the ground. At one point she stepped on a sky blue lipstick. Picking
it up in her mouth, she scampered back to where I was waiting by Jhudora.
KK flew through the air, her wings still aching.
She smacked into the smelly back of a dung chair, and disgustedly began pushing
it back.
Nina wandered through the darkness systematically,
and eventually her dragging tail fin ran over the poisonous lollypop. Flipping
it onto the back of her tail, she turned around and headed towards us.
Ro desperately ran as fast as she could, then
the end of her ears touched something. Turning around, she saw it was a lime
jelly. Carrying it in her mouth, she resisted the urge to eat it.
We all raced towards Jhudora. When we all reached
her, she snarled at us and said angrily, "1 minute, 59 seconds."
We were all doubled over, panting, but grinning.
We knew we had won.
Jhudora sulkily reached for the poisonous jelly,
and then began to nibble at it half-heartedly. As soon as she finished eating
it, the darkness lit up, and we were returned to Neopia Central.
* * * * *
Back at the Neohome, we were just finishing the
story we had began a long time ago.
"And finally, Jhudora was defeated at last, and
Stacie and I could go back to our imagination games. But they were never the
same after the adventure we had shared together."
I gently closed the book, and placed it back
on the shelf. I looked at my Neopets, and saw that they were asleep. I smiled
softly, and one by one, carried them up to their beds.
The next day was sunny and beautiful.
In the kitchen, I looked happily at my Neopets
lists. They had many items on them. As I looked at them, I remembered our adventure
that had ended only yesterday.
Now all I could hope for would be that Nina's
next brilliant idea, or the next big thing we did with food, or even the next
story we read, would not lead us into an enormous adventure like the one we
just had. Actually, that might not be such a bad thing.
Just then, Nina burst into the kitchen where
I was busy staring fondly at the lists my Neopets had put together.
"Mom!" she shouted.
I smacked my forehead with the palm of my hand.
It was about to happen again. Typical.
The End