To Pound or Not to Pound? by fyregyrl
NEOPIAN POUND - Hello, my fellow Neopians! I’m Sarah and if you're reading this
article and you don't work for the Neopets Team, then that means I got my first
article in the Neopian Times! Yay for me! Well, my article today is about an injustice
in Neopia. Hopefully I'll be able to write about more injustices, but that comes
I was recently taking a break from my hard job when I visited the Pound. I
only go occasionally but this time something caught my eye. So, for my first
article, I shall discuss one of the growing industries in Neopia, and also one
of the saddest places to go, the Pound.
Almost all Neopians know about the Pound, a place where you can adopt or abandon
pets. The link is at the main Pet Central page, where most people go when they
first make an account on Neopets. It is also where you go after you log in.
The link to the Pound has an adorable pet that just calls for you to come and
adopt a pet. But the Pound isn't a good place for all pets. Some will be left
in the Pound for months because their owners don't like them anymore. Well,
when I was at the Pound, I noticed that many of the pets were the same species.
So this leads me to my first list:
Sarah’s List of the Top 5 Most Abandoned Pets In Neopia
5) Uni- these lovable pals have been abandoned at alarming rates even after
the Lost Desert Plot introduced the Nightsteed and a new look for the Halloween
4) Elephante- even though they have their own avatar, the price on Bag of Peanuts
has risen so dramatically that few Neopians can afford to get the avatar.
3) Grarrl- well, not much to say about this pet although I wonder why people
make the pets if they don’t want them.
2) Lenny- another avatar pet. Instead of adopting one, everyone makes a Lenny
and then abandons it. How sad.
1) Ahhh, finally at #1. Well, the #1 pet is…Zafara! Why? These pets have no
avatar and they can be painted a variety of colors. So, why are they the #1
abandoned pet? I don’t know the answer to that, so I can’t tell you.
Well, now you know what pets not to make. You can easily go to the Pound and
adopt one of these wonderful pets for a small price! But what about the pets
not on this list? Well, most of them are in the Pound as well, just not as many.
However, some pets are limited edition or restricted. They are rare finds in
the Pound. So now you probably want to know which pets are least likely to show
up. Well, I have a list for that too.
Sarah’s List of the Top 5 Least Abandoned Pets In Neopia
5) Cybunny- cute bunny-like Neopets that are limited edition, Cybunnies are
popular in Neopia. However, during my search, I found that very few Cybunnies
show up in the Pound.
4) Hissi- one of the newer kinds of pets in Neopia, the Hissies are also rare
finds in the Pound. Hopefully, as they get older, more Hissies will show up
in the Pound, although that is doubtful.
3) Krawk- not only are they restricted, but Krawks are also one of the rarest
pets in Neopia. So of course it will be amazing to find one in the Pound.
2) Poogle- Poogles are tied with Krawks because neither pet is common or found
often. The Poogles are cute and loved by most Neopians, so they aren’t Pounded
unless absolutely necessary.
1) And the #1 Least Common Pet in the Neopian Pound is…*drum roll* the Draik!
They are rare, limited edition and they have their own avatar. Very uncommon
finds, in fact, so uncommon that in order to get a Draik, you need to go on
the boards and find someone.
On this list there are some honorable mentions. They are very rare finds in
the Pound. The first honorable mention is the Tonu. Also a limited edition pet,
the only Tonu I found in the Pound was the one I adopted. Another honorable
mention is the Koi. Koi are Maraquan limited edition, but they are often displayed
on the boards as being Pounded. Jetsams are also rare but since the avatar is
involved, the Jetsams are traded through the Pound even though it is not recommended.
A final honorable mention is the Gnorbu. The newest edition to Neopia, the Gnorbus
have yet to be introduced to the Pound, which is good for them. Hopefully, the
Pound won’t be such a sad place by the time Gnorbus are abandoned in mass. Occasionally
you might find one of these pets in the Pound, or contact someone who is willing
to give up their pet. Some of the pets in the Pound were lovingly taken in,
painted or zapped by the lab ray and then placed back in the Pound so they will
be adopted. Or the reason could be less kind. What are some reasons? Well, for
my final list, I’ll list some reasons of why pets are abandoned.
Sarah’s List of the Top 5 Reasons for Pet Abandonment
5) Oh look! A new pet! But I already have 4 pets, so I guess I’ll abandon this
ugly little *insertpethere*. Ever heard someone say something like that? Well,
if you look in the Pound after a new pet comes out; you’ll see lots of pets
being abandoned and few being adopted. How sad. *nods, cries and continues*
4) A new avatar! Well, I’ll have to get the pet for it! Afterwards, it isn’t
needed and the pet is abandoned. I have abandoned pets that were for avatars
but the pets were always adopted, healed and then replaced.
3) It’s a good pet! Those kind-hearted Neopians take in abandoned pets, zap
them with the lab ray and then return them to the Pound. They are then adopted
by hopefully deserving owners.
2) I have too many pets! Ever heard that? Well, you should never make four
pets to start with. Always plan on adopting or creating one later on, when you
can care for it.
1) And finally, the #1 reason is…the NAME!! There are so many pets in the Pound
with ugly names. They are only adopted as lab rats or because they are rare
or painted. So be creative, and make a nice name so if you ever abandon, which
you shouldn’t, the pet will be adopted.
Thanks for reading and remember my Top Fives so you can be careful about abandoning,
creating and adopting pets.
All lists are based on research I did. They are not exact but close. And
please comment if you want to!