Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 113,598,787 Issue: 227 | 10th day of Awakening, Y8
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The Pant Devil's Advocate

by gryffinrose

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Mootix Madness - We Have a Winner Pt. 3
Welcome to Nelly-land.

by leoness


What Not to Buy for Valentines Day
Top of the list and ranked at Number 10 are the infamous Magic Smelly Socks.

by tigerfanatic33


Halfway Through the Book
o_O; OMGZ LIEK ITSA PUN1!one!eleven.

by rhoc


Clocks all around tick softly, loudly, some with the brays of Kaus, some with the gentle song of a faerie, some with the dull, mechanical noise that we all know from our own homes...

by _sunset_phoenix

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