How to Care for Crazy Pets by animetriplicate
I know what you're thinking. "Caring for crazy pets? Since when do I have a crazy
pet?" Well, most families have one, even if they don't realize it. And crazy pets
often need more care than normal ones. No, I'm not talking about straightjackets.
Or those soft white rooms either. Although, they are pretty nice, so you should
keep one handy anyways.
I suppose you're now wondering, "Do I have a crazy pet?" Well, there are several
kinds of crazy pet. I'm only going to go through the most common ones though,
along with tips to help care for that type of crazy pet. But, please note, it
is always best to see if your pet is ill or recently ate a lot of sugar before
assuming they are a crazy pet.
Hyper-crazy pets
A personal favorite of mine. Basic symptoms include running in circles, hyper
activity due to hearing something like the name of their favorite place, item,
or food, and the occasional staring at the wall and drooling routine. These
can be altogether, separate or with many others not listed here. You never really
know. The best way to care for your pet if they display any of these symptoms
is to make sure there is nothing in the house that they will run into and hurt
themselves on. Believe me, once they get started, they either can't or won't
stop. I haven't really don't have a clue why. And to make sure you have a bucket
and mop on hand in every room. Old drool is even less fun to clean up than new
drool is, take it from me *shudders*.
Addicted-crazy pets
This one is easy to spot. Simply see if your pet goes entirely nuts upon hearing
a certain word. Try their favorite flavors, petpets, friends, and siblings,
anything that makes them happy. This type is even easier to care for. Just don't
mention whatever it is that makes them hyper unless totally necessary or you
want them to clean something up, but note, that only works if the addiction
is food related. Let's not make our pet eat any furniture, now.
Hobby-crazy pets
A little harder to spot, hobby crazy pets usually change hobbies as often
as they change their underwear. (Ignore the bad analogy, it was the best I could
come up with. And I don't want to know if your pet doesn't change its underwear.
That's just gross.) Just look for a multitude of hobbies every week. There really
isn't a good way to deal with this one. My suggestion would be to sell the old
stuff and buy the new stuff, or make them get it themselves. Either way is effective,
but if things get out of hand, one of Kauvara's forgetful potions or a sharp
whack on the head with a heavy object will get them to stop. Or it could make
it worse.
Obsessive-crazy pets
This kind of crazy pet gets something on their mind and will never give up,
no matter what. Not to be confused with a strong willed pet, these pets will
be so obsessed they won't have time for anything else and usually includes a
strange obsession, like finding Jelly World (It doesn't exist! Or does it?),
or catching a jam fish. The only thing that works here is one of Kauvara's forgetful
potions and/or a sharp whack on the head with a heavy object. Both normally
work best.
Know-it-all-crazy pets
I know this one doesn't seem crazy, but it is. Trust me. A know-it-all crazy
pet will correct your grammar, spelling, wording, facts, posture, and so much
else. Kind of like spell check crossed with your mom. The best way to deal with
them is to do as they say and slow down their book intake. The more they know,
the more they correct you.
Happy-crazy pets
These are the creepy kind of pets that are always smiling, no matter what
you do to them. Always with those big… goofy… freaky… odd… creepy grins… *shudders*.
The best way to deal with them? If they're not yours, run away fast. If they
are, run away even faster! That's all I have to say here.
Hypnotized-crazy pets
This kind of pet normally drools, has an absent look and a big, goofy grin,
and chants some thing like "*insert bad guy name/species here* will rule" or
"Hail *insert bad guy name/species here*" over and over again. My advice? Figure
out who did it to them, then contact the authorities and take your pet to the
doctor/the Healing Springs/Kauvara to heal them. Fast. And please, don't hide
under the bed whimpering and going "I don't want to be hurt by *insert bad guy
name/species here*." You may be the only one who can stop them!
Sad-crazy pets
These pets are sad, depressed, and/or upset a lot. Before continuing, are
they painted gray? Then there's nothing wrong with them. If not, see if they're
sick, unhappy, or hungry. If they're fine, talk to them and see a counselor.
And give them a big hug for me, would you?
There you have it! Eight different kinds of crazy pets and how to deal with
them! And remember, these types of crazy can be combined. What? You say all
of your pets are one or another type of crazy? Alright, remember the big, soft
white room that I said to keep handy at the beginning of this? Now would be
a good time to go there, curl up in a little ball, and whimper until you feel
Author's note: This was just for fun. There is no such thing as a crazy
Neopet! And part of this was written by my Wocky, Sala, when I was knocked out
after my Usul yelled "The Meepits are here!" At least I think it was her. My
memory is kind of fuzzy right now. And remember, take good care of you pets,