Ronyshia, Princess of Ahsla by kioasakka
A buzz of excitement roamed about Ahsla. Every soul in the
village stood, single file, waiting to see their new princess. Her name? Princess
Ronyshia was born a red Shoyru. She would be
painted royal at age five, as all Ahslan royals are. She always got what she
wanted, but she didn't like that very much. How she wished to venture outside
the kingdom, or at least the palace walls! One night, at age nine, she repainted
herself her original red color and escaped into the village. She was hidden
by a dark cloak and she moved swiftly through the shadows to the village end.
Once there, she muttered the spell she'd received from her best friend, the
palace mage, to let down the magical barrier, which kept their kingdom's existence
unknown from the rest of the world. It went right back up after she stepped
through and entered the forest called the Haunted Woods. She took one last look
at her beloved kingdom. "I will be back," she promised. With those final words,
she ran off into the trees.
When the princess walked out of the Haunted Woods,
she found herself on the outskirts of the Lost Desert. She walked towards the
sand to the nearest civilization. She appeared to be at a marketplace. She saw
three guards chase after two thieves. It was strange to her. There were no crimes
in Ahsla. Everyone knew everyone and all the residents were friendly. No one
saw point in causing mischief or committing crimes. Looking around, she found
a red Blumaroo that seemed friendly, so she walked up to him. "Hello, sir,"
she said. "Could you please tell me where I am?"
"You don't know?" he asked. She shook her head.
"You're in Sakhmet. And you'd best take that cloak off, before you die of a
heat stroke."
It was true. She was getting very hot. She took
off her cloak and held it with one arm. "Would you mind helping me?" she asked.
"I have no knowledge of how I came to be here, in this Sakhmet."
He raised an eyebrow, then shrugged. "I s'pose
it won't do any harm," he said. He smiled. "I'm Thomas. You?"
"I am Ronyshia," she said, shaking his hand and
dropping it. She doubted he'd know anything about Ahsla.
"Interesting name. Listen, Ronyshia, we're going
to see Princess Amira. She might be able to help you." They walked toward the
towering palace. It was much bigger than the Ahslan palace.
"Princess Amira, you have visitors," someone
said. An Aisha was sitting in a throne. Ronyshia couldn't identify what type
of Aisha she was. The only colors she ever saw in Ahsla were royal and the basic
red, green, blue and yellow.
"State your name, your business, and all that,"
said the Aisha. Ronyshia didn't like her attitude. A princess should never slouch
the way this one was, and should never talk so lazily.
Ronyshia bowed, since she had no dress to curtsy
with, only the ragged servant wear she'd taken on her way out of Ahsla. "Your
Highness, I am Princess Ronyshia of Ahsla. You probably have never heard of
it or me. Ahsla is hidden within the Haunted Woods by an invisible barrier."
Amira whispered to a blue Shoyru on her side,
who whispered back in her ear. She nodded and he ran off. "You are right. I
have never heard of this Ahsla. But then, I don't know of many 'hidden kingdoms'.
Qasala, for example."
"Surely you heard of the visit from Prince Jazan
of Qasala and the terror he and his father caused here! Everyone in Neopia knows!"
Amira clearly was in shock.
"I don't. I've never heard of Qasala."
Before Amira could speak again, the Shoyru returned.
"There is no kingdom of Ahsla in my records," he said. "There is, however, records
of explorers finding the ruins of a village and palace in the Haunted Woods
last year. They figured the place had been in its current state for about a
hundred years. In other words, if this is the Ahsla you speak of, then it has
been destroyed for near to a century."
Ronyshia couldn't believe her ears. "That's not
possible! I was just there a few days ago!" She could feel hot tears pressing
into her eyes.
Without another word, she turned and bolted out
of the palace and out of Sakhmet. Ahsla destroyed for a century? It was impossible.
She ran and ran, and did not stop running until she reached the Haunted Woods.
She collapsed against a tree and took a breather. After a half an hour, she
had strength enough to walk again. She saw a sign that read: Deserted Fairground.
Taking a look around the sign, she saw what looked like a haunted carnival.
How could that have been put up in a few hours? This was the exact spot she'd
been in a few hours ago, and none of this was here.
Continuing on her way with a run, she made it
to Ahsla in less than a day. As an Ahslan, she could see the barrier, but it
was not there. All she saw was the gateway she'd passed through a few days ago.
It was crumbling a little. She walked through and saw her beloved Ahsla in ruins.
The houses were destroyed, the once lush land was dead, and the palace was still
standing, but just barely, and large chunks of it were missing. How could this
have happened? She walked up to where the palace stood and took cautious steps
to the throne room. The thrones were tattered and broken. Her heart sinking,
she climbed highly unstable stairs to where her room was, bits of the stairs
and floor giving way beneath her feet.
Her room looked no better than any of the others.
She slumped to the floor and began to sob heavily. Her dearly loved kingdom....
destroyed. But how, and why? When she opened her eyes, she saw something on
the tattered bed. She slowly stood and walked over to it. It was a note addressed
to her. She read it:
Princess Ronyshia,
It's been quite a while. One hundred years to
be accurate. If you're wondering what happened to your palace, then stop. It
was destroyed the day after you left by an invading army of dark faeries. We
tried our best to fend them off, but as we had no army, we lost. A dark faerie,
clearly claimed leader, demanded we hand over you, the princess. We said you
were missing. She didn't believe us and destroyed the palace right then and
there. No one survived but me. I am old now, but you appear to have not aged.
That is no surprise to me. I knew something would happen, which is why I gave
you that escape spell, along with another. The second you did not know about.
While you felt only a few days pass, a hundred years did. I knew it would take
you five days to get through the Haunted Woods, so when, on the fourth day,
you fell asleep, my spell took action and you slept, hidden, for a century.
When you woke, you felt no difference in the time. Please do not feel angered
or sad. I did it all to protect you. My princess, had you not escaped, you surely
would've died along with the rest of them. I love you like a sister. I will
pass away soon, but do not grieve for me. I wish you to travel to Mystery Island,
where a young lady will take you in as her own. Her name is Kioasakka, and she
will take good care of you. Why Mystery Island? Because it is far, far away
from here. I'm sure you will be very happy with Kioasakka. And don't fret. All
your questions will be answered, someday. Please. Do it for me.
All my love,
Ronyshia did as her friend asked. She would miss
Mynallesna (who had been a green Mynci), and her people, and her parents, and
the kingdom, but she didn't wish for her grieving to take over her life. She
carried out Mynallesna's death wish and traveled to Mystery Island, where a
girl named Kioasakka did, in fact, take her in. Ronyshia told her the story,
and now she goes by Roni. And now, as she lives in happiness with her new family,
she often thinks of her kingdom. One day, she would be a royal Shoyru again.
One day, she would find the dark faeries who destroyed all she'd known and loved
before escaping. One day, she would be Princess Ronyshia again.
The End
Author's Note: I did not actually adopt Ronyshia, as the story says. I took
five minutes of my time to create her, not click a button that says "Yes, I
want to adopt this Neopet." Just a little f.y.i. Feel free to Neomail! For more
details on the story visit Roni's pet page! ~Kioasakka