Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 112,982,760 Issue: 225 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y8
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Behind the Mystery of the Kougra's Paw: Part Three

by inanti


Hali rested heavily on the railing of the Desert Wind, bored. All that could be viewed for miles around was water, and that was how it had been for days now. They were blessed with strong winds and clear skies, but Hali was growing restless, eager to catch up to Fire Paw.

     When she had first seen the Desert Wind, it had been a fantastic sight. The ship was a sleek, slender craft. Carvings of wind gusts played over her bow and ran along her sides. It was rumored that the carvings had been done in such a way as to aid her speed. The captain was a Pirate Grarrl by the name of Captain Reaqk. Though he looked and sounded tough and business-like, he was quite hospitable and humorous as well.

     Hali leaned farther out to watch as the Desert Wind's bow cut through the waves.

     "Lady Hali, don't do that; it frightens me. You might fall into the water."

     Hali rolled her eyes, but allowed the golden Nimmo to pull her back. "When do you think we'll get there, Suta?"

     "If the winds stay as they are, we ought to reach Tyrannia in a day or so," Captain Reaqk said before Suta could reply. "We may be lucky enough to intercept the Airax before it docks."

     As if on cue, one of the sailors called out. "Ship sighted dead ahead, Cap'n!"

     Captain Reaqk smiled. "Apparently our Airax isn't as swift as her name would suggest." He turned to the sailor. "Run up the flag of the queen and a white one below it, so there will be no surprises as to who we are or what our intentions are. Hopefully her captain is unaware of the criminal on his ship. Otherwise we may have to chase him down."

     Hali trotted to the ship's bow and squinted, barely perceiving a small ship on the bright waters ahead.

     Fortunately, the Airax furled her sails and allowed the Desert Wind to pull alongside her. With a few quick ropes and skilfully tied knots, the ships were secured to each other and a board laid over the rails to allow passage to and from each ship.

     Captain Reaqk stepped onto the board and walked across. Hali and Suta came after him.

     "Good day," the Airax's captain, a jovial green Techo, said. "Is anything wrong, that you have sought out my ship?"

     "Yes, kind sir," Captain Reaqk replied courteously. "Shortly before your ship departed the Lost Desert harbor, the Ember was stolen from the queen's treasury. We have reason to believe that the thief may be hiding on your ship. I request that you allow my men to give the ship a quick run down. If nothing is found, you can continue on your way. If, perchance we manage to find a stowaway, we will take him into custody."

     The Techo seemed rather stunned by such a brisk and to-the-point speech. After a moment, he gave a nod. "You may search the Airax, though I doubt you will find anyone."

     Captain Reaqk gestured to his men and several soldiers crossed onto the Airax. After assigning each group to cover different regions of the ship, the captain led the way into the hold.

     Hali followed, ignoring Suta's feeble orders for her to stay behind. She climbed down the ladder into the shadows below, crowded in by the many crates and soldiers.

     "Lady Hali," Captain Reaqk said disapprovingly. "It is better for you to stay on deck."

     "I'll be fine," Hali replied stubbornly. She wove through the gathering of soldiers and started off into the semi-dark.

     "Lady Hali!" Captain Reaqk hissed after her. He took a moment to retrieve a torch and followed her, the soldiers coming after him.

     Hali carefully crept between the crates, peeking around corners and looking through the cracks. Her heart sped with excitement. Never before had she been searching for a criminal in the hold of a trade ship.

     The sound of the waves breaking on the Airax sounded odd from inside her hold. The ship rocked from side to side gently, riding the waves.

     Hali worked her way towards the bow, noticing that it grew steadily darker as she went. Unexpectedly, a growl sounded. The deep, rumbling tones stirred fears that had been ingrained into the minds of Hali's kind. Shivers ran through the Ixi, and she started to take a step back.

     Captain Reaqk came nearer, holding the torch before him. Two eyes flickered into view, both the color of molten gold. The captain took a step closer and the shadows Fire Paw had concealed himself within were pushed away.

     The Kougra's ears were laid flat against his head, and his menacing growl turned to a snarl. A small glint caught Hali's eye, and she saw that he wore the Ember about his neck.

     "Don't touch me," Fire Paw warned. "Don't come near me."

     "You wear the Ember, an item stolen from Queen Vyessa," Captain Reaqk said as though reciting a carefully memorized line. "It is required by law that you be arrested and taken to the queen's court immediately."

     The soldiers came forward, their swords unsheathed. One of the Rukis held a net, slowly moving as close as Fire Paw would allow him. The Kougra made a swipe for the Ruki, emitting an irritated hiss.

     Captain Reaqk pulled Hali back as the soldiers swarmed about Fire Paw.

     "They won't hurt him, will they?" she asked anxiously.

     Before Captain Reaqk could reply, a terrible yowl shattered the relative quiet. Hali glanced at the captain apprehensively, but he ignored her. A small scuffle took place, ending with a furious Kougra being bundled up in the net and carefully lowered into a spare crate.

     Hali pushed her way to the crate, where Fire Paw thrashed in the confines of the net. The sharp tang of smoke reached her sensitive nose, and she realized that small puffs of smoke were seeping through the slats of the crate. The air grew hot, and Hali realized that many of the soldiers were rubbing at minor burns they had received.

     "There's no use trying to take the Ember from him," one of the Elephantes was saying. "As if it weren't hot enough before, he's heated its chain nearly to melting point."

     Hali turned back to the crate. If it went on like this much longer, Fire Paw would set the crate afire. Ignoring the others, she stepped up to the crate, leaning as close as she dared.

     "Fire Paw," she said harshly. He stopped, hearing his name for the first time. "Calm down," Hali soothed. "There is no use trying to escape now, we are entirely surrounded by water. You'd never have a chance of getting away."

     Fire Paw snarled in response, but the smoke slowly began to dissipate, and soon she could see him crouched in the center of the crate, still half tangled in the net.

     Captain Reaqk came over and surveyed the Kougra. "You seem quite the charmer, Lady Hali," he remarked.

     Fire Paw's claws flexed in and out, scoring the already burnt wood. "Shut up, you bloke," he said tersely.

     Captain Reaqk's expression darkened at the Kougra's insult. "Soldiers, fasten some ropes to this crate and use a pulley to take him up. From there we'll move him to the Desert Wind and put him in the holding cell."

     Fire Paw was moved onto the Desert Wind quickly and efficiently. Once the crate had been set down on the Desert Wind's deck, the Airax continued on her way to Tyrannia. Before they went underway, Fire Paw was moved into the brig, where they shoved him from the crate into the cell. Hali watched as he tripped over the net, his paws still entangled.

     "Captain Reaqk," Hali called. "What will we feed him?"

     The captain turned to observe the seething Kougra. "We'll give him some water, but I think it best for him to cool his temper on an empty stomach for a few days. We need to get the Ember from him, anyway."

     Hali frowned. She disliked the idea of weakening Fire Paw into submission, but there seemed to be nothing for it. With a final glance in his direction, she stepped out, closing the door behind her.

     It wasn't long before monotony took over again. Two days passed, and there was nothing for Hali to do. Though she longed to visit Fire Paw and ask him about his life, she knew he probably wouldn't participate in the conversation. Either way, Suta would go mad if she went down there.

     Over time however, the thought of seeing Fire Paw grew more and more tempting. Eventually, Hali gave in to the urge and crept into the brig, ensuring that she hadn't been seen. She found Fire Paw stretched out against the bars of the cell. Stepping quietly, Hali came to stand a few feet from him.

     The Kougra's eyes were half closed, and his breathing steady. Hali thought he hadn't noticed her, until he spoke. "Come to bask in my demise, have you?" he muttered.

     Indignation flared in Hali and she scowled. "No. If anything, I want to help."

     "How can you do anything to help?" Fire Paw scoffed.

     Hali noticed that he had managed to win free of most of the net, but part of it was still snared about his paw, cutting into the flesh.

     "For one thing, I could take that net off of you. I could also give you some food. I know you want it."

     Fire Paw's tail rose and hit the floor lazily and he shifted his sore paw tentatively. "What do you want of me?" he asked, having guessed that she desired something in return.

     "Two things. I want the Ember and I want to learn more about you."

     The second request threw him off. Fire Paw raised his head and stared at her as if trying to measure the truth in her words.

     "Well?" Hali asked after a moment had passed. "Is it a deal?"

     "Yes…" Fire Paw said quietly, then with more confidence. "Yes. I will tell you my story." He bent his head down to take the Ember from his neck, prodding it through the bars. Hali used a broken bit of wood to catch its chain and pull it away. She went up to the bars and knelt. "First let me get that net off of your paw, then I'll go see if I can find any food for you."

     Fire Paw lifted his wounded leg and let her fumble with the cords, hissing every now and then as one of the ropes was pulled.

     Hali was perfectly aware of the danger she had placed herself in. If Fire Paw should for some reason choose not to keep his word, he could simply extend his claws and leave her seriously wounded in seconds. She reasoned that since he had already given up the Ember, he would only lose out if he did not hold still.

     When she had worked the net free, Fire Paw withdrew the injured paw and set to work licking it.

     Hali stood, watching as he diligently tended to the sore leg. "I'll fetch some food, but it may take me a while. When I get back, you had better know what you're going to tell me, because I'll want you to start the moment you finish eating."

     Fire Paw glanced at her and gave a slight nod, still focused on his paw.

To be continued...

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Other Episodes

» Behind the Mystery of the Kougra's Paw: Part One
» Behind the Mystery of the Kougra's Paw: Part Two
» Behind the Mystery of the Kougra's Paw

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