Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 118,221,339 Issue: 237 | 2nd day of Hunting, Y8
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Being Razul

by kitty_lover911262

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Decisions, decisions...

by obviousfakename


Night of Thade: Part One
It's not that I'm a loner. I'm nice to people, I have friends, and I'm not one of those scaredy-kadoaties who sits in their Neohome ALL DAY...

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The Misunderstoods- Are They REALLY Evil?
Right now, you are either thinking that I am crazy or that I am a villain and/or supporter of evil, evil, vicious things, and that the Ghost Lupe fits into this category. After all, he is in the Gallery of Evil, right? WRONG.

by shroomsrock101


Are you sure this is the right way?

Also by betazoid_telepath

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