Holiday Warmth in a Cup by ravenstorm1us
Yes, it’s that time of the year again. It is the Month of Celebrating, but many
of us don’t feel like celebrating at all. The weather has gotten colder everywhere,
even in the Lost Desert. The days have grown shorter, making many pets come in
way too early from playing games. Pets in every land are pushing and shoving their
way around the stores, trying to find the perfect present for cheap. Don’t even
get me started on the free-for-all frenzy that is the Advent Calendar. I’d much
rather stay at my Neohome and relax with a good book and a nice hot drink, wouldn’t
If you are like me, though, you like a little variety in what you eat or drink.
So in order to help everyone out there with their holiday beverages, I’ve compiled
a list of special drinks that taste better this time of year:
Cup of Tea: A gentle pick-me-up for the morning. It’s perfect for a lazy pet
like a Skeith who just wants to wake up slowly.
Spicy Mystery Island Coffee: A jump-start for those cold mornings when you
need help to get up and go! It comes in a collectible mug too!
Earl Grey Tea: A very traditional English tea, it is best served with a little
bit of milk or cream in it like coffee.
Orange Flavoured Tea: A very traditional tea from the Far East, it is used
more for healing the body and mind after a tough battle.
Thornberry Tea: Drink it fresh, and watch out for the spikes! If one of those
nasty thorns gets stuck in your throat it will be a rather unpleasant holiday
Chamomile Tea: Chamomile has been proven to help people sleep, so don’t serve
this to your dinner guests unless you plan on having a slumber party! Yippee,
Mulled Fruit Juice: It’s spicy, it’s fruity, it doesn’t sound like it should
taste good, but it warms you up from the inside out very nicely.
Flaming Bomberry Tea: It’s a good thing they decided to brew this from the
leaves and not use the bomberries themselves, or else this tea would be treacherous
to drink!
Ummagine Tea: For people who REALLY like ummagines. Not one of my favorites,
but very gentle and warming.
Benyeroberry Tea: If you don’t drink this while it is scalding to the touch,
you will be sorry! Wait, I guess you will be sorry either way. You can either
burn your mouth, or drink it cold and get a stomach ache. Never mind, I wouldn’t
drink this if I were you.
Breakfast Tea: Very mellow flavor that helps wash down breakfast. It goes well
with everything, and the cup is very elegant!
Marshmallow Roast Coffee: Incredibly sweet, and the marshmallows on the stick
help remind you of summer fun during this cold time of year.
Strongberry Tea: So much caffeine, you’d swear it was coffee! But it’s not
coffee, so there.
Banana Cream Coffee: Perfect for all those Myncies out there, this creamy coffee
drink won't get you too hyper so it’s perfect for an after-dinner drink.
Tchea Tea: A tangy blueberry-banana flavored tea that reminds one and all of
the far off Lost Desert. Strangely enough, nobody in the Lost Desert drinks
Cobrall Coffee: The snazzy cup that is comes in is a great holiday-themed server
for your parties this time of the year.
Strawberry Butter Tea: A very romantic drink, you should share it with someone
you love! Very high in calories, though, so if you are watching your figure
this is not the drink for you.
Spicy Geraptiku Tea: This is the kind of tea you should drink if you get sick.
It helps with congestion and then shopping out in the cold isn't so bad anymore!
Snowberry Tea: Great for drinking any time of the year, it always helps you
to recall fun times skiing down Terror Mountain.
House Blend Coffee: For when you want just good, plain coffee without any fancy
flavors or cutesy mugs.
Lemon Meringue Tea: Just like the pies mom used to make! The lemon-tea is caffeine-free
so this is a good drink for children to enjoy.
These drinks are actually something you can make yourself. All you have to
do is collect the secret ingredients and take them to the cooking pot on Mystery
Island and then *TA-DA*!
Cake Coffee: One of my favorites, because after eating/drinking this concoction
you have the energy boost to go back out and fight the crowds at the stores!
Hot Chocolate: Perfect for those of us with sweet-tooth and a cold mouth.
Cup of Hot Borovan: Perfect for drinking on its very own special day of the
year, December 20th. To make this yourself is a bit of a chore. Both of the
ingredients needed have to be made themselves! I say, be lazy on this one and
just buy it. Trust me; it will be a lot cheaper in the end.
Some of these drinks are highly collectable, and could cost you a lot of neopoints.
You can even get an avatar from one or two of them, but this is not the point.
Everyone this time of year is rushing around all day. Everyone should take a
few minutes to sit down with a good book and a nice, hot drink and pamper themselves
for a little while. It is the time of giving; give yourself a break here and
there! Of course all of these drinks will taste better if you have a friend
or loved one there to share it with, so spend some time with someone you care
about and haven’t had a chance to see in a while and catch up before the craziness
of the season continues. Isn’t that what the holidays are for?