Store or Sell - Completed World Challenge Maps by _ozark
Please Note: This is a guide for those who are familiar with the World Challenge;
there are many other guides that go over the main concepts of the World Challenge.
So, you’ve spent twenty-plus long hours working your little fingers off and
drying your eyes out like prunes? What to do now? Well that’s where I’m here
to help. After you have successfully completed your twenty-piece World Challenge
Map you have a hard decision ahead of you. You can do one of two things: convert
your map, hoping for a great gift, not to mention the two-thousand Neopoints
you also receive, or you could remove all the pieces from your gallery and put
them into your inventory. Why remove them, you say? Why, to put them into your
store and sell them, of course! In this guide, you will reveal the goods and
the bads of both converting and selling your World Challenge Maps. We’ll also
take a trip to ask some of the best World Challengers a few questions; trust
me, these users are the best, each completing over ten, yes ten, World Challenge
Maps! That’s around two-hundred hours worth of playing games and competing.
Your first choice is to convert or take a leap of faith, which usually ends
up pretty good, if you say it in my words. To convert, after getting all twenty
map pieces, you would click the link which says Add/Remove/Convert Picture Pieces,
and then you will scroll down, under your completed map, and click the wonderful
convert button. You will then be taken to a page which states what prize you
win. When you convert a completed map you win an item, which is usually pretty
valuable, plus two-thousand Neopoints. Here are some prizes that users have
received from converting their maps: Pirate Paint Brush, Maraquan Paint Brush,
Tyrannian Paint Brush, Mystery Island Paint Brush, Snowickle, Reptillior, and
the list keeps going. So, if you’d like to take a chance and hope for the best,
you may want to convert your completed map today!
There’s also a downside to converting your completed map. The only thing for
sure that you get is the two-thousand Neopoints. The rest is luck. Although
the majority of users who have converted their maps have gotten items over one-million
Neopoints, some have not been so lucky. A few of the prizes, that let’s say
weren’t worth it, are as follows: Bri Codestone, Bearog, Tai-Kai Codestone,
Ghostkerchief, and a Ten Dubloon Coin. If you didn’t notice, each and every
one of these items are under fifty-thousand Neopoints. So is twenty hours worth
of playing games really worth around thirty two-thousand Neopoints? You decide.
The second option for you is to sell your twenty pieces. To do this, you click
on the Add/Remove/Convert Picture Pieces link. You’ll see your completed map
in a grid style and under each square there is a link which says Inventory.
To get them to your shop, click the Inventory link under all twenty of your
pieces. After that, go to your inventory and send them all to your shop. Now
most World Challenge Pieces are sold for twenty through twenty five-thousand
Neopoints. If you were taught math correctly, and multiplied twenty two thousand
five-hundred Neopoints, which is the average if you didn’t know, by 20 (for
the number of map piece you are selling), you would get four hundred forty five-thousand
Neopoints. Not as high as you might get from converting, I know, but there’s
no gamble here.
Yes, as you probably guessed, there are also many contraries to selling your
pieces too. Selling the pieces in your shop can take a lot of time, so you who
can’t stand in line for lunch, you better go for the convert. Or, while pricing
your pieces, you may forget a zero or two on the price and sell a piece for
two-hundred or two-thousand Neopoints. Trust me, it happens; when I looked my
sales history and saw two pieces were sold for twenty one-thousand Neopoints,
I went “Jeepers, creepers, weepers!” Then I congratulated the user for being
observant and a fast buyer, all because I’m nice of course! So now the next
question is, is twenty hours of playing games really worth selling some of your
pieces for bargain prices, on accident? What would you say?
Ah hah, now there’s also a secret third way to deal with your pieces that
I did not mention at the start. So if you’ve stayed with me this long I believe
you should now be rewarded. You see this may not be a big secret, but still,
keep it close; many people may not know. This third way can be done now since
the greatest group of programmers redid the World Challenge ways. When the World
Challenge first came out, there was only one map per world, or twelve maps in
all. But, these powerful programmers made the World Challenge bigger, and better,
way better, than one could have imagined! Now there are two, yes two, t - w
- o maps for each world. That makes twenty four maps in all that you can complete.
Now this is where the third way comes into play. You could complete your first
map and then convert it, most likely receiving over one million Neopoints for
the item you get. Then, yes here’s the big part, you could complete your second
map and sell, did you see that, sell the twenty pieces for some pretty nifty
profits. You could keep completing and selling your map pieces until you get
tired of that world’s games, and you can then convert the second map, getting
a wonderful, or maybe not so wonderful, prize. Then if you start to curl up
in a dark corner because you’re having World Challenge withdraws, you can restart
the whole process in a different world! This little trick can get you a lot
of Neopoints; aren’t you glad I told you? Just remember one thing, even if the
world knows about it, it’s our secret!
Now it’s time to ask Neopia’s World Challenge Elites a few questions. I found
these three masters in, where else, but the Games Message Board. Below are a
couple questions that these World Challenge Elites happily answered for me.
How many World Challenge Maps have you completed?
Nibs: I’ve completed twelve maps.
Moocoweatsfire: I’ve completed twelve.
Game_master_tim: I have completed thirteen maps.
How many maps have you converted?
Nibs: I’ve converted all twelve of my maps.
Moocoweatsfire: I’ve converted eleven.
Game_master_tim: I have converted zero.
How many maps have you sold?
Nibs: I’ve sold none.
Moocoweatsfire: I’ve sold one, I don’t like selling maps.
Game_master_tim: I have sold all thirteen.
Have you ever converted the first map and kept selling the second map (The
third way I talked about)?
Nibs: Nope, I’ve never used the third way.
Moocoweatsfire: I usually just finish both sets of a world.
Game_master_tim: No, I have not used the third way.
What do you prefer to do after completing a map, convert, or sell?
Nibs: I’d instantly convert.
Moocoweatsfire: When I complete a map, I usually convert it.
Game_master_tim: After I complete a map, I always sell it for four hundred-thousand
Nibs: I like to gamble with the prizes, and getting the Neopoints from selling
them just seems like a waste.
Moocoweatsfire: It’s more fun I guess.
Game_master_tim: Because it’s a sure price, and I like Neopoints.
Ok, so we’ve covered everything about completed World Challenge Maps, or so
I hope. We talked about why converting and selling can be with you or against
you, we went over the secret way, wait what is the secret way (catching on?),
and we’ve talked to some of the best World Challenge players. If you’ve read
this guide and still can’t make up your mind on what to do, pick a number, one
through three, no really! Ok, if you picked one, you’re going to use the secre-
I mean the non-existent way, if you chose two, you will convert, and for three,
you can sell. Now if you still haven't made you decision, I just don't don't
know what else you could possibly do!
Author's Note: If you have any questions, feel free to neomail me.