A Noteworthy Adventure: Part Three by cosmicfire918
"What's going on?!" Lilis hissed. Chaser looked just as
I shrugged, but kept a good grip on my Sun Staff
as I strode resolutely into the throne room. Sitting lazily on a large, golden
throne was an Alien Aisha, a crown perched precariously on top of his bubble-like
space helmet. He had a none-too-friendly gleam in his eye, and he was staring
right at me, making me incredibly uncomfortable. "Well, well, if it isn't the
traveler from afar," he said nonchalantly. "Step forward, my boy. Let me get
a closer look at you."
I glared at him, my red eyes full of fire and
my spirit flaring up like a rekindled flame. I stood my ground, bringing my
Sun Staff close to me in a defensive position. I wasn't going to do anything
this guy asked me to.
He chuckled, and slid off of the throne, coming
down the steps of the dais, an eerie grin on his face. Suddenly, I heard a whizzing
sound and felt a wind rush past my ear. Gavlet shifted to the side, still smiling,
and I heard a sharp crack. Looking past the Aisha, I could see a Faerie Acorn
embedded in the wall, still glowing with magic. Looking over my shoulder, I
saw Lilis, her Faerie Slingshot still raised, and a look of frustration across
her face.
"Hehe…patience, young lady. Patience. If it's
a fight you want, then a fight you shall have," Gavlet snickered. The doors
shut with a loud bang, and the three of us spun around to see the Kacheek and
Eyrie guards drawing near us, holding their weapons in attack stances.
Without warning, Gavlet suddenly slipped two
daggers from the pockets of his space suit and rushed at me, still wearing that
malicious smile. I realized that it was me he was aiming for, so I quickly dove
to the side and started to sprint to the other end of the huge room. Sure enough,
he quickly turned around and followed me. When he got within striking distance,
he began to thrust with his daggers, forcing me to either block them with my
staff or weave myself out of the way. I hadn't fought anyone of his skill level
in a long time.
"Can you feel it?" he suddenly asked, not stopping
his assault.
"What?" I snapped, not letting my guard down.
"That rush. That exhilaration of fighting someone,"
Gavlet gasped, beginning to tire slightly as we worked our way around the room.
"The sheer thrill of combat." His thrusts began to come more slowly.
I, too, was feeling the fatigue of constantly
blocking and dodging. I could barely keep myself at the height of alertness,
and my arms began to ache from moving the staff. Thankfully, we were wearing
out at the same rate, so neither of us had the advantage. Then, suddenly, it
dawned on me what he was talking about. I knew the feeling he was describing.
I had felt it many times when I had fought before. The sensation of moving one's
body continuously, almost rhythmically. The small boost of morale one obtains
from successfully making contact with an opponent. The fluid heat of steady,
oft-practiced motions. "Yes!" I almost shouted.
Gavlet laughed. Suddenly, he had me pinned to
a wall, held fast in his paws. "I thought so! I sensed your power from the moment
you walked into this kingdom!"
I struggled to free myself, but at the same time
I was curious as to what he was talking about. "What are you getting at?!" I
"You have the Fighting Spirit!" Gavlet bellowed.
Meanwhile, Lilis and Chaser were in trouble of
their own. The Kacheek had gone straight for Lilis, while the Eyrie headed for
Chaser. Stepping back and aiming her Faerie Slingshot straight at the Kacheek,
Lilis yelled "Chaser! B Formation, now!"
"Roger!" Chaser flapped his powerful, magical
wings and rose to the ceiling of the throne room. The Eyrie followed him, and
when he reached the same height as the Kougra, started to jab his spear at him.
Chaser easily evaded the spear, but when he tried to claw and bite the Eyrie,
the Pirate pet dove out of the way, snickering. He obviously had more experience
with wings than Chaser. The two flying pets were soon playing a dangerous game
of air tag among the eaves.
Lilis fired Acorn after Acorn, but each one just
bounced off of the Kacheek's wobbly body. Unfortunately, its gelatinous nature
did not prevent it from effectively wielding a sword, as it quickly showed by
slashing through the air close to Lilis so quickly that she could hear the sharp
zip of the blade as it swished through the air. She tried to hop backwards to
gain some ground, but the Kacheek was fast for a pet made out of a dessert,
and Lilis dodged just as he swung his sword down. She looked down and realized
that the swipe had been more accurate than the first-it had taken off a small
piece of the hem of her dress. She took a deep breath and continued to try to
dodge the Kacheek's attacks.
"The what?" I inquired of Gavlet.
"I'll tell you more, if you join me," he said,
still smiling. "You and I have the potential to rule all of Neopia."
"Sorry, not interested," I retorted, tossing
my head up in a gesture of rejection.
For the first time since I met him, Gavlet stopped
smiling. Now, he wore an enraged frown. "If that's the case, I can't have you
messing up my plans," he seethed, holding up a dagger. I struggled to break
free again, but his grip was surprisingly strong.
Suddenly, something brown and gooey launched
itself at Gavlet's head, and it splatted onto his helmet, obscuring his vision.
"ARGGGH! Get this thing off of me!" he yelled, releasing his hold on me and
flailing his arms about. It was a Faerie-sent miracle. Well, more accurately,
it was Gai, who had snuck into my backpack at Lilis's house and kept quiet until
I was in trouble. In a moment of panic, I pulled my backpack off of my back
and checked the contents. Amazingly, there wasn't a speck of sludge.
While Gavlet was kept busy by my Petpet, I looked
over at my friends and immediately saw that both of them weren't faring too
well against their opponents. Then, I realized what the problem was. "Lilis!
Chaser! Switch!"
They looked at me for a moment, then understood.
Lilis pulled her Slingshot back, but this time aimed it upward, at the Eyrie,
and fired. It hit one of his wings, immediately disabling him, and the guard
plunged to the ground, out cold. At the same time, Chaser folded his wings in
close to his body and swooped into a dive, heading right for the Kacheek. "Target
locked," he said before crashing into the Kacheek, making him slide across the
floor with the force of the impact. Chaser's eyes started to glow red, and he
licked his maw, eyeing the Kacheek that he had pinned to the floor. "Subject
identified," he intoned. "Species: Kacheek. Flavor: Lime. Condition: …Delicious…"
The Kacheek's jelly eyes widened with horror.
I PROMISE, JUST PLEASE LET ME GO!!!" Chaser smiled, and then stepped off of
him. The Kacheek dropped his sword and ran out of the throne room screaming.
Gavlet finally managed to throw Gai off of him,
but his helmet was covered in sludge, severely limiting his vision. As he looked
around for me, I decided to go on the offensive. I held my Metallic Sun Staff
aloft, and suddenly, all of the sunlight streaming through the elevating windows
seemed to flow into the golden sun adorning the tip of the staff. The staff
glowed and started to shake, and I pointed it toward Gavlet. He noticed the
blinding blast of light heading toward him a little too late. The pure white
beam completely enveloped him, and when it fizzled out, he lay on the floor,
"Well…" I said, scooping Gai up and putting him
back in my backpack, "that solves that."
"We still need to find the King, though," Lilis
pointed out.
The three of us hurried out of the throne room,
and ran into the Acara again. "Request for coordinates of location of King Faw,"
Chaser stated.
The Acara looked at him, confused. "Erm, what
he's trying to say is, do you know where the King is?" Lilis explained.
"Ohhhhhh!" The Acara nodded. "It's a good thing
you asked me. I actually bring him his food. Follow me."
We were escorted to a spiral flight of stairs,
which could only mean one thing-a turret. "He's up here," the young pet explained,
and then she proceeded to climb the steep stone steps. We followed her.
At the top of the stairs was a plain wooden door
with a large padlock on it. The Acara grinned and pulled the key out of her
pocket, inserted it in the keyhole, and turned. The lock fell to the floor with
a loud clang, and she gently pushed the door open.
The small, round room was sparsely furnished.
When I say sparsely, I mean the only thing there was a pair of shackles "decorating"
the wall, and the King was attached to them. He was a surprisingly young Gold
Wocky, and he was asleep, snoring peacefully, the sunlight from a high, barred
window reflecting off of his golden fur.
"Wake up, your Majesty," the Acara said, sounding
like she was rousing him for breakfast instead of to reclaim his throne from
a traitorous Aisha. She softly shook his shoulder.
The Wocky stirred, then awoke, looking at the
Acara. "Oh, good morning, Miriam," he said with a smile. Then, he looked up
and noticed Lilis, Chaser, and I. "Lilis? Chaser? What are you doing here?"
he asked, then looked at me. "And who is this young pet?"
We told him everything about my journey and our
fight with Gavlet, and let him read the book (after Chaser took care of his
shackles, that is). I wasn't surprised when he opened to my story and the woodcut
was complete, now showing Gavlet, the Eyrie, and the Kacheek running away in
defeat, the Acara holding the key triumphantly (she squealed when she saw that),
and King Faw sitting on his throne with a big, sincere grin on his face. I also
noticed that the writing took up quite a few pages, so it took the King a while
to read it. When he was finished, he handed it back to me. "My boy, I'm glad
this book led you to us," he said. "Now, let's go take care of Gavlet."
The five of us stepped into the throne room where
Gavlet and his Eyrie guard were still out cold. King Faw immediately summoned
his knights (most of them were still loyal to him), who put Gavlet, the Eyrie,
and anyone who sided with them in the dungeon, where they received weekly "How
Not to be a Power-Hungry Usurper" lessons.
That evening, King Faw held a grand feast to
celebrate his return to the throne, and Chaser, Miriam, Lilis, and I were the
guests of honor. Gai and I got to spend the night in one of the castle's guest
rooms, fit for a king (literally). In the morning, though, I knew it was time
to go back to my crazy owner and siblings.
The entire kingdom gave me a farewell at the
gates, and King Faw said "Hyren, this kingdom will always be your second home."
Lilis and Chaser approached me, and Lilis grabbed
my hand. "And we'll always be your friends," she added.
"Affirmative," Chaser said, eyes glowing happily.
Suddenly, I had an idea. I pulled the book out
of my backpack and handed it to Lilis. "I think my story's about to end," I
said to her, "but maybe you can begin a new one."
As she looked down at the cover, the arrow suddenly
shifted from pointing north to pointing southwest, the direction that the Haunted
Woods was in. Her face lit up with a huge smile. "There's gotta be something
I can give you in return," she said, digging through her pockets.
"That's okay," I said. "Your friendship is enough
of a gift."
"Well, this'll have to do," she said, giving
me a torn piece of a treasure map with palm trees drawn on it. "I found it on
the ground one day."
"I hope this doesn't lead me on another adventure
before I can get back to TK…" I groaned playfully.
"Neomail us sometime, okay?" Lilis asked. I nodded.
After we had said our good-byes, I turned away
from the small kingdom and looked down the faded path back to the Meridell-Neopia
Central road. The morning sun was bright, but not yet hot, and a refreshing
breeze made my antennae bob up and down. Taking a deep breath, I started walking.
That's the story of how a seemingly ordinary
book turned out to be anything but ordinary. I helped save a small kingdom and
made some new friends, and I even learned about a thing called the "Fighting
Spirit." I have a feeling that I'll discover more about it in the future…but
that will be another story.
The End
Author's Note: Yes, I really am that weird in real life. =b Everybody in
this story is fictional except for my pets and I. Vysalia is a fictional kingdom,
too. Well, thanks for reading another one of my stories! If you have any comments
or questions, just Neomail me!