White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 105,225,448 Issue: 209 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y7
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Half Sisters

by sunprint


Sunpint, a yellow Chomby, bounced happily down the street. She had every reason to be happy. For one thing, she was going to the Toy shop to see if there were any toys she wanted to get at some point. She was well fed, she had a nice owner, she had a nice toy and good food, and… There was one thing Sunpint wanted. She stopped bouncing along, and looked at the ground and sighed. Then she cheered back up again. It was too nice a day to mope around for things she didn't have. She bounced merrily along, making the ground shake.

      Then Sunpint stopped. On the side of the road, four Neopets sat together eating Slushies. There was a striped Kau, a blue Aisha, a yellow Meerca, and a blue Zafara. As Sunpint watched them, the Meerca said something to the Zafara. This made the Zafara let out a yelp of rage and start chasing the Meerca around in circles. The Meerca laughed, easily staying out of the Zafara's grasp. The Kau stood and watched, giggling, while the Aisha sighed and rolled her eyes.

      Then the Aisha caught sight of Sunpint watching them. The Aisha whispered something to the Kau, who nodded and looked in Sunpint's direction. The two of them started towards Sunpint, whispering all the way. Sunpint smiled slightly, too busy watching the Meerca and the Zafara to realize that the other two were heading her way. The Meerca and the Zafara looked very silly. By the time she realized the Kau and the Aisha were coming, it was too late to leave.

      "Hello. My name is Glarkany," the blue Aisha said.

      "And my name is Wheeeeeeeeneo40, or Wheee40 for short. What's your name?" the striped Kau asked.

      "Ummmmmm, my name's Sunpint," Sunpint said shyly.

      Just at that moment, the Meerca sped towards the three of them, giggling gleefully.

      "Hi! I'm Bidagin!" the yellow Meerca said, racing in circles around them.

      The blue Zafara came panting after Bidagin.

      "Hi. I'm Wheeeeeeeeneo, or Wheee for short" the Zafara said, panting. "Can you believe that she said that Lime Slushies taste like soap and ruin Slushie cups?" Wheeeeeeeeneo asked, pointing a finger at Bidagin.

      "Well, they do," Bidagin said, still going around in circles. "I tried one once. It was horrible. My Slushie cup was very wet after I ate it!"

      "Maybe that's because you were taking a bath when you ate it," Wheee40 said with a smile on her face.

      Bidagin stopped running around in circles and started to bounce up and down in front of Sunpint.

      "Well, enough about me! Who are you and what Slushie flavor do you like?" Bidagin asked.

      "My name's Sunpint, and I've never had a Slushie. I'm only a few hours old," Sunpint said, feeling very shy in the midst of all these crazy people.

      "Your name sounds like our owner's name, which is Sunprint. You've never had a Slushie? We must give one to you. Come to our house! There should be some Slushies there!"

      Wheee40 laughed and said, "Stop it, Bidagin, you're scaring her. Anyway, I'm sure she has other things to do besides go to our boring old house."

      "Actually, I was going to the Toy shop to see what toys I like," Sunpint said.

      "Well, we have plenty of toys at home. Why don't you come to our house to see if you like any of them? I'm sure your owner wouldn't mind," Glarkany said.

      "I would like to see your house…" Sunpint said, trying to figure out whether she should go or not.

      "Then it's settled! Come on! Our house isn't far from here!" Wheeeeeeeeneo said, grabbing Sunpint and pulling her along.

      The other three followed, talking and laughing while Sunpint thought, how did I get into this?

      Eventually they stopped outside a rather odd looking house. It seemed to be lots of different rooms all smooshed together with no idea of order or neatness. Some of the rooms were Bamboo, others were wood, one was Chocolate, and yet another was Jelly. Sunpint stared at it in amazement. She'd never seen such an odd house!

      "Well, here we are! What do you think?" Wheeeeeeeeneo asked, hopping from one foot to another in excitement.

      "This is your house?" Sunpint asked, rather amazed that anyone could live in such an odd house.

      "Yep! Come on in!" Wheeeeeeeeneo said, pulling Sunpint inside.

      Inside the house was almost as weird as outside the house. The first room they entered was filled with a weird mix of furniture. There were several Beanbag chairs, all of which were weird, a Spyder Wardrobe, lots of band posters, and two Windup toys.

      Bidagin raced past them into the room. "This is my room! I chose all the furniture and arranged it myself! What do you think?" Bidagin asked, running around in circles with one of the Clockwork toys.

      "Well, it certainly is… unique," Sunpint said, walking past a Meepit lamp, which leered at her evilly.

      "Come on and see the rest of the house," Wheee40 said, gently pulling Sunpint into the next room.

      The next room seemed to be a living room. A warm Cream Rug lay in the middle of the floor, making the room very inviting. Many different pieces of Coral furniture were placed around the room in front of various couches.

      "This is the Living Room. It's not done yet. Neither is my room, which is next," Wheee40 said, leading Sunpint into an adjoining room.

      This room was also very warm. Some Kauvara furniture stood in the corner, while many different posters, from a Usuki poster to a Cylara poster, lined the walls.

      Sunpint stopped as a sudden thought hit her. "Wait! Do you all live here?" she asked.

      "Of course we do. We're sisters," Glarkany said, looking at Sunpint oddly.

      "Sisters…" Sunpint whispered to herself. The one thing she wanted that she didn't have was a sibling. Sunpint had asked her owner, Menohaveaname, if they could adopt someone to be her sibling, but Menohaveaname had just shaken her head.

      Wheee40 looked at Sunpint in concern. "Would you like to see our Bathroom? It's a weird Bathroom," she said, trying to cheer Sunpint up.

      "Why is it weird?" Sunpint said, cheering up a little.

      "Because it doesn't have a Bathtub! All it has is a Litter Pan, which none of our petpets will use," Glarkany said, sounding rather annoyed at the Bathroom.

      As they marched into the Bathroom, Sunpint could see it was weird. In one corner there was a Mop and Bucket, in another a Mirror, and in yet another, a Litter Pan.

      "We use it more as a closet, since it doesn't have any other uses," Glarkany said, glaring at the Litter Pan. "The next room is mine," she said, leaving off glaring at the Litter Pan to lead to the next room.

      This room was filled with desks and Bookshelves. In one corner a Bamboo bed had been squished in, with a Jazzmosis poster above it.

      "This is my nice CALM Room," Glarkany said, glaring at Bidagin, who was bouncing on the bed.

      "Calm rooms are boring," Wheeeeeeeeneo said. "Come see the Kitchen! I'm hungry!" she said, running into the next room.

      The kitchen had a row of Bamboo cabinets squished together to make a countertop. Wheeeeeeeeneo was in the corner, rooting around in a Stone Icebox. "Here they are!" she cried triumphantly, pulling a pack of Slushies out.

      "I get the Jelly Slushie!" Bidagin yelled, bouncing over to Wheeeeeeeeneo.

      "I'd like the Tangy Tropic Slushie, please!" Wheee40 said, trotting over to the Icebox.

      "I suppose I'd like the blue Pop Slushie," Glarkany said, sighing as she went over to join the other three.

      "Then that means I get the Lime Slushie!" Wheeeeeeeeneo said triumphantly, waving her slushie in the air.

      "Which one would you like, Sunpint?" Wheee40 said.

      Sunpint walked over to the other four and looked at the two remaining Slushies. One was bright pink and the other was an odd blue color. She pointed at the blue one.

      "Oooh, that's Mystery Berry. You can never tell what it will taste like," Glarkany said.

      The four sisters bumped their Slushie cups together and said "Cheers!" After that they all took a big sip of their Slushies.

      Sunpint looked at her Slushie doubtfully and took a small sip. "Wow! It's great!" she said, taking a bigger sip.

      "I knew you'd like them!" Bidagin said, bouncing up and down happily.

      After they had all finished their Slushies, Wheeeeeeeeneo grabbed Sunpint again and pulled her into another room. "This is my room!" she said, running up to a Royal Bed and flopping down on it.

      The room was made out of Pink Jelly. All the furniture was Red, Pink, or Jelly. A Gruundo poster stood above a Royal Wardrobe.

      Wheeeeeeeeneo went over to the Wardrobe and pulled some toys out of it. "Go get your toys, Wheee40," she said, dumping all the toys on the floor. Wheee40 ran to her room and came back with an armful of toys.

      "These are our toys! Come on, let's play!" Wheee40 said happily.

      They all sat on the floor and played with the toys. At one point Sunpint picked up a Kiko toy and squeezed it, sending a jet of water into Glarkany's face. Glarkany looked shocked for a minute, then laughed with the others.

      Sunpint was having such a good time that she forgot about going to the Toy store. By the time she remembered, it was very late. "I need to go! It's getting late!" Sunpint said, getting up to go to the door.

      "We'll walk you home," Wheee40 said, getting up too.

      "No, I can get home by myself," Sunpint said, trotting up to the door. Just as she was about to open the door, the door opened itself, and someone came through it.

      "Mother!" the four sisters cried, running up to the person, all talking eagerly.

      The person laughed, hugging all of the sisters in turn, and then she turned to look at Sunpint. "So who's your new friend?" the person asked.

      "This is Sunpint, Mother! Sunpint, this is our Mother, Sunprint. Her name's not much different than yours, is it?" Wheee40 said, making the introductions.

      Sunpint heard none of this. She was too busy staring at the person. The person looked just like her owner! But they couldn't be the same person.

      "Sunpint? What are you doing here?" the person asked, staring at Sunpint.

      "Do you know Sunpint, Mother?" Wheee40 asked in confusion.

      "You look just like my owner! But you can't be. Can you?" Sunpint asked, feeling a bit woozy.

      "Well… Sunpint, let me explain," the person said. Sunpint stared at her.

      "You can't be my owner! But you are!" Sunpint said, realizing what she had not wanted to realize.

      "How could you!" Sunpint cried, bolting out the door. She ran over towards a small building in the corner of a garden. Sunpint opened the door and ran inside. The room inside was filled with Bean Bags. Sunpint went over to one of the Bean Bags and flopped down on it.

      How could her owner have another family, one with better food and toys than her! It was just horrible. Here she had been thinking that she was special to her owner, while her owner had four more pets! And the worst thing was that she had enjoyed herself in that house, that she had liked the four sisters.

      Sunpint sat there feeling miserable until she fell asleep. She awoke to the sound of pounding on the door of the little building. Sunpint buried her head into the Bean Bag, pretending not to hear. The door opened anyway, and Sunpint's owner (or the four sisters' owner) walked in. Sunpint pretended not to see her.

      "Sunpint? I think I owe you an explanation," Sunpint's owner said. Sunpint pretended not to hear her. Her owner sighed and sat down on a Bean Bag.

      "You don't have to talk to me, just listen to what I say. Around two years ago I started Neopets. I made four pets and I was very happy, except for the fact that I couldn't have more pets. I went on like that for some time until I found out about this thing where you take pets out of the pound and zap them with the Lab Ray until they turn a nice color, then put them back in. That way, they have more of a chance of being adopted. I wanted to do this thing, but I couldn't because I had no room for an adopted pet. I was sad that I couldn't do the adoption thing until I learned that everyone could have up to 5 accounts. I decided to make another account to adopt pets on. The only thing about having more than one account is that you can only earn money with one account. If you could earn money from all of your accounts, you could get rich too easily. That's why there isn't much stuff on my account with you on it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my having two accounts. I should have. So will you please forgive me?" Sunpint's owner's voice sounded pleading.

      Sunpint sniffed and said, "Well, you have two names. What do I call you?"

      "You can call me Menohaveaname, or Sunprint, or Mother, or Stupid-person-who-neglected-to-tell-you-that-you-have-four-half-sisters," Sunpint's owner said, looking relieved.

      "Four half sisters? What do you mean?" Sunpint asked, looking hopefully at her owner.

      Her owner smiled. "I spoke to Glarkany, Wheeeeeeeeno, Bidagin, and Wheee40. They said that they would love to have you as a half sister. You could come to their house anytime, and play with them anytime. You can't live in the same house, but you can at least see each other."

      Sunpint bounced over to her owner and hugged her. Four sisters! How exciting! "Well, let's go see them!" Sunpint said, pulling her owner along behind her. Her owner laughed and followed willingly along.


      Sunpint bounced happily down the street. It was a pretty day, and she had food and a nice owner and four half sisters! She was going to see them now.

      "Um, do you think they'll like me?" a timid voice next to Sunpint asked.

      Sunpint smiled. Just a few days ago she and Menohaveaname had gone to the pound and adopted a green Grarrl! His name was Avatar__Grarrl, and he was very sweet. She was bringing him to meet her half sisters.

      "They'll love you. Why wouldn't they?" Sunpint said, smiling at her brother.

      "Well, I'm a Grarrl, and lots of people don't like Grarrls," Avatar__Grarrl said.

      "These people are nice. Have you ever had a Slushie?" Sunpint asked her brother.

      "Um, no. What are they?" Avatar__Grarrl asked, looking in confusion at his sister.

      "You'll love them," Sunpint said.

The End

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