Skeiths; Malicious or Misunderstood? by katiecoo802
When most Neopians hear the word ‘Skeith’, the first thing they think of is the
lazy, rude, and greedy dragon-like image that most of us are familiar with. And
they wouldn’t be all wrong; many do fit this exact description. In fact, no more
than a few days ago this was my exact view on the mistrusted and shunned Neopet.
But I am here today to tell you the entire story behind the scales, the very true
story of the few Skeiths that simply long to love and be loved. This story is
for them.
Now in all honesty, I have myself never owned a Skeith. I usually go for the
cute and rarer pets, like many Neopian pet owners. However, the other day my
opinion of Skeiths altogether completely and utterly changed. The day was not
extraordinary; my pets and I were taking a very pleasant stroll around Neopia
Central, poking around in shops and such. We had just passed the Pound, when
I realized my dear Kougra was missing. I found her soon after, staring through
the window of the Pound. The Neopian Pound was always chaotic, owners running
about in an attempt to find that special, rare, abandoned pet. As I followed
her gaze, my eyes met a terrible and pitiful sight. There, huddled in the corner,
(as much as he could be, for he was rather large, even by Skeith standards),
was a Skeith who was silently crying while being ignored. My heart simply broke
for the poor creature, but having four pets already I knew adopting him would
be out of the question. But talking to him, I told myself, couldn’t hurt anything.
I sent my own pets home (for fear of them being adopted without my consent)
and approached the miserable beast.
“Um, hello there…” I said, not knowing what else to do. He looked up at me
with tear-filled eyes and simply grunted a very small “Hello.” He turned over
on his large stomach, trying to hide his pain. I attempted to speak to him again.
“My name is Katie, I noticed you didn’t look very well, and wanted to see what
I could do to help.” His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
“You mean you would adopt me?” He asked his voice filled with hope. When he
lifted his head, I could see he actually looked rather underfed.
“Well, I do already have four pets,” I said slowly and somewhat regretfully.
He drooped back down in disappointment.
“No one would ever want a horrid creature like me.” Another fat tear rolled
down his blue cheek. Obviously this Skeith was different from most of the others,
and I knew I just had to help him. Just then, I had an idea.
“I happen to be trying to write an article for the Neopian Times; perhaps if
I interviewed you Neopians would see how kind some Skeiths really are.” He promptly
agreed, and soon we found a quiet place in the Pound where I could ask him some
Me: “Have you ever eaten a petpet?”
Skeith (He chose to remain anonymous): “Oh gracious never! I’m strictly a vegetarian.
Horrible taste, petpets have. Actually, most Skeiths are allergic to petpets;
they give us terrible rashes and sores if eaten.”
Me: “How long have you been in the Pound?”
Skeith: “Oh for many many months now. I had an owner briefly a month or so
back, but as it turns out she only wanted me for an avatar. I’ve never had a
real home. I’ve only heard stories from pets that pass through the pound having
had owners once. It is supposed to be the most wonderful thing that could happen
to any Neopet.”
Me: “Have you ever forced another Neopet to retrieve food or run errands for
Skeith: “No, I usually keep to myself. I’m actually kind of shy when it comes
to meeting other Neopians for the first time. That’s part of why no one really
knows I’m not mean; I’m afraid I’ll be shunned if I approach them.”
Me: “How many other Skeiths would you guess are in the Pound currently?”
Skeith: “Oh far over a hundred at least, but many if not most are actually
kind and lonely like me. Everyone just assumes we’re all the stereotypical monsters
like the ones portrayed in games like ‘Hungry Skeith.’”
Me: “That’s simply terrible! How many would you guess are ever adopted?”
Skeith: “I’d wager a few dozen a year, but the majority are repounded or forgotten
after a matter of months.”
Me: “You make the Pound sound like a horrible place! Is the Pound really that
unpleasant, or is it just not as nice as a home?”
Skeith: “Oh, I’m very thankful for the warm bed and meals I receive here at
the Pound, but it could never compare to being loved by a real owner.”
Me: “Just out of curiosity, if you could be painted a rarer color, which would
you choose?”
Skeith: “Oh, well, I’ve always rather admired the Rainbow Skeiths. Their scales
are so many colors, and their owners always look so fond of them!”
Me: “Do you have any Neopian role models or idols you look up to?”
Skeith: “I’ve always quite admired Kings Hagan and Skarl. They are both wise
and prosperous rulers, and Skeiths themselves.”
Me: “Okay final question, is there anything Neopians can do to help?”
Skeith: “Yes. If you have room in your heart for another pet, instead of searching
restlessly for a painted or rare pet, adopt one who just needs to be loved.
As impolite and brutish as we may seem on the outside, on the inside we are
very kind and loving pets. One click is all it takes. Please don’t wait any
longer, save a Skeith now, and make a new best friend for tomorrow.”
Well folks, there you have it. The truth is out. So don’t make these poor,
mistaken creatures suffer any longer. If you have any heart at all, save a Skeith
today and always remember; in the long run, it’s not about how many Neopoints
you earned or pets you painted, but about how many lives you yourself changed
by just that one little click.