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The Step-By-Step Guide To Mastering Toybox Escape!

by kjjdavid


GAMES ROOM - Have you ever wondered how one could complete this game with all these robotic pets and their different abilities to move around? After all, they are the abandoned works of Dr. Sloth and we have to help them escape!

Well, it is easy once you get the hang of it and here is THE Step-By-Step Guide that will give you all the information you need to complete all 20 levels of the game! You can get about 800+ points with the use of my guide and it should be enough to get you a trophy on reset (1st day of every month).

Ok, enough of my rattling, on with the guide that you, Toybox Escape gamers, have been waiting for! Let’s begin.

Level 1:

A simple level. Click on the Green Mynci’s icon at the bottom so that he climbs the blocks on the right and proceeds to the brown box(exit). Do not click on the Purple Mynci just yet. Wait for him to turn left after bumping onto the blocks on the right, then you may click on his icon. He will climb up that wall on the left and grab the coin. Let him come back down and click on his icon again so that he climbs over the blocks on the right and to the exit.

Level 2:

Another simple level. Click on the Green Scorchio so that he burns the block in his path and moves to the exit. Wait for the Red Scorchio to head left and click on him so that he burns the block and he can go grab that coin. Click on him again so that he burns the other block on the right, goes down and moves to the exit.

Level 3:

To save time, click on the Yellow Kougra right after the level starts so that he digs the block below him, collects the coin and goes onto the ledge below. If you didn’t manage to catch him that time, wait for him to go back to the block above the coin and click on him. Click on the Red and Blue Kougras and they will drop onto the ledges below. You should only click on the Kougras when they are above the colored blocks which are not light-blue in color. Let them all move themselves to the exit.

Level 4:

Click on the Red Shoyru so that he jumps onto the upper ledge. Click on him again so that he jumps onto the next ledge. I suggest clicking on him when he reaches the end of the ledge. He will then grab the coin and drop into the box. Click on the Purple Shoyru so that he jumps onto the upper ledge just like the Red Shoyru and let him drop down and move to the exit.

Level 5:

Click on the Kacheek so that he pushes the block in his path into the hole and he will proceed to the exit. Click on the Uni to form a ramp on the left side. Wait for the Kougra to bump onto the block on his left and turn right. Click on him so that he digs the block underneath, drops down and moves to the exit. By now, the Scorchio should be moving towards the Uni, up the ramp and collecting the coin. After the Scorchio comes back down the ramp, unlock the Uni by clicking on him when the Scorchio is about 2 blocks away from the ramp. Click on the Scorchio and he will burn the block on the right, with the Uni following closely behind. Let them both drop down the hole the Kougra dug and move to the exit.

Level 6:

A rather simple level. Click on all 3 Myncies when the level starts. Let the Blue Mynci grab the coin at the upper right ledge and come back down. When the 3 Myncies are on the ledge that the Blue Mynci was on at the beginning, click on all of them again so that they can climb the wall on their left and move to the exit

Level 7:

Click on the Blue and Green Kacheeks. When the Green Kacheek is out of the way, click on the Yellow Kacheek and he will push the block down and move towards the right. The Green Kacheek will push the block on his right and collect the coin. All 3 Kacheeks will then move to the exit.

Level 8:

Click on the Red Scorchio so that he burns the block on the right with the Uni following behind. Don’t worry about the red spikes behind the block. Click on the Shoyru so that he jumps onto the upper ledge and steps onto the red button to deactivate the red spikes. By the time the Scorchio burns the block, the spikes would have been deactivated, so both he and the Uni can move safely to the exit. Click on the Shoyru again so that he jumps onto the higher ledge, collects the coin, drops and moves to the exit. The box at the top won’t be needed.

Level 9:

Click on the Kacheek so that he pushes the block in his path and moves to the lower ledge. When the Uni is heading left, click on him to form a ramp. Allow the Scorchio, Kougra and Kacheek to move up the ramp. Unlock the Uni’s ramp. When the Kougra is on the blocks above the coin, click on him twice so that he is able to dig, collect the coin and move to the exit. The Kacheek will follow behind and drop down the hole the Kougra dug and move to the exit. Click on the Scorchio to burn that right-most block. He and the Uni will drop down and move towards the exit.

Level 10:

When the Red Kougra is on the fifth block from the left, click on him and dig a straight path down to the ledge where the coin is on. Stop digging and let the Red Kougra collect the coin. While he is moving right, the Blue Kougra will drop down the path that the Red Kougra dug. Click on the Blue Kougra and he will dig and drop onto the lowest ledge where the exit is on and move to the exit. After the Red Kougra has collected the coin, click on him and he will dig, drop and move towards the exit.

Level 11:

Click on the Purple Shoyru to jump over the block. Jump over the spikes and step onto the red button to deactivate the red spikes. Wait for the Kougra to head left and then click on him. Make sure that he moves left after dropping down. The Scorchio will then drop and move right, in front of the Kougra. Click on the Scorchio so that he burns the block in his path and click on the Kougra so that he digs and drops onto the green button to deactivate the green spikes. Make sure that he moves to the right and not left(so that he doesn’t activate the green spikes again when he comes back right). Both Scorchio and Kougra will then drop and move to the exit. Click on the Shoyru to jump over the block and drop down the hole. Click on him again to jump over the gaps all the way to the right ledge where he will jump and grab the coin. Let him drop and move to the exit.

Level 12:

Click on the Green Kacheek so that he pushes the right block, filling up the gap. He will collect the coin after dropping down. Click on the Yellow Kacheek so that he pushes the left block and drops down, followed by the Blue Kacheek. Wait for the Red Scorchio to head left and then click on the Red Kougra so that he digs a hole and allows the Scorchio to drop and burn the block on the left that the Yellow Kacheek had pushed down. When the Kougra is heading right and is above a colored block, click on him and he will dig a hole for all the pets to drop down and move to the exit.

Level 13:

Click on the Blue Kacheek to push the block on his right down. After dropping down, click on him again so that he pushes another block down to fill the gap below. Click on the Red Scorchio to burn the block on the left, collect the coin and drop onto the lowest ledge. Click on the Scorchio again so that he burns the block on the right. Click on him again to burn the next block. Allow all the pets to make their way to the exit.

Level 14:

Click on all the pets. When the Kacheek is down on the lowest ledge, click on him so that he pushes the block left 6 times. Click on the Kacheek to stop him from pushing further. By now, the Myncies should have finished climbing the wall and are dropping down onto the lowest ledge. Click on the Purple Mynci to let him climb the blocks on the left and collect the coin. Click on the Kacheek to push the block, fill up the gap and proceed to the exit. The Myncies will also move to the exit.

Level 15:

Click on the Blue Kacheek so that he pushes the block on his right down. The Kougra should also have dropped onto the lower ledge by himself. Dig a hole immediately so that the Kacheek can drop down. After making sure that the Kacheek is heading right and the Kougra is not in his way, click on the Kacheek so that he pushes the block on the right which fills up the gap at the bottom and he can go collect the coin and into the exit. When the Kougra is on the block above the red button, click on him to dig a straight path down so that he drops onto the red button to deactivate the spikes and proceeds to the exit. Click on the Red Scorchio to burn the block on the right and move towards the exit.

Level 16:

First click on the Green Kougra when he is two blocks away from the light-blue blocks on the left. He will dig and drop onto a block. Click on him again and he will drop onto a ledge and he can go collect the coin. While he does that, click on the Red Kougra and he will drop down. Let him stay there. Click on the Blue Kougra when he is three blocks away from the light-blue blocks on the right. Dig a straight path down and let both Yellow and Blue Kougras move themselves to the exit. Now click on the Red Kougra when he is two blocks away from the light-blue blocks on the left. Dig a straight path down and he will land on a ledge which leads to the exit. Now, the only pet remaining is the Green Kougra. Click on him when he is above a colored block so that he can dig, drop and move towards the exit.

Level 17:

Click on the Red Kougra to dig a hole at the very far right of the ledge. Allow both Kacheeks to drop into the hole. Click on the Purple Shoyru so that he jumps over the block and drops onto the platform below. He will be heading left so be quick! Jump over the green spikes, collect the coin and step on the red button. Click on the Shoyru again to jump over the green spikes and red button. Click on any Kacheek to push the block on their right down and they will be able to drop, collect the coin and proceed to the exit. The Shoyru will also move to the exit.

Level 18:

Quickly click on both Myncies so that they can climb the walls on their rights. The Purple Mynci will step on the blue button, drop back down and move towards the exit. When the Green Scorchio is heading left, click on him so that he burns the block and moves left further. After the Green Mynci has finished climbing the wall, click on him again so that he climbs the next wall. By now, the Red Scorchio should have stepped on the green button. Click on him so that he burns the block on his right, collects the coin and drops down onto the lower ledge. Meanwhile the Green Mynci will step onto the red button. Click on either the Green or Red Scorchio to burn the block on the right and proceed to the exit. The Green Mynci will then drop back down and move towards the exit.

Level 19:

Click on the Red Shoyru to let him jump onto the upper ledge but before you click, just gently let him step onto the blue button. Click on him again to jump onto the next ledge. Jump over the spikes, step onto the red button and jump to collect the coin. As he heads right, remember to jump over the red button. The Red Shoyru will now move himself to the exit below. Now, click on the Purple Shoyru to jump onto the upper ledge and over the lava. Let him drop down and move himself to the exit.


Level 20:

First, click on the Red Kougra to dig to the ledge below. After the Red Scorchio has dropped down the hole, click on him to burn all those blocks on the left. Click on the Green Mynci so that he climbs the wall on the right. When he has finished climbing, click on him again so that he climbs the next wall. In the process, the Red Scorchio and Kougra will drop to a lower ledge. Let the Scorchio continue burning the blocks on the left and eventually both of them will make it into the exit. When the Green Mynci is about to finish climbing his second wall, make sure that the Blue Kacheek is heading left before clicking on him. He will push the block on his left down. By the time the Kacheek drops, the Mynci would have deactivated the red spikes so the Kacheek can safely go grab the coin. Now, it is just a matter of waiting for both Kacheek and Mynci to drop down and move to the exit of the game!

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve done it! You’ve beaten all 20 LEVELS of Toybox Escape!

To get the 800+ points for the trophy, it is vital that you sacrifice 3 of your lives in any level to get 3 coins worth 60 points total. I do hope that my guide has helped you get the hang of Toybox Escape and probably even win a nice trophy for your cabinet! Remember, practice makes perfect! Try the game on reset, I believe you’ll have a much better chance at winning a trophy! Thanks for reading my guide. Don’t hesitate to neomail me any questions you might have!

*P.S. If you are reading this article, I’m finally being published in the Neopian Times for the very first time after so many tries! :-D

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