Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 105,637,792 Issue: 210 | 30th day of Gathering, Y7
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by sensuke

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Word Pyramid Guide
Out of tiles… out of time… and out of luck whenever you’re playing Word Pyramid? Well then, this is the guide for you. All concepts of this game are explained and advanced strategy and tactics are given. Read on!

by trailblazer20


 "...Qually, what are you talking about?" Rosie, his sister, asked him, putting down the book of paint samples she was looking at. "It's summer! You don't have any homework."

by pandabearb


The Perfect Petpet
I entered the room to see Foxy, a cute little Christmas Doglefox, sitting and whimpering as Pup, a Christmas Puppyblew, circled around him, making fake lunges and snapping at thin air a couple inches from Foxy's face. Both Ember and Angel looked at me, then both said simultaneously, "Help!"

by wolf_queen3004


Play with Troggops & Relamus

by gelertloverrrr

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