What Not to Do With a Paper Pet by satoshiketchum1890
You go home, give your darling little Neopet a rare paper pet of his/her own and
next thing you know, it's torn up or somehow "magically" got blown away so your
Neopet won't be grounded for a month. Well, that's what you get for having destructive
little critters who just happen to live in your home. Kinda scary to think about,
isn't it? You could go out tomorrow and probably buy the most expensive lamp there
is and come home to find it broken, eaten (darn Skeiths!!!) or most likely, torn
apart and I don't mean torn as in broken. I mean torn as in DESTROYED!!!!
Hearing this little piece of information, you quietly think to yourself, So
now what I'm I going to do with this Weeble? Well, it's obvious. Give it
to your best mannered Neopet and if you only have one, then you'd better get
a real good refund on it. Because those things sure aren't cheap!
When I was first new to Neopets, I opened up my newbie pack and surprisingly
found a tiny, pink, paper Weeble and to tell you the truth-I had no idea what
it was. Sure, it paper but, how could be a petpet? I thought it was some type
of badly drawn toy for your petpet but I was surprised to learn that it was
a petpet. When I dropped down my drop list, I gave it to my second neopet named
I thought that he'd take good care of it, but I was wrong. Sure, he took good
care of it but he drew on him, he dropped water on him (I have no idea how many
times!) and he kept on annoying me with paper airplanes! A week later, I got
so angry that I finally laid down some laws and I hope that you, the owner of
the unruly Neopet, do the same thing too!
1. Don't throw them away on accident.
Sure, hard not to do. I mean, look at it, it's paper. So how can you not throw
the darn thing away thinking that it's homework or some creative piece of artwork
that your Neopet did for art class? Well, the first step is to probably put
his/her name on it. Shane named his Orei because well, he just likes the name
but anyway, that way it will let you and your Neopet know that it's not junk.
2. Don't get it wet.
I think that this might be one of the most important rules on here, along with
knowing how well you think you know your Neopet's well being (read on for that
rule). Now, I don't know about you, but I sure don't want Shane to have a wet
piece of paper for a pet. I love Orei, and if you love your Neopet's petpet,
then you'll listen up and try your very best to keep him/her away from the little
Neopet across the street, if you know what I mean.
3. Make sure your Neopet is safe enough first!
You made it from scratch, you brought it home and did your very best just to
make sure that it gets the learning it needs. You think that you know your pet,
but do you really know your pet that well enough to let it keep a pet of its
own? A pet that is made of a very, very, very thin and breakable structure called
paper? Neopets are all different and if you don't teach your Neopet to behave
and be careful, then you've wasted all of your neopoints on something that didn't
last very long at all.
4. Pick a nice one!
Grrrrrrrrr! OK, I know that papier mache petpets probably can't say anything
or do anything for that manner, I just want to let you know that petpets are
different and like your Neopet, they can probably snap at you if they could.
But what's the chance of that ever happening? *shifty eyes*
5. Don't doodle!
Okay, okay, I know that I talked about drawing on your little paper buddy there
up on the first rule of rules, but sometimes your Neopet's petpet will like
it when you doodle. But, they can be different so they may not. If your Neopet's
bored and can't think of anything to do, just move on and skip to something
else besides drawing on petpet paper! Remember, only do this if you have to,
like in rule one.
6. Feed 'em.
Don't just feed 'em, water them too! Remember, they can still eat and breathe
just like you and me. So make sure you tell your Neopet to feed and water the
little guy or its paper might turn...um, blue.
7. Careful!
When watering your petpet, just be sure to be careful when it's drinking. If
it or you spills something on its body, don't wipe it off or it'll rip. Ouch!
8. They can feel pain.
I'm not trying to sound gothic here, but let's face it. They may feel pain,
as in "Owww Jimmy! You knocked me in the nose with the tennis ball!" They can
also feel pain as in pain coming from the heart. Also known as guilt. So remember
when blaming your petpet for something it didn't do.
9. Ohhhhh, lala!
Make sure you sing or at least talk to your petpet. I'm sure that they'll enjoy
the music as much as you will. Talking doesn't make them feel lonely either.
I hate to admit it, but if you couldn't move your arms or your legs, you'd at
least want to be talked too! Right!
10. Love 'em.
Awwwww. The most important of all! This isn't really a rule, just something
that you'll probably do, though. Paper petpets are just as great as any other
pet. They may not talk back to you or swim. They also may not act as quite dumb
as a Spardel, but they will love you if you love them first.
I hope I showed you how neat and careful you should be when handling your petpet.
Follow these rules and I'm sure you won't forget them! See ya!