Mushroom for Phila: Part Three by ssjelitegirl
"I really would've expected at least a castle once we came
through the spiky bushes," Shad remarked, but his usual sarcasm didn't have the
usual power as the five pets stared at the building in front of them. It was an
old temple, made entirely out of dark wood and decorated with odd figures. The
area was completely surrounded by thick bushes and there wasn't much light. But
even in that weak green light the temple seemed mighty and very impressive.
"That's where the whispering came from," Kat
stated as her dark ears moved back and forth. "Listen."
Indeed, now everyone could hear ominous "trespassers,
trespassers" all around them. Ice shook her head as if trying to shake the odd
feeling off her and looked at the old temple.
"Shall we go in or shall we try to find the other
end of the path behind it?" she asked with a frown.
"We don't have much choice here," Tsuki replied,
landing in front of them - he had once again looked around. "The temple stands
tightly against the end of the plain and it's impossible to get behind it unless
Ace wants to burn the whole place down."
"Well then, let's knock and roll," Shad suggested
with a grin and trotted up the stairs. He examined the huge dark door with his
nose twitching and then reached out to grab the massive knocker. It had the
shape of a Kougra's head.
"Heavy," he commented, took the brass knocker
between his teeth, raised it as high as he could and then let it fall down again.
There was a loud and deep BOOM against the door that echoed for a while. Shad
grabbed the knocker again and slammed it once more. The other pets gathered
around him and they waited there together, silently and a bit nervously.
Then the door opened very slowly. There was nobody
in sight but the whispering got louder. They could see a dark hallway lit by
several long candles. Everything was made of dark wood and there were no windows.
A wide staircase led upstairs.
"Hello?" Kat called and the walls echoed back.
The whispering changed.
"What do they want?"
"Are they visitors?"
"Yes," Tsuki said. Now the voices remained silent
for a short while.
"What do they want?"
"To talk to the master of this temple," Tsuki
"They want to see the Mistress…"
"Shall their wish be fulfilled?"
"Mistress shall decide that…"
"Go upstairs," the voices finally announced in
a whispering choir. Tsuki went up and the others followed him. The staircase
led them to a broad hallway and at its other end was another huge door. As the
pets approached it, it slid open very quietly, uncovering a huge room made of
that very same dark wood and lit with the same long candles. There was someone
sitting in the middle of the room. Tsuki stepped closer.
It was an old Kougra. She was wearing a white
robe, her fur was completely white without a single stripe on it and she had
very long thin hair that was flowing on the floor by her side. She seemed to
be meditating but as the Shoyru's steps echoed on the floor, she opened her
eyes. They were light blue, without any pupils.
"It has been a while since Neopets last came
to see me," she said slowly. Her voice was low and rather friendly. "Who are
you, kids?"
"We seek a mushroom to cure our sister," Tsuki
replied. "It should grow near the lost city of Geraptiku. Can you lead us there?"
"Many mushrooms grow in this jungle," the Kougress
said. "Many are poisonous. Only a few are a cure. Which mushroom do you seek
and which illness does the young Aisha have?"
Kat and Shad glanced at each other. "Who told
her that Phila was an Aisha?" the same question reflected in their eyes. Tsuki
had understood the same thing as he said:
"You are old and wise, Mistress. Can't you tell
us that yourself?"
The Mistress chuckled. "True, young Shoyru. I
know who your sister is and I know what's wrong with her. It is the rare Marakha-fever
and only the Marakha Mushroom can cure it. The fever is carried by small insects
which hardly ever leave the jungle and die after biting a Neopet. So the fever
is getting rarer and rarer; your sister would never have gotten it if she hadn't
gone too far into the jungle…"
"Is the mushroom hard to find?" Ice asked. The
Mistress's blue eyes stopped on her but they didn't look at her. "She's blind…"
the Ixi thought with surprise.
"I do not use my eyes for seeing any more," the
Kougress smiled. She had understood Ice's thoughts. "No, the mushroom is easy
to find. It grows by the gates of the old city. To find the city, you must follow
the same path you have followed since. But many threats await you there, the
journey will not be easy."
"Can you lead us to the place where the path
continues?" Saura asked. "It should be in your temple."
"It is," Mistress nodded. "Go down the staircase
and turn right. There is a small door that leads to another hallway. The door
at its end leads you to the path. But be careful. You need to work together
as a team and a family in order to succeed."
"Thank you, Mistress," Kat said and turned around.
The Neopets left the room but the old Kougra suddenly called: "Wait, Zafara."
Saura turned around. "Yeah?"
"Take this," the Mistress said, reaching out
her paw. She was holding a small bottle with some green liquid in it. "To get
through, you must feed it to the hungry one." She ignored Saura's surprised
face. "Go on now."
"I could use a lunch break," Shad complained
as they went down the stairs.
"As soon as we're on the path again," Kat promised.
"I wouldn't want to stay here for too long… this place is a bit creepy." The
whispering voices led them down to the dark door and as the Uni pushed it open,
they found themselves on the path again. The sky was still hid behind the treetops.
"There are no edible plants here," Saura commented
as they sat down to eat. "Easy on the resources, I don't know when we'll have
a chance to get fresh fruits again."
After lunch they went on. The jungle looked the
same all the time: trees, bushes, no sky above their heads, just the green light
that filled everything. Tsuki looked around all the time with his eyes narrowed
and suspicious. Eventually he flapped his wings and fluttered away above the
"Tsuki has some hunch," Kat remarked to Ice.
"That can't be good…"
"Whoa!" they suddenly heard Tsuki's shout somewhere
in front of them. Everyone gasped and dashed forward. But before they could
run for even a few feet, something whizzed towards them above down the path.
Huge green vines, flexible and fierce, wrapped themselves around the Neopets'
legs, necks and bodies before they could do anything. Only Ace was left behind,
it was once again furious and the vines couldn't touch it.
"Saura, is that the…?" Shad yelled over the whizzing
of the wind as the vines pulled them all out of the forest and on a huge plain.
The source of the vines was there, in the middle of the plain. It was a giant
plant and it had jaws. And long fangs, dripping with drool. Tsuki was hanging
above that mouth wrapped in a vine.
"The King's Vine, precisely," the Zafara yelled
back. "And it seems to be... hungry?" His eyes widened. "Hey…"
In the meantime Kat had stabbed the vines that
were holding her with her horn and managed to get loose. Now she boosted towards
the plant's body and attacked it fiercely. Tsuki was lunged away and the King's
Vine turned to Kat, mobilizing all its free vines to attack her. But the Uni
was agile enough to dodge it.
"Kat!" Saura shouted as Kat flew past him. "Take
this!" He threw the Uni the green bottle. "Feed that to the plant, fast!"
"This better explode or something!" Kat gasped,
rocketing towards the mouth. She dropped the bottle, dodged another vine and
whizzed away, jabbing another vine on the way.
"Cool… it's working!" Shad said more to himself
than to anyone else as the vines slowly stopped wriggling and let them down
on the ground. The King's Vine didn't care about them any more; it was only
gnawing on the green liquid that seemed to be rather gummy.
"Let's go already," Ice called, trotting past
the vine. On the next second she fell over, gasped and started coughing frantically.
The others hurried to her.
"Ice, what hap… ugh!" Now they could all feel
what had happened: the liquid the plant was gnawing on had a terrible smell.
"Jellified chewing dung!" Kat gasped, crawling
farther away from the plant. "Now I've seen everything!"
"Well, everyone knows that plants love fertilizers,
right?" Tsuki replied, wiping his eyes that were watering. "The next time I
come here, I'll bring a whole sack of dung for it. Preferably Battle Dung,"
he added with a grim frown. "Saura, where on earth did you get that?"
"The old Kougra gave it to me," Saura replied.
"Ice, how on Neopia did you get past that thing the last time you were here?"
"I never met it," the Ixi replied. "I could've
sworn that this is the right way… but apparently things have changed over the
years. Let's go on."
The next couple of miles were peaceful. The nature
still stayed the same and there wasn't much sky to be seen but as Shad remarked,
things couldn't go much worse after the King's Vine. Ace eventually showed up
too, it had obviously had no problems getting past the Vine.
"So that was one of the many threats the Mistress
predicted," Kat said thoughtfully. "What could be next?"
"In this jungle I don't think you'll have to
wait for long," Tsuki replied; he was walking with them once again. They turned
around the corner and suddenly came to a crossroad. Six narrow paths met at
one point, forming a small plain covered with soft grass. A huge desert Aisha
was sitting there by two pathways, looking at the pets with a very strict face.
He was about the size of an Eyrie.
"Bingo," Shad commented as Ice stepped forth.
Her ears were twitching with excitement.
"Now I understand! I came down one of these pathways."
She looked at the other roads. "There's one road that takes us straight to the
city. Hey again, you there."
"I remember you," the big Aisha agreed in a deep
voice. "The Ixi who got past me the previous time. This time it won't be that
"I see you've gotten some company," Ice replied
with a grin. Now the others noticed that the ground in front of the Aisha was
covered with little Wadjets. They were everywhere, crawling around and hissing
quietly. That explained the Wadjet from before.
"In order to get to your destination, you must
get past me," the Aisha declared. "To do that, you must solve my riddle."
"What a cliché," Kat said with surprise.
"Only when you don't have to face it," Tsuki
replied. "We only have one chance for guessing."
The Aisha nodded. "My Wadjets will attack if
you give me the wrong answer and they are poisonous, I warn you."
"Things have gotten stricter since the last time
I was here," Ice commented with a frown. "Fine, what's the riddle?"
The Aisha glanced at her and slowly said: "It
begins when the Neopet is born, lasts while the Neopet lasts and ends when the
Neopet dies but never began and will never end. You can only answer once."
The pets looked at each other.
"Reassuring," Saura said. "Tsuki?"
The Shoyru shook his head. "As you know, our
owner still hasn't had a chance to buy the Grimoire of Thade where all the riddles
in Neopia are written. If I had read that…"
"You would've gone insane," Shad remarked. "Everyone
knows that. But the Grimoire of Thade isn't the only book with riddles." He
grinned widely and stepped forth. "I know the answer. It's actually even too
To be continued...