Why Do Meercas Like to Chase Neggs? by anime_freak999
The complete History of Meerca Chase
Well, we at the Neopian Neggery think that it goes back to ancient times when
poor Neopians had to forage for food. One of the most common foods was actually
neggs. They were more abundant back then until the Neopians discovered their
worth and started picking them off the trees as fast as they could. But before
I can get any more detailed, I think that a little history on what neggs are
and what Meercas are like might be helpful.
Negg: (n) N-egg. It is a fruit that is about the size of a pear. Almost egg
like in shape, most people think that’s where it got its name. It can come in
a lot of different colours and flavours. But the most common one is brown.
Meerca: (n) meer-ka. Meercas are one of many different species that exist in
Neopia. As a general rule Meercas are energetic, fun loving Neopets who love
playing tricks on others.
Now, because the Meercas are so friendly with other species (except on April
Fools Day), and they are so energetic, many of their friends asked them to get
food and do errands for them when they were too lazy to do it themselves. The
Meercas, who loved to make people happy, always did what they were asked. Eventually,
the Meercas got tired of just running errands to get the stone furniture and
so on and they stopped getting food for their friends.
This caused an uproar because many of the Neopians had relied on the Meercas
for food and they didn’t know where to get it without getting carried off by
a beast of some kind. And even if they could find food, much of it was either
poisonous or tasted like it should have been.
After about a year, the population of the healthy Neopians decreased because
so many had fallen ill from lack of good food. And at this time, the negg trees
were overcrowding many other plants because at this time, they were thought
to be poisonous. Only the Meercas knew otherwise.
Finally, Fyora came down from Faerieland and spoke to the Meercas. She called
a great meeting and most Meercas came (among the few that didn’t were the ancestors
of Heermeedjet and Merouladen and Chuffer Bob). She begged them to help with
the catastrophe that was happening but none of the Meercas agreed. They said
that they wanted to make it more exciting because just getting the food was
pretty boring. Fyora then declared that if they would help the citizens of Neopia
then in exchange she would help them dispel their boredom.
Now, even Fyora didn’t have a plan. She just thought that because all of the
Neopians were getting sick, she would just make up something on the spot and
figure they would forget. But they didn’t.
After days of getting food for the Neopians, the Meercas finally started to
wonder about where their way of “dispeling their boredom” was. Fyora had to
think of something quick before the Meercas realized that she had lied.
So she gathered all of the smartest Neopians to think of a solution. The Brain
Tree, the Library Faerie, Coltzan (this was long before he died) and all the
other Faeries were called to the meeting. It was the Brain Tree who thought
that it should be a game and it was the Library Faerie who noticed all the extra
neggs lying around and it was Coltzan who pieced it together.
“I’ve got it!” he exclaimed after a gruelling 5 hours of brainstorming. “We
shall create a game where there are obstacles as well as neggs so that the Meercas
will have a challenge getting them.”
“Brilliant!” the rest shouted.
Then they got the best in all of Neopia to build an obstacle course. It involved
a large wooden frame that had lots of negg trees in it. And the obstacles were
merely rocks that got dropped into the ring (by faeries floating about it) after
the Meercas got one negg. After they had gotten all the neggs in the ring, they
exited and gave the neggs to the Neopians that were waiting.
Of course there were rules, and they are similar to the ones we know today.
1. They couldn’t bump into any of the walls
2. They couldn’t bump into any of the rocks.
3. They had three “lives” and if they lost all of the “lives” then they would
have to start over again.
The Meercas loved the game. It made it challenging to get food but also rewarding
to be helping. There was only one problem and that was the rocks. The Meercas
complained that they hurt too much if they bumped into them so they had to think
of a new solution.
One day a little Meerca, whose name is not remembered, found an interesting
bush with a strange-looking red plant on it. He thought it looked like a negg
but there were no such things as red neggs! He was going to take it home it
his mother but when he touched it, it exploded! He was thrown 15 feet into the
air and landed with a thump on the ground. But the strangest thing was that
it didn’t hurt! Of course his buttocks were a little sore from the fall but
the explosion caused no reaction at all.
He hurried home and told his mother who told the mayor of the town where they
lived (He was an Elephante). The next day, a mob of the townsfolk went to where
the little boy found the bush and many of them where amazed by the new discovery.
The Elephante decided to see if the other half of the story was true so he picked
one from the bush but to the little boy's surprise, nothing happened.
“That it impossible!” cried the young lad. “Watch!” and so he picked up the
fruit and BAM! It exploded again. The town gasped. Is that possible? They all
The truth was they had discovered a new fruit that we now call rutilus pomum
or Red Fruit. It has a weird reaction to Meerca fur and explodes in their hands
but causes no harm to the Meerca. Word got to Fyora of this exploding fruit
and she decided that it would be the perfect thing to add to the game that they
had now called “Meerca Chase”. They put it in right away and soon it caught
on. The game was a very popular way to get food.
Now, over 300,000 Neopians play it worldwide, thanks to the success and laziness
of our ancestors. But nowadays, because we have the food shop and we are civilized,
they now give out neopoints instead of neggs.